(Updated: )
Maybe we can see the Minister pay this way :-
(1) Minister pay - million $
(1) Prevent corruption or other "non transparent income" - which can come from corruption means.
(2) Competitive pay - where Ministers are already holding jobs that pay them million $ or more.
(3) Sacrifice pay - where they lose their privacy, uncertainties contingent in election.
(4) Workload, huge responsibilities, impactful outcome - as it affect the whole Nation and everyone's livelihood. (bear in mind a CEO's decision affect thousands or hundreds of staff and shareholders' well beings) (a Minister's decision affect millions of people life in the Country).
(5) The risk of inability to get competent Ministers to run the Ministries and the Country - resulting in Singapore going down the hill.
(Everyone knows that a good CEO can bring good profit to the Company whereas an incompetent CEO can bring bankruptcy to the Company.
This is the same as the Ministers running the Ministries).
(1) Minister pay - million $
(1) Prevent corruption or other "non transparent income" - which can come from corruption means.
(2) Competitive pay - where Ministers are already holding jobs that pay them million $ or more.
(3) Sacrifice pay - where they lose their privacy, uncertainties contingent in election.
(4) Workload, huge responsibilities, impactful outcome - as it affect the whole Nation and everyone's livelihood. (bear in mind a CEO's decision affect thousands or hundreds of staff and shareholders' well beings) (a Minister's decision affect millions of people life in the Country).
(5) The risk of inability to get competent Ministers to run the Ministries and the Country - resulting in Singapore going down the hill.
(Everyone knows that a good CEO can bring good profit to the Company whereas an incompetent CEO can bring bankruptcy to the Company.
This is the same as the Ministers running the Ministries).
Eg. incompetent Ministers can have such consequences :-
(1) Plane cannot fly
(2) Ships cannot sail
(3) no VERs or SERs
(4) CPF total loss due to poor investment
(5) ships and planes don't hub in Singapore and go past Singapore
(6) money don't come to Singapore as financial hub
(7) don't trade with Singapore
(8) investment pull out of Singapore - and Singaporeans no business, no jobs
(1) Plane cannot fly
(2) Ships cannot sail
(3) no VERs or SERs
(4) CPF total loss due to poor investment
(5) ships and planes don't hub in Singapore and go past Singapore
(6) money don't come to Singapore as financial hub
(7) don't trade with Singapore
(8) investment pull out of Singapore - and Singaporeans no business, no jobs
(9) no clean water to drink
(10) no per capita income 3rd highest in the World
(11) singapore currency value collapse and no one want sing dollars
(12) property price drop
(13) healthcare standard drop - cannot treat patient
(14) education standard drop - engineer cannot maintain machine, doctor cannot treat patient, architect build house, bridges, tunnels that collapse, IT people build programs that fail now and then, electricity power and water fail etc.
(15) guns cannot shoot, missiles cannot fly, canon explode when fire etc etc.
(16) tourists don't come
(11) singapore currency value collapse and no one want sing dollars
(12) property price drop
(13) healthcare standard drop - cannot treat patient
(14) education standard drop - engineer cannot maintain machine, doctor cannot treat patient, architect build house, bridges, tunnels that collapse, IT people build programs that fail now and then, electricity power and water fail etc.
(15) guns cannot shoot, missiles cannot fly, canon explode when fire etc etc.
(16) tourists don't come
etc etc etc.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
The fastest way to bring down a company - is to pay peanuts to a CEO or the boss.
The fastest way to bring down a Country - is to pay peanuts to Ministers.
Pay peaunts you will get monkeys.
The fastest way to bring down a Country - is to pay peanuts to Ministers.
Pay peaunts you will get monkeys.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
If don't believe, you can :-
(1) underpay a cook - the cook will give you untasty food or food with "other ingredients - that you will vomit".
(2) underpay an engineer - guarantee your machine cannot work or don't work properly
(3) underpay a manager - guarantee your department will go haywire.
(4) underpay a boss or a CEO - guarantee that you will go out of jobs - because the company foldup.
(5) underpay a tailor - guarantee your shirt and pants you wear will be very uncomfortable and if you wear it and walk on the street - it will fall off.
(6) underpay an investment banker - guarantee your investment money will don't know go where and cannot recover.
(7) underpay an architect - guarantee your house will collapse on you.
(8) underpay an electrician - guarantee you will get electrocuted.
