Merkel warns Trump against 'destroying' UN
30 Sep 2018 09:41PM
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Not if but when 377A will be repealed, says Singapore movement against anti-gay law
Leaders of the “Ready4Repeal” petition are urging gay and straight people alike to speak up and encourage MPs to support their cause.
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Ricky Lim
Maybe one way to resolve this 377A dispute once and for all - is for the coming General Election - other than voting for the MP to represent our ward, voters are also ask to vote whether to support keeping or repealing this 377A.
In other words, voters will get 2 voting sheet :-
(1) 1st voting sheet - to vote for which MP we want
(2) 2nd voting sheet - to vote to keep or repeal 377A
This will deal with this issue once and for all - and also will not need to spend additional cost and wasting taxpayers' money to hold a referendum on this trivial but highly emotionally charge issue that keep bugging the people.
The number of vote cast to keep or repeal - will be based on the simple majority vote ie. 50.1% and above votes will determine the winner.
In other words, voters will get 2 voting sheet :-
(1) 1st voting sheet - to vote for which MP we want
(2) 2nd voting sheet - to vote to keep or repeal 377A
This will deal with this issue once and for all - and also will not need to spend additional cost and wasting taxpayers' money to hold a referendum on this trivial but highly emotionally charge issue that keep bugging the people.
The number of vote cast to keep or repeal - will be based on the simple majority vote ie. 50.1% and above votes will determine the winner.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Ricky Lim
By the way I don't believe non-sectarian Buddhist Fellowship stance - is representing the Singapore Buddhist Federation stance who is representing the entire Buddhist Community in Singapore.
So don't assume the Buddhist is supporting repealing the 377A.
So don't assume the Buddhist is supporting repealing the 377A.
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Eddie Ong
Ricky Lim that's right.
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Alvin Leong
Sorry, these people, if they don't get the answer that they want, will keep making more noise until the question gets asked again and again. Just look at the remoaners in the Brexit vote.
Reply · 6h
Ricky Lim
Alvin Leong - I have sympathy for this group of people.
But there must be a sense of what is morally right and wrong.
This is my view on Section 377A :-
Ricky Lim
Guess Singapore should see Section 377A with 2 lens :-
(1) Explicit lens
(2) Implicit lens
Explicit lens - is to keep Section 377A - to give a sense of what is morally right - Nature that provide for creation of humans is through sexual union of a male and a female to produce offsprings and sustain the human civilisation.
Implicit lens - is to recognise that certain people suffered from illness and cannot behave like normal humans of a man or a woman to engage in normal sexual activity for the reproduction of offsprings.
And thus should not enforce Section 377A on them if they carried out their activity quietly in private.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The Explicit lens (is the Wisdom lens) - to prevent the invocation of Universal Law of Karma - to instill what is morally, nature right.
(2) The Implicit lens (is the Compassion lens) - to sympathise with the illness that some man and women inherit - and not prosecute them for which they have no control of.
But if treatment has become available, help must be granted to coax them to get treatment to heal the deviant tendency and get well
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Ricky Lim
(1) The Explicit lens - will deter normal human of man and woman from committing abnormal sexual activities.
This will prevent heterosexual male and female from experimenting homosexual and lesbian activities - moving into deviant anti-nature behavior.
This will be in line with other sexual deviant behavior - by preventing moral decadence that go against Nature.
(2) The Implicit lens - certify that certain individual man and woman indeed has illness in sexual orientation by medical profession.
Regular treatment is also implied to help such individual in mental and physical healing - that hopefully one day, they will be able to get well.
Like · Reply · 1m
But there must be a sense of what is morally right and wrong.
This is my view on Section 377A :-
Ricky Lim
Guess Singapore should see Section 377A with 2 lens :-
(1) Explicit lens
(2) Implicit lens
Explicit lens - is to keep Section 377A - to give a sense of what is morally right - Nature that provide for creation of humans is through sexual union of a male and a female to produce offsprings and sustain the human civilisation.
