Sunday, September 2, 2018

‘Ridiculous and unfounded’: Thum Ping Tjin on notion that he is a traitor

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
In a Facebook post, Dr Thum said: “Any notion that I am a traitor to my country is ridiculous and unfounded. I love my country and my people.
Did he celebrate Singapore National Day on 9 Aug?
But why he celebrate Malaysia independence day on 31 Aug - and say "Singapore is part of Malaysia"? --- If he say he love Singapore?

Why is he doing this to harm Singapore - knowing the this Dr M want to increase our water price, cut our water, want to overturn our Government and cause miseries to Singaporeans, supporting this Dr M who have cause many monetary losses to Singaporeans such as levying RM$100,000 to Singapore owners of Malaysia properties, Clob ownership of Malaysia share etc....
Ricky Lim
This Dr Thum want Singapore and Singaporeans - to be ruled by this Dr M, a mediocre politicians (suggesting Singapore is part of Malaysia) who care less about Singapore interest - and want Singapore to die without water?

Is this love for Singapore - or he want Singapore to be slave of Malaysia?

If this is not a traitor - then what is?

Ricky Lim
Dr Thum say "Malaysia is now a beacon of hope for democracy in Southeast Asia, and I expressed to Dr Mahathir the hope that many of us feel. "
Last Thursday's meeting between the activists and Dr Mahathir was organised with the help of Malaysian political activist, Hishammuddin Rais, who was present and is also part of dissident Tan’s organisation - Forces for the Renewal of Southeast Asia.

a group of Singapore activists – led by Dr Thum and political dissident Tan Wah Piow - and the Malaysian leader.
The group included freelance journalist Kirsten Han, civil rights activist Jolovon Wham and graphic novelist Sonny Liew. At the meeting, Dr Mahathir was invited to speak at a democracy conference next year.
A day after his meeting with Dr Mahathir, Dr Thum posted on Facebook saying he had asked the Malaysian prime minister to take a leading role in promoting democracy and freedom of expression in Southeast Asia.
ASEAN Government has to take note that this Dr Thum (political activist) of Singapore and this Malaysian political activist, Hishammuddin Rais, --- are getting Dr Mahathir --- as "beacon of democracy" to offer democratic right and change to ASEAN Government.

So ASEAN Government be aware and be alert of this political organisation movement.
Tokay OH
I think Dr Thum and company should start fighting for a freer society and more democracry for North Korea first and then Russia. I will be convinced and have more respect for his conviction and moives then.
Yury Averkiev
Tokay, stop watching CNN. There is nothing wrong with democracy in Russia. And those so called local "democracy activists", I hope they won't find much support here in Singapore.
Ricky Lim
I think it is better to let the citizens of their respective Countries to decide their Government - and not interfere in other people's politics.

The reason, no one has a right to decide the Government on behalf of other citizens in other Countries.

This Dr Thum. and this few Singaporeans and Malaysians political activists by pulling Dr M to interefere in other Countries Government and politics - claiming "beacon of democracy" - is stepping into a dangerous political taboo that contravene ASEAN principles of non-interference 
in one another internal politics.
Yi Yong Ke
How about calling Indonesia President, Myanmar President, China President Xi?
Do we need copy-cats in Singapore?
Better learn to sing the anthem,
Negara Ku now.
Chee Bah Lau
Dr Thum has unfortunately lost touch with Singaporeans more so than the garmen.....
Ho Chee Keong
lets have a national referendum to revoke his citizenship.
teach him a lesson in democracy.
Roland Yeo
TPJ unlikely the previous episode you had with Shanmugan, this time round most Singaporeans will not be taking your side. Pls reflect on your actions and words you said. You may be in awe with Mahathir but most Singaporeans don't share your sentiments.
Weng Cheng Ye
Shit for brain Thum Ping Tjin, nobody will believe you now if illiterate like me has lost faith in you. Engaging your country's worst historical enemy for whatever reason involving your country's matters is unacceptable.
Joe Ho
Throw this shit stirrer in jail for good.

