Thursday, September 20, 2018

Select Committee makes 22 recommendations to deal with fake news threat to Singapore

Singapore “has been and can expect to be subject to foreign disinformation operations”, the report says.
 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
It was also given a confidential briefing by a security agency which provided information that “Singapore has indeed been the subject of foreign, state-sponsored disinformation campaigns”. 

READ: 'Some indicators' Singapore was target of information warfare recently, says academic

The report noted that besides disinformation campaigns, cyberattacks are part of a set of tools that external parties rely on to wage a kind of non-physical or “non-kinetic” warfare. And there have been a number of such online attacks against the country, including the one against healthcare provider SingHealth earlier this year, it added. 
Reasons for why Singapore remains an attractive target for such disinformation campaigns were also fleshed out. They include the alleged availability of the means and tools for such campaigns in the region that can easily be turned against the country. 
“For example, some national security experts pointed out that cyber armies which have been deployed to aid sectarian or political agendas exist in several of our neighbouring countries, which can easily be repurposed and deployed against Singapore,” the report stated. 

With these in mind, the committee recommended 22 measures to achieve the following objectives:
- Nurture an informed public
- Reinforce social cohesion and trust
- Promote fact-checking
- Disrupt online falsehoods
- Deal with threats to national security and sovereignty
“Ultimately, what is desired is a public that is informed and respects the facts, a society that is cohesive and resilient, and a people whose sovereignty and freedom are safeguarded,” the committee said.
Posted on :- 29 Mar 2018 10:02PM (Updated: 30 Mar 2018 04:27PM)

Ricky Lim ·
Social media is a double-edge sword.
Social media if used correctly can be used to shape National events and even World events.

(1) If used by bad guys, social media can cause havoc to a Country - 搞到天下大乱。
(2) If used by good guys, social media can be used to 普渡众生 - 造福人群。
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- March 3, 2017

ricky l 5 seconds ago
There are 2 aspects of cyber warriors that perform the role of cyber defense :-
(1) Protection of our IT infrastructure
(2) Psychological and ideological warfare - propagated through the cyber space.
ricky l
Reply 00
ricky l 15 seconds ago
The latest US election - demonstrate that social media are used in cyber space to influence the election result by foreign intelligence.

This is one aspect of cyber attack - that fringe on psychological and ideological warfare - that cross border and impact domestic views and change election result.

ricky l00
ricky l 8 seconds ago
Sophisticated software are used to do profiling, web crawl to do meta data search, data analytic are performed and ideologies, fake news, propaganda, scandalised news etc are spread to targeted audience - via the cyber space - to influence the election result.

This is a new dimension of cyber attack that brought down the US and change the election result.

Thus cyber defense - also need to encompass psychological and ideological warfare defense.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Now experts verify the power of psychological defense use via social media after having using it for 30 years.
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