Implicit lens - is to recognise that certain people suffered from illness and cannot behave like normal humans of a man or a woman to engage in normal sexual activity for the reproduction of offsprings.
And thus should not enforce Section 377A on them if they carried out their activity quietly in private.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The Explicit lens (is the Wisdom lens) - to prevent the invocation of Universal Law of Karma - to instill what is morally, nature right.
(2) The Implicit lens (is the Compassion lens) - to sympathise with the illness that some man and women inherit - and not prosecute them for which they have no control of.
But if treatment has become available, help must be granted to coax them to get treatment to heal the deviant tendency and get well
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Ricky Lim
(1) The Explicit lens - will deter normal human of man and woman from committing abnormal sexual activities.
This will prevent heterosexual male and female from experimenting homosexual and lesbian activities - moving into deviant anti-nature behavior.
This will be in line with other sexual deviant behavior - by preventing moral decadence that go against Nature.
(2) The Implicit lens - certify that certain individual man and woman indeed has illness in sexual orientation by medical profession.
Regular treatment is also implied to help such individual in mental and physical healing - that hopefully one day, they will be able to get well.
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Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
It is in this light that I urge Buddhist Community to stand neutral on this issue.
Buddhism emphasize 3 main roots in the attainment of Enlightenment of Nirvana (condensed version of 8 Noble Path) :-
(1) Morality - abstain and achieve equilibrium of all sensual desires (notably sexual desire of all forms much less deviant sexual desire).
(2) Right Concentration (定力)of Samadhi Jhana - for without the roots of Morality - attainment of Samadhi Jhana is not possible.
(3) Right Mindfulness (念力)of Nirvana - for without both roots of Morality and Samadhi Jhana - attainment of Nirvana is not possible.
Hence Wisdom must not be a "Misplaced Wisdom".
Universal Compassion must not be a "Misplaced Compassion".
Note :- 3 outcomes of Nirvana Enlightenment are :-
(1) No-self (or Selfless) 无我,大舍。
(2) Universal Compassion 大慈,大悲。
(3) Panna Wisdom 般若智慧。
Buddhism emphasize 3 main roots in the attainment of Enlightenment of Nirvana (condensed version of 8 Noble Path) :-
(1) Morality - abstain and achieve equilibrium of all sensual desires (notably sexual desire of all forms much less deviant sexual desire).
(2) Right Concentration (定力)of Samadhi Jhana - for without the roots of Morality - attainment of Samadhi Jhana is not possible.
(3) Right Mindfulness (念力)of Nirvana - for without both roots of Morality and Samadhi Jhana - attainment of Nirvana is not possible.
Hence Wisdom must not be a "Misplaced Wisdom".
Universal Compassion must not be a "Misplaced Compassion".
Note :- 3 outcomes of Nirvana Enlightenment are :-
(1) No-self (or Selfless) 无我,大舍。
(2) Universal Compassion 大慈,大悲。
(3) Panna Wisdom 般若智慧。
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Ricky Lim
In short, Buddhism teachings emphasize 慈悲 (大爱)(Universal Compassion - "Big Love") - (brotherly love or sister love) and should not look into people's bedroom (不因该理别人的房事).
Thus, I urge Buddhism Community - to stand "neutral" in this issue and not take sides.
Thus, I urge Buddhism Community - to stand "neutral" in this issue and not take sides.
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Wu Jian Hao
No. Why should we put other more important matters below certain foreign-backed agenda to promote rectum as a sexual organ?
Like · Reply · 2h
Ricky Lim
Wu Jian Hao - Now there are a couple of high placed government officials openly support the resolution of this trivial, but highly emotionally charged issue that have been bugging Singaporeans for many years.
So if there are no compelling fair resolution method to seal this issue - how to keep this issue from re-surfacing time and again - and distract the Nation from resolving more important economic, social and security issues?
So if there are no compelling fair resolution method to seal this issue - how to keep this issue from re-surfacing time and again - and distract the Nation from resolving more important economic, social and security issues?
Analysis: Are Trump’s foreign policy moves setting the stage for global chaos?