(9) underpay a contractor - guarantee your tiles will pop up, your cabinet door will fall apart, your bed, your chair, your table will break and fall.
etc etc.
--- Imagine you underpay the Ministers --- guarantee the Country will collapse.
(1) underpay a cook - the cook will give you untasty food or food with "other ingredients - that you will vomit".
(2) underpay an engineer - guarantee your machine cannot work or don't work properly
(3) underpay a manager - guarantee your department will go haywire.
(4) underpay a boss or a CEO - guarantee that you will go out of jobs - because the company foldup.
(5) underpay a tailor - guarantee your shirt and pants you wear will be very uncomfortable and if you wear it and walk on the street - it will fall off.
(6) underpay an investment banker - guarantee your investment money will don't know go where and cannot recover.
(7) underpay an architect - guarantee your house will collapse on you.
(8) underpay an electrician - guarantee you will get electrocuted.
(9) underpay a contractor - guarantee your tiles will pop up, your cabinet door will fall apart, your bed, your chair, your table will break and fall.
etc etc.
--- Imagine you underpay the Ministers --- guarantee the Country will collapse.
Like · Reply · 1m
Lucas Lim Hk
Ricky Lim
None of developed G7 has such high pay but still become a developed. The only surety of low salary is savings for this country n thus its people...self propagated bogeyman...only uneducated uncles believe such nonsense
None of developed G7 has such high pay but still become a developed. The only surety of low salary is savings for this country n thus its people...self propagated bogeyman...only uneducated uncles believe such nonsense
Reply · 18m
Lucas Lim Hk
So much talk of talents never see anyone of them who used to as head of Fortune 50 companies. The only real talent is self proclaiming talent.
Ricky Lim
Lucas Lim Hk - no need for you to believe. You unhappy your business not my business. No need to make you happy.
Majority believe is good enough. Majority happy is good enough. Majority well-being and well off is good enough.
The outcome of the Singapore Economy and wealth created is good enough.
(1) Singapore 3rd highest per capita income PPP in the World - only behind Luxemborg and Qatar.
(2) Soveregin Fund about $1 trillion
(3) More than 90% of house owners
(4) Low crime rate in the World
(5) Low mortality rate due to good healthcare
(6) High education standard in the World
etc etc
Need to make you believe and make you happy meh?
Majority believe is good enough. Majority happy is good enough. Majority well-being and well off is good enough.
The outcome of the Singapore Economy and wealth created is good enough.
(1) Singapore 3rd highest per capita income PPP in the World - only behind Luxemborg and Qatar.
(2) Soveregin Fund about $1 trillion
(3) More than 90% of house owners
(4) Low crime rate in the World
(5) Low mortality rate due to good healthcare
(6) High education standard in the World
etc etc
Need to make you believe and make you happy meh?
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Ricky Lim
Temasek Green - then can you do a Minister's job?
Just a simple question to determine whether you know about governance or not.
Pse illustrate in a simple sentence what make up the governance structure in Singapore - to see even if you are fit to be in the civil service or not?
Just a simple question to determine whether you know about governance or not.
Pse illustrate in a simple sentence what make up the governance structure in Singapore - to see even if you are fit to be in the civil service or not?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Talk - all are hero. (讲就天下无敌)
Do - all become zero. (做就有心无力)
Do - all become zero. (做就有心无力)
Like · Reply · 1m
Lucas Lim Hk
Ricky Lim
trillion fund - who can say so? GIC n temasek is private entity no one get to see theirs books.You their chairman or wat?How u know its worth trillions. Again only uneducated uncles count eggs that are not even in their own basket.
90% home owners....recently debating about whether its only rental. U so free reply so fast u specially hired to play defence here wan ah always see you play defence in many forum le
trillion fund - who can say so? GIC n temasek is private entity no one get to see theirs books.You their chairman or wat?How u know its worth trillions. Again only uneducated uncles count eggs that are not even in their own basket.
90% home owners....recently debating about whether its only rental. U so free reply so fast u specially hired to play defence here wan ah always see you play defence in many forum le
Ricky Lim
Temasek Green - then can you do a Minister's job?
Just a simple question to determine whether you know about governance or not.
Pse illustrate in a simple sentence what make up the governance structure in Singapore - to see even if you are fit to be in the civil service or not?
Just a simple question to determine whether you know about governance or not.
Pse illustrate in a simple sentence what make up the governance structure in Singapore - to see even if you are fit to be in the civil service or not?
