Saturday, September 1, 2018

Historian Thum Ping Tjin 'does not wish Singapore well': MP Seah Kian Peng

 (Updated: )

Member of Parliament (MP) Seah Kian Peng on Saturday (Sep 1) said it was "quite clear" that Thum Ping Tjin "does not wish Singapore well".
In his Facebook post, Mr Seah added that he was "amazed that Dr Thum and his supporters should proclaim that Singapore is part of Malaysia (or Malaya)".

Mr Seah was referring to a Facebook post Dr Thum made on Friday, which appeared to suggest that Singaporeans should celebrate Malaysia's independence day.
"Selamat Hari Merdeka to the people of the former Federation of Malaya!(and happy unofficial independence day to the people of Singapore!)," Dr Thum wrote in the post.
Is this Thum Ping Tjin still holding Singaporean citizenship?

If yes, he is a traitor - and he seems to have committed treason.

This go for the same as Teo Soh Lung.
During the meeting, Dr Thum urged Dr Mahathir to "take the lead in lobbying for the promotion of democracy and freedom of expression and inquiry in Southeast Asia".
He subsequently made the following remarks: “I felt Malaysia is in a unique opportunity to really be a beacon of democracy in the region."
Tan added: "Personally, I am very grateful for this open, democratic space that Tun Mahathir’s government has opened and it’s a beacon for many who are struggling for democracy. Not just in Singapore but in other parts of Southeast Asia.”
“I think (Singapore) will be very concerned, not because I met with Dr Mahathir, but the fact that the prime minister is prepared to share his views about democracy and to enhance the development of democracy in the region.
This political activists Teo Soh Lung, Dr Thum, along with Tan Wah Piow, author Sonny Liew, as well as activists Kirsten Han and Jolovan Wham - are actively instigating and provoking this Dr M - to export "democracy" to all South East Asian Countries.

Government of SE Asian Countries should take note of these poitical activists political ambition and their motivation - as well as Dr M's role.
Tokay OH
Ricky Lim Of all people Dr Thum approached Dr M to promote democracy and freedom of expression.
Ricky Lim
Tokay OH - Singapore Sovereignty and Singapore future should be determine by Singaporeans.

Our interests should not be put in the hands of foreigners - and all the more a foreign PM who has not at the best intention for Singapore.

Singaporeans must close rank to prevent such foreign intervention and worst brought about by traitors.

Because if Singaporeans don't close rank - we will fall and fail --- this is exactly what this old man and these traitors want to see.

They are making mockery of themselves by inviting a racist and a dictator Dr M to the democracy conference. That one reason why WP never associated with them.

The five patriotic Singaporeans find it their mission to make Singapore a freer society and liberate the many Singaporeans who are struggling with democracy under a govt who were voted in by 70% of the population. Their hero and idol now is the old diehard exPM who created the corrupt BN but now has to do a comeback to destroy it with the help of a fragile coliation with the oppositions. And the people are so happy and proud that Dr M has delivered a second Independence day to a broken Malaysia instead of a boleh Malaysia. Just as reported in the Malaysia Chronicle, IF ONLY DR M HAD SEEN THE WISDOM OF TUNKU’S ‘LIVE & LET LIVE’ EARLIER, PERHAPS MALAYSIA COULD HAVE BEEN SPARED THE LONG & CIRCUITOUS ROUTE TO ITS ‘SECOND INDEPENDENCE’ TODAY. What goes around, comes around.

Now these five patriots, after hearing Dr M said Singapore must be tired of same old government, are telling Singaporeans to mimic our northern neighbour..
Actually what has this Dr M done that has make Malaysia a success - that need Singapore to emulate Malaysia?

Malaysia is now full of failing examples - there is nothing for Singapore to emulate or for other South East Asian Countries to emulate.

In fact this poor Dr M have to go to Indonesia, Japan and China to beg for help in building a car industry for Malaysia.

Got 28 fighter planes that cannot fly - only 4 can fly but don't know can fight or not.
Submarines cannot sail.
Debt, scandals all over the place - and have to beg China and Singapore to have mercy to cancel or defer big projects - because no money.

What are all these goondos expect Singapore and SE Asian Countries - to follow this old man examples?

Really a mockery of democracy - to emulate the failure.