Evidence of what's being seen as a growing chasm between the US and the rest of the world surfaced again in New York on Tuesday, at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly.
(Updated: )
Saturday, September 29, 2018
In full: Mahathir's speech at the United Nations General Assembly
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(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Mahathir said :-
"They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none.
The above statement is my copyright.
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
And it is the official foreign policy of Singapore :-
Be friends with all and enemies with none, but don't compromise national interests: Vivian Balakrishnan
By Liyana Othman @LiyanaOthmanCNA
17 Jul 2017 06:19PM (Updated: 17 Jul 2017 08:49PM
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Singapore may be small.
But our Mind and our Heart - must be Big - and can accomdate the World to be our Friends with no Adversaries.
Like · Reply · Just now
Reply · 1y
Ricky Lim
Reply · 1y
"They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none.
The above statement is my copyright.
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
And it is the official foreign policy of Singapore :-
Be friends with all and enemies with none, but don't compromise national interests: Vivian Balakrishnan
By Liyana Othman @LiyanaOthmanCNA
17 Jul 2017 06:19PM (Updated: 17 Jul 2017 08:49PM
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Singapore may be small.
But our Mind and our Heart - must be Big - and can accomdate the World to be our Friends with no Adversaries.
Like · Reply · Just now
Reply · 1y
Ricky Lim
Reply · 1y
United Nations must be reformed: Malaysia's Mahathir
(Updated: )
(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Mahathir said :-
"They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none.
The above statement is my copyright.
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
And it is the official foreign policy of Singapore :-
Be friends with all and enemies with none, but don't compromise national interests: Vivian Balakrishnan
By Liyana Othman @LiyanaOthmanCNA
17 Jul 2017 06:19PM (Updated: 17 Jul 2017 08:49PM
"They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none.
The above statement is my copyright.
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
And it is the official foreign policy of Singapore :-
Be friends with all and enemies with none, but don't compromise national interests: Vivian Balakrishnan
By Liyana Othman @LiyanaOthmanCNA
17 Jul 2017 06:19PM (Updated: 17 Jul 2017 08:49PM
Commentary: Why is Donald Trump accusing China of election interference?
US President Donald Trump’s accusation that China might interfere with the mid-term elections has placed the US-China relationship at an inflexion point, says one observer.
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Ricky Lim
In the United States, the sharpness of President Trump’s complaints that China is plundering American wealth have intensified as it has become clear that his tariffs will not reduce the trade deficit or deliver Chinese structural economic reforms — rather, they’ll hurt farmers, factory workers, and small business owners.
President Donald Trump did not go into details about how he believed China was interfering in the US midterms which could see the Republicans lose control of both houses of Congress AFP/Don EMMERT
It is very clear from the beginning amidst a chorus of expert views across the Globe that Trump's trade war - will fail miserably.
Trump don't believe and still bulldoze it through.
Now is for Karma to manifest and whack Trump real bad.
President Donald Trump did not go into details about how he believed China was interfering in the US midterms which could see the Republicans lose control of both houses of Congress AFP/Don EMMERT
It is very clear from the beginning amidst a chorus of expert views across the Globe that Trump's trade war - will fail miserably.
Trump don't believe and still bulldoze it through.
Now is for Karma to manifest and whack Trump real bad.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Petjay Catarbas
Genius Trump assumes all his trading partners are dumb. He's using US economic powers (and sometimes military powers) to intimate, bully and impose sanctions as he pleased bcos he knows he'll always win. US is now abusing his superpower status to take on China. Too bad, US picked the wrong target. Winning is not gonna be easy. Collateral damages are certainly. If things goes wrong, Genius Trump can also blame China.
Friday, September 28, 2018
SingHealth COI hearing: Former IHiS CEO dismissed staff for ethical breach, didn’t probe alleged vulnerability
Dr Chong Yoke Sin says Mr Zhao Hainan’s email to solicit interest from a rival software vendor over an alleged systems vulnerability was “clearly reprehensible behaviour”, but didn’t find out from him personally what the loophole was.