Edward Haxor
He celebrates 31st August Malaysia independence day? No wonder he so on this matter. Just go back to your Malaysia, we dont need people like you. Now Year 2018, we enjoying prosperity, dont need revolution, dont need civil war. You want those? Go Afghanistan volunteer.
Goh Jon Hin
Who give you the right to wish "happy unofficial independence day to the people of Singapore" on 31st Aug which means nothing to SG?
Poi Pat
In order to have a democratic country, citizens have to be educated on the merits of democracy such as prevention of corruption by the government. Some still think NK Kim is the best friend and thus embrace his ideology in running the country.

Tony Nat
Thum’s ridiculous insinuation that Malaysia’s Independence Day August 31 is the "unofficial independence day to the people of Singapore" is wrong. Singapore (together with Cocos island until 1955 and Christmas island until 1958) was a separate British crown colony from 1946 to 1963. Thus Singapore was never part of the Federation of Malaya’s independence on 31 August 1957. The Federation of Malaya, which existed from 1 February 1948 until 16 September 1963, had been formed from 9 Malay Peninsula states (Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang) and from 2 British Straits Settlements (Penang and Malacca). Singapore gained independence from Britain on 16 September 1963 when it joined the federation of Malaysia. Singapore became an independent sovereign nation only on 9 August 1965.

Lau Lan Chu
He thinks we are all 3 years old kids. Together with the activities go north meet up with Dr M urging him to bring democracy to SEA and they are non other than Singaporean. Actions speak louder than any other. Not traitor? Fool who? Really hope ISA show no mercy. We are pretty lenient now compare to LKY era. We got to kill one to silence the others.
Tony Nat
Ironically, the revisionist historian Thum could have learned from Mahathir about Singapore's history with communism. Declassified U.S. government records prove that, in 1963, Malaya’s leaders told the U.S. president that Singapore was facing a real communist threat: “The U.S. President (John F. Kennedy) then asked about the situation in Singapore, especially the racial composition of the Singapore Communists and the percentage of Communists among the Singapore Chinese. He asked what the Singapore Communists were trying to do. Tun Razak (then Malaya’s deputy prime minister and later Malaysia’s PM 1970-76) replied that most of the Singapore Communists were Chinese and he estimated that about 30% of the Singapore Chinese have Communist orientation. In his opinion the Communists are endeavoring to seize control of the city-state of Singapore and make it a Communist bastion in Southeast Asia—a sort of Cuba. He added that creation of the new Federation of Malaysia was the only effective means of fighting that Communist effort. He added that the Malayan Government was convinced that coexistence with the Communists was impossible and that it was necessary to fight them constantly.” (from U.S. State Department’s Office Of The Historian: Historical Documents: Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XXIII, Southeast Asia: Document 331 Memorandum of Conversation: Washington, April 24, 1963 )
Paul Tan
Singapore's MPs please do not embroil in this kind of politics, let the ministers handle this. MP should use all their available time and resources to help people and don't get distracted. Many Singaporean are facing a challengeing timetime and do not like to see their MP get distracted with this kind worthless foreigners and irrelevant politics.
Zaini Jamil
Eversince when me Singaporean is his ppl??
Engchai Tan
He will be hang if he say something like this in North Korea.
Let Singaporean be the judge whether or not he IS a traitor.

Angie Huang
...I wonder why mahathir did not invite you or I to meet him on Malaysia independence day but invited TPT under MEIO payroll...
Foong Mun Loh
traitor got benefits mah.......maybe one day can also become Prime Minister or President hor..........
Philip Chan
Malaysia's experiences are not suitable for Singapore, traitor!
Eddie Lim
One question, Dr Thum are u Singaporean or Malaysian?
Michael Shu
Thum when u crossed sword with Shan in the past i think highly of u. But now i despise u n the others for colluding with the 93 yrs prata king who always brutally bully n belittle Sgp. It is time u shd self revoke your citizenship.
George Lim
Please don't be paranoid. It's only polite to wish our neighbours well? Don't our political leaders also wish them well? Malaysia or Malaya. ..what's the scream?
Jack Parker
He said he loves Singapore but he nv post any wishes Happy National day on 9th Aug but wishes Malaysia on 31st Aug. Worst he said 31st Aug is Singaporean unofficial independence day.

So he loves Malaysia or Singapore?
Tay Steven
TPT is very stupid.. Now he become no. 1 enemy of many Singaporeans.
Desmond Ow
I think we should not call Thum and the rest as traitors but maybe clowns or fools. They think that what they are doing is actually for the good of Singapore and Singaporeans? To go outside Singapore and invited another old clown to speak about democracy and hope that that old clown is lead Singapore to glory? Fools! I really hope that they stop their nonsense and stop disgracing Singaporeans!
Stella Wong
So changing government equates democracy?