Lucas Lim Hk
Ricky Lim
You writing in long paragraphs here and there and you ask ppl put in 1 simple sentence...very self serving indeed like civil service.
You writing in long paragraphs here and there and you ask ppl put in 1 simple sentence...very self serving indeed like civil service.
Ricky Lim
Lucas Lim Hk - Some smart people have already figure out why $1 trillion - as they are able to conceptualise, derive and see a bigger picture.
Will not response to your comments anymore - as what i say earlier - not my problem if you don't believe, and you are not happy - as i am not here to make you believe and make you happy.
Will rather spend my time productively in other more intellectual engagement.
Will not response to your comments anymore - as what i say earlier - not my problem if you don't believe, and you are not happy - as i am not here to make you believe and make you happy.
Will rather spend my time productively in other more intellectual engagement.
Ricky Lim
Simon Lim - if you can't even articulate the governance structure - wonder how can one be a Minister managing the elite civil service under you?
There are 3 primary functions that a Minister need to perform - that will impact everyone's lives.
They are more complicated than what a CEO do (who merely grow his business and make a profit).
Let see anyone can even articulate this 3 functions.
There are 3 primary functions that a Minister need to perform - that will impact everyone's lives.
They are more complicated than what a CEO do (who merely grow his business and make a profit).
Let see anyone can even articulate this 3 functions.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
No answer.
Must as well give the answer now - why Minister deserve the million $ pay/
Very high level Governance Structure under a Minister.
Ministers have 3 primary functions :-
(1) Administrative - supported by civil service - formulate policies and administrative details under the respective Ministries.
(2) Legislative - supported by civil service to enact law via Parliament
(3) Political - supported by political grassroots for domestic + diplomatic relationship with other Countries
(a) Parliamentary committee - cut across this 3 functions to complement and supllement policy making, legislatioon and political engagement
(b) Ad hoc - head committee of special interest
(c) Inter-Ministries - as issues often cut across domain.
(d) Engagement with interest bodies - eg. business, academic, expert, specialised, R&D bodies, professional bodies etc.
(e) Member of Parliament duties - eg. MP meet the people sessions, community activities etc.
(f) Responsibilites in Organ of State, Statutory Boards, Authority Bodies etc.
So you see the multiple roles and heavy responsibilities that a Minister carry - that impact a whole Nation's livelihood.
A CEO have so much responsibilities?
Must as well give the answer now - why Minister deserve the million $ pay/
Very high level Governance Structure under a Minister.
Ministers have 3 primary functions :-
(1) Administrative - supported by civil service - formulate policies and administrative details under the respective Ministries.
(2) Legislative - supported by civil service to enact law via Parliament
(3) Political - supported by political grassroots for domestic + diplomatic relationship with other Countries
(a) Parliamentary committee - cut across this 3 functions to complement and supllement policy making, legislatioon and political engagement
(b) Ad hoc - head committee of special interest
(c) Inter-Ministries - as issues often cut across domain.
(d) Engagement with interest bodies - eg. business, academic, expert, specialised, R&D bodies, professional bodies etc.
(e) Member of Parliament duties - eg. MP meet the people sessions, community activities etc.
(f) Responsibilites in Organ of State, Statutory Boards, Authority Bodies etc.
So you see the multiple roles and heavy responsibilities that a Minister carry - that impact a whole Nation's livelihood.
A CEO have so much responsibilities?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Every function, everyone that the Minister interacts with - are highly intelligent, elite, bright and smart --- and a Minister if of lesser intelligent - will have been overwhelmed by them.
eg. the scholars in the civil service,
the legislature lawmakers,
the parliamentary commitee members.
the academic professors,
the specialised, experts and R&D community members,
the overseas Ministerial and Government personnel etc.
If an underpay mediocre Minister got to lead these people, engage them, elicit opinions, formulate policies, argue it in Parliament, commnuicate to the People --- what do you think Singapore will become - this Minister will be overwhelmed, his ideas and policies demolished by smarter people - the whole Nation collapse.
Thus underpaying Ministers is a sure way to make the Country collapse.
So now do people think Ministers deserve their million dollar pay?
eg. the scholars in the civil service,
the legislature lawmakers,
the parliamentary commitee members.
the academic professors,
the specialised, experts and R&D community members,
the overseas Ministerial and Government personnel etc.