(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Giving her testimony during the Committee of Inquiry into the SingHealth cyberattack, Dr Chong recounted how former employee Zhao Hainan, who discovered the alleged vulnerability, was dismissed from IHis in 2014.
This was because Mr Zhao had contacted a rival vendor over the issue with SingHealth’s Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) software.
The software was provided by US vendor Allscripts, but Mr Zhao had emailed a vendor called Epic about a loophole in the system, telling the company to contact him of it wants to leverage this information to increase its market share.
“This alarmed me,” Dr Chong said.
In response to a question by IHiS lawyer Philip Jeyaretnam, she qualified that her concern was not over the purported security breach but of the “ethical breach” that Mr Zhao had committed when he sent that email.
Dr Chong said she instructed Ms Foong Lai Choo, then director of Clinical Apps 1 and the one who implemented the SCM, as well as Mr Clarence Kua, who was then Mr Zhao’s immediate supervisor, to check the system for vulnerabilities.
“However, at the time, I considered this to be primarily a disciplinary issue and not an IT security issue,” Dr Chong said in her statement.
So now it clarify that the staff that discover the IT security loophole is fired because of ethical issue and not because he raise the security alert and got dismissed.
At least this is reasonable.
But on the hindsight, why the security risk is not pursue - probably think it is not important - or not so suay - won't be exploited.
But now 搞出一个大头佛。
But what I come across is one that was release early because he raise security risk - but to silence him - in case user management found out - the infra manager find excuses to release him.
This was because Mr Zhao had contacted a rival vendor over the issue with SingHealth’s Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) software.
The software was provided by US vendor Allscripts, but Mr Zhao had emailed a vendor called Epic about a loophole in the system, telling the company to contact him of it wants to leverage this information to increase its market share.
“This alarmed me,” Dr Chong said.
In response to a question by IHiS lawyer Philip Jeyaretnam, she qualified that her concern was not over the purported security breach but of the “ethical breach” that Mr Zhao had committed when he sent that email.
Dr Chong said she instructed Ms Foong Lai Choo, then director of Clinical Apps 1 and the one who implemented the SCM, as well as Mr Clarence Kua, who was then Mr Zhao’s immediate supervisor, to check the system for vulnerabilities.
“However, at the time, I considered this to be primarily a disciplinary issue and not an IT security issue,” Dr Chong said in her statement.
So now it clarify that the staff that discover the IT security loophole is fired because of ethical issue and not because he raise the security alert and got dismissed.
At least this is reasonable.
But on the hindsight, why the security risk is not pursue - probably think it is not important - or not so suay - won't be exploited.
But now 搞出一个大头佛。
But what I come across is one that was release early because he raise security risk - but to silence him - in case user management found out - the infra manager find excuses to release him.
SingHealth COI hearing: Employees questioned about their inaction over alleged coding vulnerability
Friday's public hearing revealed details about how SingHealth employees who were asked to verify whistleblower Zhao Hainan’s identity did only that, and did not investigate the possible software vulnerabilities that Mr Zhao had flagged.
28 Sep 2018 08:23PM
Ricky Lim
The letter stated there was a “loophole” in the Allscripts SCM “where user can gain admin control of the whole database easily” due to the “architecture of the product”, Mr Kua recounted in his statement.
The letter to Epic Systems also mentioned that “this could lead to a serious medical data leak, or even a national security threat”, Mr Kua added.
One of them was Mr T K Udairam, group chief operating officer of Sheares Healthcare Management. He questioned Mr Kua - who had been officer-in-charge of Clinical Systems in 2014 - if he had been at least curious, if not concerned, about the vulnerability flagged by Mr Zhao.
It was revealed that Mr Zhao was dismissed by the company on Sep 18, the same day Mr Chambers sent that first email to Dr Chong.
This Mr Zhao was dismissed because he is genuinely concern that the leak could cause a serious medical data leak, or even a national security threat” - by raising the alert.