The current ruling party has been given 70% mandate by the people
This is democracy.

If democracy means for a must to alternate between ruling and opposition parties every GE despite however incompetent the opposition is

I would rather forgo democracy lol and voting for incompetence is not on merit
Andrew Wang
Why can't this TPT keep his mouth shut since he cannot speak anything that is right ? Quite simple to do so, no need phd to do it.
Tan Kwong Moh
Better don't give wrong information and misleading the public....

Paul Tan
Singapore's MPs please do not embroil in this kind of politics, let the ministers handle this. MP should use all their available time and resources to help people and don't get distracted. Many Singaporean are facing a challengeing timetime and do not like to see their MP get distracted with this kind worthless foreigners and irrelevant politics.
Jack Parker
The MP is showing concern as a citizen too. MP is no different from us.
Showing concern is caring too for the people of Singapore. He is doing his job.
Eugene Soon
Everyday talk abt challenging time, money no enough la, so expensive to live in Spore , so many poor old people, etc....everywhere i go I see ppl eat expensive good food, drink beer like water, drive car that cost at least 60k just to office n back home, now school holiday i see many ppl on street n on mrt pushing their travel trolley bag...
Lau Lan Chu
Eugene Soon quite true. I always see uncles drinking beer in coffee shop everywhere and sweet talk with beer lady . Life is so though huh?
Zaini Jamil
Eversince when me Singaporean is his ppl??
Jack Parker
Precisely. I have the same thought too.
Kianpheng Ong
He already thinks he is the boss.
Engchai Tan
He will be hang if he say something like this in North Korea.
Let Singaporean be the judge whether or not he IS a traitor.
Lau Lan Chu
In older China he and his whole family and 9 clans will be executed.
Angie Huang
...I wonder why mahathir did not invite you or I to meet him on Malaysia independence day but invited TPT under MEIO payroll...
Lau Lan Chu
They are pawns mah. Insiders that could be used. So damn obvious.
Foong Mun Loh
traitor got benefits mah.......maybe one day can also become Prime Minister or President hor..........
Philip Chan
Malaysia's experiences are not suitable for Singapore, traitor!
Eddie Lim
One question, Dr Thum are u Singaporean or Malaysian?
Michael Shu
Thum when u crossed sword with Shan in the past i think highly of u. But now i despise u n the others for colluding with the 93 yrs prata king who always brutally bully n belittle Sgp. It is time u shd self revoke your citizenship.
Lau Lan Chu
Glad you see his true face. He looks like the general that open the gate for the Manchurian that caused the downfall of Meng dynasty .
George Lim
Please don't be paranoid. It's only polite to wish our neighbours well? Don't our political leaders also wish them well? Malaysia or Malaya. ..what's the scream?
Jack Parker
He said he loves Singapore but he nv post any wishes Happy National day on 9th Aug but wishes Malaysia on 31st Aug. Worst he said 31st Aug is Singaporean unofficial independence day.

So he loves Malaysia or Singapore?
Lau Lan Chu
Not paranoid as don't think he can do anything harmful. If feel disgusted we have such despicable Singaporean.
Tay Steven
TPT is very stupid.. Now he become no. 1 enemy of many Singaporeans.
Lau Lan Chu
PhD? Permanent Head Damage maybe.
Desmond Ow
I think we should not call Thum and the rest as traitors but maybe clowns or fools. They think that what they are doing is actually for the good of Singapore and Singaporeans? To go outside Singapore and invited another old clown to speak about democracy and hope that that old clown is lead Singapore to glory? Fools! I really hope that they stop their nonsense and stop disgracing Singaporeans!
Lau Lan Chu
Seriously I felt insulted and ashamed. Hope he denounced his citizenship and FO.
Stella Wong
So changing government equates democracy?

The current ruling party has been given 70% mandate by the people
This is democracy.