If the government is voted by 70% of Singaporeans what so undemocratic about this? Maybe you can enlighten your definition of democracy.

i am a msian who understood what is malay chauvinism since i was 9 years old. when kids quarrel, and if they happen to be between a malay and a non malay .. it almost always descend into shouts of go back to china, go back to india, and go back to the kampung.

these singaporeans are real dumbfucks who may be educated but are truly dumb, and obviously sly. every honest person can see he is still a malay chauvinist who is only interested in championing for the malays. the non malays have always been 'they' and 'the others'. i believe these traitors know .. but sleeping with the enemy is nothing to them. shameful!
Thum Ping Tjin - TRAITOR OF SINGAPORE. Under Malaysia, Singaporeans will suffer.
Eric Foo
Dr M promoting democracy in SE Asia region? Wait till he abolished the bumiputra policy first
Pigmoon K
Actually when did Singapore first got independent from UK ?? Anyone?
Tan Kwong Moh
Maybe different people have different opinion (thinking) that is all about????
Thum has a secret agenda. But he won’t succeed.

Zenon Ng
i would be happy if Thum Ping Tjin revoke his citizenship. Maybe he can stay in Malaysia or something since he finds it greener there.
Hlt Tan
Singapore is part of Malaysia?must be kidding! obviously, a fake new!
Singapore has alrdy been an independent country for 53 years n its independency also has been recoganised by UN n countries all over the world since 1965 . wondering how he got his doctorate for history?
Since when Dr. M became the champion of democracy? just look at his track record of 30years of being malaysia PM in last centry. Racial politic was his core policy in his government of Malaysia.
do not forget the saying: leopard never changes its spots.
Lynn Lee
There is 1 event in 1957 that malaysia got indepence and Singapore on 31 Aug, but its still malaya and not malaysia

Then another event in 1963 31 aug that singapore join malaya together with sabah and sarawak and become malaysia that away from british rule.

Then 1965 we out on 9 aug totally independent

I think Dr Thum is not exactly wrong as 31 aug is first step towards total independence
Thomas Tay
Ricky Lim are you that damn sure that you will station yourself to the frontline in any circumstances or eventualities or mouth only
Christopher Bong
Ricky Lim no one said to emulate Malaysia, those five are simply asking Malaysia after defeating BN to spread democracy to SEA. Also, what is wrong with Singaporeans wishing our neighbours “happy merdeka day”? That was exactly what I did for my friends there. I strongly feel that there should be more democracy and freedom here and that with the current PAP, Singapore is getting very claustrophobic and heading in the wrong direction.
Mohammad Ivan
Christopher Bong Siege mentality,,
Thomas Tay
Ricky Lim I beg to differ,they are new govt and have bulky stoic regulars with large numbers and volunteers regiments and we NS and some others only perhaps we should learn to be more accommodative eh?
Thomas Tay
Christopher Bong Amen
Ricky Lim
Christopher Bong, Lynn Lee - This is not about siege mentality, not about history lesson nor is it about political party.

It is about endangering Singapore Sovereignty as a Nation and about compromising Singapore's interest - ie. every Singaporean's interest.
Ricky Lim
It is all about the following simple fact :-
(1) Dr M - has no good intention about Singapore nor do he want Singapore to do well.
a. He keep harping about revising water prices - that is enshrine in agreement that he cannot do so.

(2) Dr M - want to U turn all international sign agreement - such as HSR that will cause us to incur loss.

(3) Dr M - want to propose a new link to Pulau Ubin - with no economic values to us - but cause us to incur unnecessary expenses.

(4) Dr M - has say that Singapore should emulate him to overturn the Government.

(5) In the past, Dr M - has threaten to cut our water supply and many unhappy events that threaten our survival and well beings.

And all these misgiving Singaporeans - are trying to say that "Singapore is part of Malaysia" --- which in effect give this Dr M bullets to bring harm to Singapore, Singaporeans and Singaporean interests.

Based on your comments plus some in this board supporting both Dr M and these few Singaporeans actions --- are you supporting what they are doing to harm Singapore and Singaporean's interests ?

Ricky Lim
And these Dr M plus these few misgiving Singaporeans - who want to organise events to export Dr M's "beacon of democracy" to all SE Asian Government --- ie. to overtly subvert the SE Asian Government.

And are you all supporting their actions?

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