I also recall a similar incident when one was released early - before his contract ends - because he keep raising a network security issue that will cause the network to be breached --- and the infra manager view him as a threat to his position for raising the security alert.
The moral of the story :---- "One can be genuine in caring about the well-being of the company" --- but the consquences is that - he may lose his job while doing so.
This happen in Government linked organisation and private sector.
The letter to Epic Systems also mentioned that “this could lead to a serious medical data leak, or even a national security threat”, Mr Kua added.
One of them was Mr T K Udairam, group chief operating officer of Sheares Healthcare Management. He questioned Mr Kua - who had been officer-in-charge of Clinical Systems in 2014 - if he had been at least curious, if not concerned, about the vulnerability flagged by Mr Zhao.
It was revealed that Mr Zhao was dismissed by the company on Sep 18, the same day Mr Chambers sent that first email to Dr Chong.
This Mr Zhao was dismissed because he is genuinely concern that the leak could cause a serious medical data leak, or even a national security threat” - by raising the alert.
I also recall a similar incident when one was released early - before his contract ends - because he keep raising a network security issue that will cause the network to be breached --- and the infra manager view him as a threat to his position for raising the security alert.
The moral of the story :---- "One can be genuine in caring about the well-being of the company" --- but the consquences is that - he may lose his job while doing so.
This happen in Government linked organisation and private sector.
Ricky Lim
Now the dilemma is - should staff raise any potential security threat when they discover them in the course of doing their work.
But they are worried - will their immediate supervisor or even higher level management view them as "troublemaker" - and find excuses to fire them.
Because plugging the security holes will :-
(1) take time and cause project to delay
(2) cost money to put in security measures
(3) put management in a bad light for not having foresight in the planning.
Most of the time, the staff that raise the security alarm got "cruxified" and some management will hide the security risk - hoping that it will not be found and exploited - while firing the staff that discover and raise it.
Now Singhealth suay - got breached, VVIP info. got compromised and COI convene to vindicate that staff.
But what about some others that do not?
But they are worried - will their immediate supervisor or even higher level management view them as "troublemaker" - and find excuses to fire them.
Because plugging the security holes will :-
(1) take time and cause project to delay
(2) cost money to put in security measures
(3) put management in a bad light for not having foresight in the planning.
Most of the time, the staff that raise the security alarm got "cruxified" and some management will hide the security risk - hoping that it will not be found and exploited - while firing the staff that discover and raise it.
Now Singhealth suay - got breached, VVIP info. got compromised and COI convene to vindicate that staff.
But what about some others that do not?
Like · Reply · 1m
William Loh
Ricky Lim This is the deep seated culture that people are talking about in Singapore. Many reputable large MNCs have "whistle blowing" policies in place to encourage anyone to point out lapses in the system for example, possible corruption, unfair/unethical practices etc while remaining anonymous. The independent Management Team appreciate such red flags and will investigate all anonymous notifications with the intention to improve the existing systems and they are not interested in who provide the information. On the contrary, some organizations here would require the whistle blower to be identified first and invited for "coffee" before they investigate the alleged incident. With this kind of culture and mindset, do you think anybody in the normal frame of mind would whistle blow to expose the discrepancies ??? Most probably, these whistle blowers would choose to remain silent and let that things happen instead and the rot in the system continue...
Ricky Lim
William Loh - I have come across throughout my career (in Govt, Govt link and private enterprise) :-
(1) 50% of the time that management are transparent, open, encourage collaboration, encourage highlighting of the issues and problems that will impact the organisation, public, the Country, the customers - there is alot of positive energy and alot of motivation from top down and ground up.
I have plenty of respect for such corporate culture, management culture - and there are alot of positive energy in the organisation.
(2) I have also come across 50% of the time - where "office politics master" rule the day - where people are motivated to play "office politics" - to ensure their jobs are secured, their position are secure, or 瞒上骗下 - so that they can personally advance upwards - at the expense of others and the corporate objectives that they are employed to serve.
I have little respect for such culture.