If democracy means for a must to alternate between ruling and opposition parties every GE despite however incompetent the opposition is

I would rather forgo democracy lol and voting for incompetence is not on merit
Kianpheng Ong
Well ,thum and his gang assume majority of Singaporean are politically immature.He is trying so hard to drum up some Singaporean emotions up and overthrow our govt .maybe he is using dr m to path himself to rule spore.
Andrew Wang
Why can't this TPT keep his mouth shut since he cannot speak anything that is right ? Quite simple to do so, no need phd to do it.
Tan Kwong Moh
Better don't give wrong information and misleading the public....
Yu Lingyao
I look through thum ping tjin facebook page and he didn't even wish Happy National day on 9th Aug to Singaporeans and yet he happily wishes Malaysia Independence day on 31 Aug and even cajole Singaporeans to acknowledge 31 Aug as our unofficial independence day. That pretty much says everything about his ill intention towards Singapore.
Bikes N Likes
He must be dreaming to think BN=PAP
Kenny Sting
I guess he is bearing a grudge against our government whom had caused his reputation as a historian to fall off the cliff......- personnel thing to me now.

If he really serious about preaching democracy, human rights etc.. in thsis region , there are some countries on the far north are seriously violating it...So why is he keeping mum ???
Alan Tyc
A few correction - first, you do not represent Singapore. Secondly, we are not your people, you do not have the right to call us "My people"? We are not your subject. Thirdly, meeting Dr M and get him involve in our internal affair is a red line, as one fellow Singaporean "Abang" taxi driver told me, when Singapore is poor, we have to drink "longkang" drain water to survive, did they gave us free water? Back then a few sen is a lot money, the pioneer struggle to pull it through; just because we are better off now doesn't mean that we should negotiate. This a matter of Singapore dignity and sovereignty. If you don't even understand this what is the value you can bring to the table in the name of democracy
ChicKerdi Ling
After what he did to Anwar, I'm sure M knows alot about how democracy works! For that matter, why not invite Mr Kim from the northern part of Korea to talk about democracy! I'm very sure he will help to increase ticket sales lol.
Lau Lan Chu
He can turn the gun against the party that brought him up. What else he can't do?
Elvin Chua
If meeting or discussion was considered a traitor, then the ones working for Japanese during WWII is considered what?
Norah Arc
Righteousness is not an earned right but is universal. Righteousness suppressed, by law, is righteousness devoided. A people devoided of righteousness will also be devoid of any bearing and light.

In any case, base on comments here, the Govt has succeeded in their objective.
Swee Meng Ling

hope this can stop the monkey show now playing
Woon Kwang Lee
If Dr Thum truly loves Singapore and will never stop fighting for Singapore, he should form a political party like the Worker Party to offer an alternative to the present PAP government. One may or may not agree with the Worker Party Policy and Agenta, one still has great respect for their courage to stand up against the PAP government and provide an alternative voice for fellow Singaporeans.. They don’t just talk. They walk the talk. Since he so love Singapore, will Dr Thum willing to sacrifice his time to do what the Worker Party is doing. All talk with no action is just empty talk. Engaging foreigners to tell Singaporeans what is good for them is the most stupid thing to do. Singaporeans do not need others to tell them what is good for them.
Lau Lan Chu
Better don't . He form a puppet party of Dr M than we die.
Tokay OH
I agree with you totally. At the end of the day, these activists are not responsible for the livilhood people, the govt of the day is. They can talk all they want but without any accountability and responsibility.
Tokay OH
I am always very skeptical of these people.
Dave Lim
You must be thinking that all Sporeans are stupid to tell us that dr M is democratic.
Georgie Lee
Why dont you give up your citizenship and pack and go and live in Malaysia.
There you can team up with the whole of Malaysia against Singapore we dont care. We are right behind our Govt.
Michael Cheng
Roger Lim
What your country and your people?

We are NOT your people... you are NOT our leader..

Yu Lingyao
I look through thum ping tjin facebook page and he didn't even wish Happy National day on 9th Aug to Singaporeans and yet he happily wishes Malaysia Independence day on 31 Aug and even cajole Singaporeans to acknowledge 31 Aug as our unofficial independence day. That pretty much says everything about his ill intention towards Singapore.
Bikes N Likes
He must be dreaming to think BN=PAP
Kenny Sting
I guess he is bearing a grudge against our government whom had caused his reputation as a historian to fall off the cliff......- personnel thing to me now.

