Monday, September 3, 2018

MP Seah Kian Peng apologises for wrongly assuming Teo Soh Lung is an SDP member

 (Updated: )

Jeyabalen Balasingam
Dr.Seah, how about apologising for your disappointing below the belt unfounded remark about Dr. Thum's loyalty? We would however also like to invite you to furnish evidence to back up your remarks last Thursday if you refuse to apologise. This is a mantra that your party always trumpets when they are criticised. I cannot understand why the word democracy seems to evoke fear and horror amongst the PAP.
Ricky Lim
Jeyabalen Balasingam - I am surprise you support Thum action against Singapore and Singaporean's interest.
It is not democracy that evoke fear.

It is this Thum words and actions that say "Singapore is part of Malaysia" and inviting this Dr M who consistently has been harming Singapore's interest as a "beacon of democracy of SE Asia" - that invoke the outcry of harming the interest of Singapore and Singaporeans.

I am surprise you are supporting this Thum's effort.

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