Such culture start to appear in tandem with the change in HR framework - of "hire and fire" when every year appraisal they will have to "let go" say 5% or 10% of staff - who so called "underperform".
And this have poison the corporate climate - and turn it into negative energy throughout the organisation - as people start to play "office politics" to make themselves look good and not fall into the "5% - 10%: -- rather than serving the holistic corporate objective.
Thus no one want to raise any "negative issue" - for afraid being penalised - and have a bad appraisal -- and thus everyone start to play "office politics" to look good.
It end up - the whole corporate culture turn negative.
Workers are more like actors and actresses - rather than staff and workers serving the organisation, public and customers.
(1) 50% of the time that management are transparent, open, encourage collaboration, encourage highlighting of the issues and problems that will impact the organisation, public, the Country, the customers - there is alot of positive energy and alot of motivation from top down and ground up.
I have plenty of respect for such corporate culture, management culture - and there are alot of positive energy in the organisation.
(2) I have also come across 50% of the time - where "office politics master" rule the day - where people are motivated to play "office politics" - to ensure their jobs are secured, their position are secure, or 瞒上骗下 - so that they can personally advance upwards - at the expense of others and the corporate objectives that they are employed to serve.
I have little respect for such culture.
Such culture start to appear in tandem with the change in HR framework - of "hire and fire" when every year appraisal they will have to "let go" say 5% or 10% of staff - who so called "underperform".
And this have poison the corporate climate - and turn it into negative energy throughout the organisation - as people start to play "office politics" to make themselves look good and not fall into the "5% - 10%: -- rather than serving the holistic corporate objective.
Thus no one want to raise any "negative issue" - for afraid being penalised - and have a bad appraisal -- and thus everyone start to play "office politics" to look good.
It end up - the whole corporate culture turn negative.
Workers are more like actors and actresses - rather than staff and workers serving the organisation, public and customers.
Wan Der Sou
Strange...why was Zhao being dismissed first instead of getting him to disclose more abt the loophole n help to patch it up?? Dismissed immediately just becos he shared the info w a rival company n not worrying that the loophole still exists??? Or that he brings this info to join another company that could pose a threat to Singhealth?
So if you value a Foreign Talent, and yet unwilling to hear him out or value his views, how do you expect him to be loyal to you?? Contradicting policy.
So if you value a Foreign Talent, and yet unwilling to hear him out or value his views, how do you expect him to be loyal to you?? Contradicting policy.
obviously, this whole bunch of said senior management is good at playing "tai chi" to cover their own backside . the top pushed down to the lower level, then the level below just followed instruction n gave the answer the top wanted to hear or kept the problems as the top management normally likes staff who gives no problem, otherwise the staff would be seen as troublemaker or incompetent, thus pretented issues being solved n sat back n relax in hoping that things would go happy n lucky as usual.unfortunately, the worst really occured before they had promoted to next level or retired, so they had to face the music now.
said someone asked Mr.Zhao but also said could not recall who n when, this answer was was same as no answer,said investigation had been carried but said could not recall who done it n what the results were, no followed up? what kind of management?
wonder y the one who knew the lophole was dismissed? it was obvious that the relationship among staff was no good that caused the dismissed staff had no interest to feedback the lophole he detected in the system instead the info was passed to the rival.
said someone asked Mr.Zhao but also said could not recall who n when, this answer was was same as no answer,said investigation had been carried but said could not recall who done it n what the results were, no followed up? what kind of management?
wonder y the one who knew the lophole was dismissed? it was obvious that the relationship among staff was no good that caused the dismissed staff had no interest to feedback the lophole he detected in the system instead the info was passed to the rival.
Freddy Chin
Please read the news report properly. Especially on the relationship between AllScripts and EPIC. FT Zhao works for IHIS and together with IHIS' vendor, AllScripts. BUT, he reported the issues to EPIC which is a competitor of AllScripts...我们华人有句话叫做“吃里爬外”。
Reply · 14h
Freddy Chin
fair enough, this zhao got fired that served him right but u just see the wood n missed the whole jungle( 见木不见林)。u missed the big picture n more important issue here.