If he really serious about preaching democracy, human rights etc.. in thsis region , there are some countries on the far north are seriously violating it...So why is he keeping mum ???
Alan Tyc
A few correction - first, you do not represent Singapore. Secondly, we are not your people, you do not have the right to call us "My people"? We are not your subject. Thirdly, meeting Dr M and get him involve in our internal affair is a red line, as one fellow Singaporean "Abang" taxi driver told me, when Singapore is poor, we have to drink "longkang" drain water to survive, did they gave us free water? Back then a few sen is a lot money, the pioneer struggle to pull it through; just because we are better off now doesn't mean that we should negotiate. This a matter of Singapore dignity and sovereignty. If you don't even understand this what is the value you can bring to the table in the name of democracy
ChicKerdi Ling
After what he did to Anwar, I'm sure M knows alot about how democracy works! For that matter, why not invite Mr Kim from the northern part of Korea to talk about democracy! I'm very sure he will help to increase ticket sales lol.

Mona Anne Lim
What to do? You're smart but not wise.
Lau Lan Chu
Who the f...k you think you are. We no need your love, hearing that make me puke and insulted. You committed treason and still talk cock sing song. You lead a Singapore convoy to talk to a great man? You are none other than maverick and Judas to me. Stoop so bloody low to achieve your goal, not deserve any respect from anyone here. Your family and ancestors must be feeling disgrace.
Ee San Tan
Thum Ping Tjin 靠外人贬自己人。真丟脸。

Lau Lan Chu
He thinks we are all 3 years old kids. Together with the activities go north meet up with Dr M urging him to bring democracy to SEA and they are non other than Singaporean. Actions speak louder than any other. Not traitor? Fool who? Really hope ISA show no mercy. We are pretty lenient now compare to LKY era. We got to kill one to silence the others.
Jimmy Hui
Ricky Lim, you talk so much but you dare not show your face to everyone. You are no different from those who use dogs and cats to represent themselves...some even use guppies 
Zulaimi Dya
Lol.. some people are just being selective with the phrases they want to use to condemn others rather than using the whole content of the conversation..
Es Loo
Jimmy Hui......what cock talking you? Are you smoking weed?
Es Loo
Zulaimi Dya What whole content? Like I still hate Dr M's ketuanan melayu mentality. You ingat you tak suka ketuanan melayu sendiri kah? Jangan bohong hor
Kianpheng Ong
Lau Lan Chu agree with you,govt must be firm n not be soft with these traitors,apply ISA .
Es Loo
Lau Lan Chu We should do the same trick on Dr M. Ask Kua Kia Siong and Anil Netto to meet Goh Chok Tong la in Singapore. Kua would take about the emergent of Malaysian Malaysia that so called long forsaken by DAP. Devan Nair, singapore former president founded DAP. I guarantee Dr M will jump

Facebook Comments Plugin

Kianpheng Ong
dr thum ,who do you think you are ?To me you are just a dog ,a traitor . You even prostitute yourself to dr m .Singaporean are not your people and we are not your subjects.
Daniel Goh
Every sovereign country should be entitled to and enjoy the full benefits of democracy, human rights, freedom of speech...yada of corruption..etc! Yes of course!

But if certain individuals, in the course of pursuing and harking those same values, in their own way end up planting a seed and dividing a society and country..then what is the point of it in the first place?
Christopher Bong
Not to worry Mr Thum, those who understand and read English will know that you are not a traitor but a patriot. Needless to say there are people desparate enough to make accusation for the sake of their survival and their salaries.
Kenny Sting
U r malaysian ?
Goh Jon Hin
Kenny Sting
He sounds more like TPT's lackey
Christopher Bong
Kenny Sting nope, I am not a Malaysian but I major in English. Please don’t just fall into PAP’s game. Just read the article thoroughly.
Edward Frank
Not only both Dr Thum and Tan Wah Piow are TRAITORS, also Opportunists!! Dr Thum said he loves Singapore, please come back and be arrested to stay in jail, then I would believe in you loving Singapore!! Talk Cock!! Cannot have such people to join the GE and lead Singapore Oppositions!
Edward Frank
If they're role models, many people will use this method to stimulate Xi Jinping in front of Trump, or to stimulate Abe in front of Trump. Is there no heaven no principle? I am also an opposition supporter, but they are traitors. Not glorious!!
Nantha Tan
So much anger over just one man's opinion. Lol
Ha. Pap starting to destroy Dr thum

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