If an underpay mediocre Minister got to lead these people, engage them, elicit opinions, formulate policies, argue it in Parliament, commnuicate to the People --- what do you think Singapore will become - this Minister will be overwhelmed, his ideas and policies demolished by smarter people - the whole Nation collapse.
Thus underpaying Ministers is a sure way to make the Country collapse.
So now do people think Ministers deserve their million dollar pay?
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Ricky Lim
Henry Tan - you mean the 70% or 30%?
The result speak for itself - 70% don't share your view - is this the majority?
Your "not many people" - doesn't sounds like the majority.
The result speak for itself - 70% don't share your view - is this the majority?
Your "not many people" - doesn't sounds like the majority.
Like · Reply · 1m
Simon Lim
@RL, I tq for your reply. There is nothing great about governance structure because nothing is craved in stone. Regarding your so called "elite" civil service is nothing more than the hot air that it blows onto itself. I was a commando in the 70s and we called ourselves "elite" too but many years later and I look back, that was nothing more than a feel good title we bestowed upon ourselves. So, please cut away all your hot air son. At most, they only impress somple-minded people like you and nothing else.
Ricky Lim
Simon Lim - ask you about governance structure - you cannot describe.
After describing - you say nothing great.
Anyway 70% has express their view - this is what it counts.
Well i will end my comments on this thread - as there are no more intellectual engagement on this topic - except trivial, petty minded viewpoint that are not able to see the big picture.
After describing - you say nothing great.
Anyway 70% has express their view - this is what it counts.
Well i will end my comments on this thread - as there are no more intellectual engagement on this topic - except trivial, petty minded viewpoint that are not able to see the big picture.
Benjamin Lim
There may be falsehoods published but, it is a fact that a MR4 minister pay is 21.4 times the median income($51400) of full-time employed residents. And LHL will be at 42.8 times. Isn't the govt trying to tackle income inequality? From there actions, it seems that they are trying to widen it
Christopher Tan
It's not a very fair comparison to compare the median income of the average salaried worker in Singapore with that of a Minister who runs the country. They are of different levels.
Simon Lim
@CT, I disagree. It is natural that jobs are of different levels but to give that too much weightage is so simple-minded. Politics is not just another job. There is a "Sacrificial and Serving" elements to it and we must not forget that and which must be factored into when discussing about political salaries in order that discussions can be meaningful. The final quantum has to be a balsnced and objective judgement call after taking all that and more into consideration.
Lau Lan Chu
Simon Lim How much salary you drawing? You sound very sour grape and rant a lot. I suggest you don't think about it and be jealous you will live better, seriously. Anyway I would think your tax money go very little into their salary contribution. So no worries.
Dave Tan
What is the cap for Performance Bonus, Variable Component and National Bonus?
Which the "factually wedsite" did mention anything about the cap, so that's meant there is NO CAP.
Now, let use a bit common sense. If there is no maximum cap for the variable pay, how do they get the annual salary of a MR4 Minister at $1.1 million???
Who is issuing falsehoods?
Which the "factually wedsite" did mention anything about the cap, so that's meant there is NO CAP.
Now, let use a bit common sense. If there is no maximum cap for the variable pay, how do they get the annual salary of a MR4 Minister at $1.1 million???
Who is issuing falsehoods?
Michael Lee
For those who still dont understand about the official stand on Salary matters, let me sum it up in English that you can understand. 1) When it comes to the ordinary citizen, the gov feels that your salary must be keep at low as possible to stay competitive so that you can comtinue to keep your job. 2) When it comes to the Ministers and political appointments, you need to pay them hugh amount of money, without which no capable people would be interested to go into politics; and without them you would not have a well run Singapore and you will have no jobs, no HDB flats to live in, no water to …See More
Lau Lan Chu
What we can say we are in different league. We can question why CEO is paid millions and why we are only paid average income. Our government belief is we trying to woo CEO calibre to rule and run our country, and that's what GCT trying to say. A person of income of 500k less is mediocre and cannot rule.
Reply · 2h
Simon Lim
@LLC, you have blindly sucked too much of pap's koyok and parroting what that mindless GCT said without thinking. I quote you, "A person of income of 500k less is mediocre and cannot rule". Do you have any idea at all how much is Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe's prime annual salary, or UK's prime minister's Thersea May's annual salary or Germany's Angela Merkel's annual salary or even former US president Bill Clinton's annual salary etc. It is no understatement to say that it is suckers like you who keep greedy and incompetent politicians in power. You really don't seem very smart to me. Go home and suck some milk and hopefully that can make you smarter. Remember to suck harder and be a good sucker.