The fact here was the system was being hacked n our senior management's answers were they could not recalled this n that, n even more ironically, they were informed there was a lophole in the system, yet they just made a few e-mail n then forgot abt it pretending everthing was ok, the potential threats would disappear by itself. where was the accountablity? u read carefully, one asked her subordinate to check n the one answer was she just followed instruction, this reflected what kind of staff relationship in this company, so read carefully my comment, pls!
fair enough, this zhao got fired that served him right but u just see the wood n missed the whole jungle( 见木不见林)。u missed the big picture n more important issue here.
The fact here was the system was being hacked n our senior management's answers were they could not recalled this n that, n even more ironically, they were informed there was a lophole in the system, yet they just made a few e-mail n then forgot abt it pretending everthing was ok, the potential threats would disappear by itself. where was the accountablity? u read carefully, one asked her subordinate to check n the one answer was she just followed instruction, this reflected what kind of staff relationship in this company, so read carefully my comment, pls!
Reply · 13h
Freddy Chin
欢陈 , sad to say, I did not miss that portion which you have mentioned but you did miss the portion on FT Zhao's ulterior motive. Please read my other post...point 3.."Why IHIS management did not verify the "claims" by FT Zhao? I would be wetting my pants if I come to know of this issue. Btw, where is this ex-CEO working now? Hopefully, she is not dealing with security." Wish you a good weekends ..chill..

Freddy Chin
It can been seen that the FT has his own agenda. By exposing to the competitor, he is not whistleblowing but might be trying to get something from the competitor. But EPIC did not buy his story and sent the email to AllScript (backstab him) and AllScript forwarded the email to ex-CEO of IHIS for questioning and further action. There are many questions...
1) Did the FT Zhao report the vulnerability to his superior? Did the superior take any actions if it was reported?
2) Is it morally correct to work together with AllScript and then backstab AllScript by sending its vulnerability issues to competitor, EPIC? I do not want to have such employee working for me for sure as I do not know when this FT will backstab me without my knowledge.
3) Why IHIS management did not verify the "claims" by FT Zhao? I would be wetting my pants if I come to know of this issue. Btw, where is this ex-CEO working now? Hopefully, she is not dealing with security.
1) Did the FT Zhao report the vulnerability to his superior? Did the superior take any actions if it was reported?
2) Is it morally correct to work together with AllScript and then backstab AllScript by sending its vulnerability issues to competitor, EPIC? I do not want to have such employee working for me for sure as I do not know when this FT will backstab me without my knowledge.
3) Why IHIS management did not verify the "claims" by FT Zhao? I would be wetting my pants if I come to know of this issue. Btw, where is this ex-CEO working now? Hopefully, she is not dealing with security.
Mac Lee
how come there are so many senior manager, deputy directors and other fancy titled managerial positions but no one can even think of changing a simple password for all the production servers? are they so obsesses with title that they simply ignore the cause for good IT skills and knowledge?
Freddy Chin
I would think that people there are busy playing tai chi and politics. The passionate, good and hardworking ones would not thrive under such environment as their credits would be taken by those people who "smoke" well. Hence, many would have left after knowing that they would get more "sai kang" tasks to do as those tai chi masters are incompetent to do themselves but are getting all the promotions. The time has come to show the public how problematic the organization is.
Georgie Tan
Most of the senior rank in govt dept do not work hard for their pay they get. They are good in pointing finger when there are troubles but quickly take credit for work done by the lower rank staff.
Some small dept they have Director, Dy director, senior manager, 2 section heads at each dept etc follow by many senior staff doing nothing but good at pointing finger.
I have work at such dept before and I retired the moment I reach age 62. Before that sad to say I play and work smart.
Some small dept they have Director, Dy director, senior manager, 2 section heads at each dept etc follow by many senior staff doing nothing but good at pointing finger.
I have work at such dept before and I retired the moment I reach age 62. Before that sad to say I play and work smart.
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