Tuesday, September 18, 2018

NEA, Alphabet Inc's Verily team up to fight dengue with AI
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/nea-alphabet-inc-s-verily-team-up-to-fight-dengue-with-ai-10731556

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
If this male Wolbachia mosquitoes that mate with female one to produce sterile eggs that cannot hatch - it means that the aedes mosquitoes will be wipe out - because no more offsprings will be produced - while the lifespan of the adult mosquitoes is only about a few weeks.

Thus it could be possible to eradicate dengue fever in Singapore.
Tan Koo Koo
Couple years back, millions of dollars were awarded to a company, in a campaign to fight dengue.

Now, they are yet spending more, with impotent males so females can still mate and not reproduce fertile eggs.

So, what next? How about, using baits to wipe out mosquitoes? No such baits?

Baits, not fumigation. Fumigation doesnt work else we wont be having alarming dengue cases year after year.
Kumar Hemant
The dengue modeling was done by IBM Research using compartmental modeling, thats the prevalent and most state of the art technique at the time when the corporate did. I was part of it, we did good job.

Ricky Lim
Kumar Hemant - So is Verily using IBM Research compartmental modeling - to separate the male and female mosquitoes?
Peter Yeung
Sell the Wolbachia mosquito in NTUC, then everyone can help to fight dengue.
Chellapah Maydin
Why play with nature.release more drangonfly whuch are natural predators of mosquito and each can eradicate 100 mosquito per day some statics read on paper

Ricky Lim
Chellapah Maydin - Even with extensive fumigation plus natural prey such as dragonfly allowed to operate freely - dengue fever outbreak is still rampant in Singapore.

However, with this male mosquito that cause sterile eggs that will not hatch - look like the dengue outbreak is more and more controlled.
Ricky Lim
Dragonflies and fumigation can remove all female mosquitoes and just let one go.
This one can lay hundred over eggs - and hundred over new female mosquitoes will cause havoc again. It become an endless game.

Thus to eradicate female mosquitoes at the source - by letting them produce sterile eggs - will ensure no more female mosquitoes will breed to cause dengue fever.

Ram Prasad
Instead of using all this corporate and spend so much of money NEA should start checking all the back lane DRAINS of little India,geylang, China town and all other old shop houses as all this drains was built very long time ago and they are choked and now they become breading grounds for all the mosquitos and Rats but NEA officers are too lazy to work they will blame everyone except themself

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