Henry Tan
Michael, that is the line the current administrators what you to take and it is plain wrong. By this reasoning the people of many advanced economies whose leaders receive far less do not get water, jobs and are in primitive 3rd world conditions. You cannot go far driving forward using only the rear mirror. Think, unless of course you are only singing someone else's script.
Dave Tan
Funny! Why Channel NewAsia deleted all negative comments??
Lam Ah Kao
Because it's a state media(own by Temasek Holdings). They don't want people like you to think otherwise but accept the narrative the state media presents to you.
In short, they want to brainwash YOU and control your mind like how First Chinese Emperor burned away books to stop any form rebellion.
In short, they want to brainwash YOU and control your mind like how First Chinese Emperor burned away books to stop any form rebellion.

Raymond CH Chan
You cannot debunk without showing us the numbers, data, the break down etc.
Debunk? By trying to explain it away?
Debunk? By trying to explain it away?
Ivy Goh
The elected Govt won’t need to debunk any ‘falsehoods’ if it honest and transparent, right? To be honest and transparent, ministerial remuneration information and statistics should be published at least annually on a known Govt website for this purpose. Details should include simple and clear explanations of how exactly bonuses are computed (e.g. economic performance in the Annual Variable Component and National Bonus seem to overlap). If political office-holders are correctly serving SG Citizens (instead of themselves), declaring and publishing their remuneration should not be a problem at all - they are not a private company! The question for the electorate is whether SG political office-holders deserve such remuneration taking into consideration worldwide benchmarks.
Yi Yong Ke
Just pay them lah... why make so much of a fuss... they are not corrupt. the pay is transparent.
Henry Tan
All these are unnecessary if the PM had been advised to answer the NMP questions forthrightly. The NMP question was specific about Cabinet Minsters. The answer provided data for Political Office Holders, not Cabinet Ministers. Lack of transparency only raises the suspicion that it was an attempt to water down the real numbers. Factually can do better by publishing data that addresses the NMP' question rather than claiming Fake News which are calculations based on one's reading of the incomplete data.
Nick Lai
Don't forget
Neymar Salary is ONE MILLION EURO week
I hope you know who Neymar is.
Now I am not sure how much MAN U pay him
Per Gudiora 20 MILLION pound a year after extending the contract.
You know who are the above, what job they do? Neymar , Jose Marino, Pep Gudiora
Neymar Salary is ONE MILLION EURO week
I hope you know who Neymar is.
Now I am not sure how much MAN U pay him
Per Gudiora 20 MILLION pound a year after extending the contract.
You know who are the above, what job they do? Neymar , Jose Marino, Pep Gudiora
Joshua Sim
Ya I know. They take care of men's balls
Reply · 1h
Eddie Lim
Not just super high pay is given to sg ministers n mos n many many many super scale civil servants of various ministries n govt bd n agencies, but very high pay is also given to non civil servants in various GLCs ...and also relatively high pay of many average civil servants compare to average pay of singaporeans ..... and all this is critical to prevent corruption.... no choice..... so pls dont keep debating about ministers' pay if nobody cares about high pay of so many others haha
Like · Reply · 42m
Michael Lee
After so many years, and with all the justification presented by the government, why do you think that the people are still unable to be convinced that the Ministers in parliament should be paid such salaries?? Surely there must be valid reasons and not merely due to petty, small minded jealousy. If the salary indeed is so justifiable....why then had an downward adjustment not so long ago. If all the Ministers are top CEOs quality, shouldnt we see them scooped up by the multi-national corporation after they left parliament rather than placement within the government controlled ones ? If ministers salary is pegged to private pay scale, then why are retired ministers get to enjoy life time full pension? I would like to know which corporation paid their past CEOs full pension for life. And why no one seems to question why when the penison scheme was scrapped nation wide long time ago.....but became the exclusive priviledge of the few ministers?? Can some one please justify it for me please. Thank you.
Like · Reply · 22m
Vidhya Devendra
To be transparent, publish the full pay, allowance, bonus or any forms of payments received by Ministers in the course of their work. This will address any falsehoods and
let the voters to decide whether the Ministers worth the monies being paid
let the voters to decide whether the Ministers worth the monies being paid
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