Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Trump: UN wasn't 'laughing at me'
27 Sep 2018 08:02AM
Ricky Lim
Trump: UN wasn't 'laughing at me'
Actually, the UN was laughing at Trump.
In fact the whole World is laughing at Trump and US voters who voted Trump as their President - for being the "Biggest Clown on Earth".
Jm Chow
The laughter I heard (over the youtube video) when Trump spoke at the UN General Assembly, I am sure ...was not laughing at someone else....

If you asked those who laughed,.... they will point their fingers at Trump.

Were they laughing WITH Trump?
No. Trump was not laughing at that time nor was he joking when he spoke .

No amount of denial from Trump...will change the truth that Trump is no longer respected, no longer regarded as the world leader who could lead them economic prosperity and world peace. (They can see Trump bullied Canada, bullied Mexico, bullied China)
'America first' is not what they expect from a US alienated them...they are disappointed.
Nov 18 is a critical time for the world.
Laughter or not laughter not important actually.
Razzy Failagao
I totally agree with you Jm.
Taggerson Jade
JM Chow Weren't you recently gushing and fawning about Trump over Obama recently? Finally realized the error in your thinking ah 😆
Xanzee Hotenmal
Must sway and bend with the tide mah XD
Jm Chow
When Trump is right... I said so.
When Trump is wrong ... I said so.

Only brainwashed fools will have fixated views.
Xanzee Hotenmal
Jm Chow You should practice by pointing out when you yourself were wrong then. For example, you were 100% wrong about that cyclists never having aused serious injuries or deaths before XD

Cos only a brainwashed fool will have a fixated view, right lol
Taggerson Jade
Jm Chow

lol I guess that means your views on repealing 377A are subject to change then. If not, you are a brainwashed fool.

Slapping fools with facts is entertaining. But slapping them with their own words, priceless.
Melvin Ang
Jm Chow wouldn't that mean you have been wrong all this time?
Taggerson Jade
"We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!"

~Donald J Trump, Aug 9, 2014

Trump attempted to insult Obama back then. Karma lol
Nov 18 then we can decide who will laughs in tears.
Eddie Lim
Aiyo, the laughter consists of 3 groups lah : 1)mocking at trump 2)supporting trump 3)laughing cos others laughing..
Harry Lim
Laugh, and the whole world laughs with you. Except that Trump wasn't laughing when the whole world laughed AT him.

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