Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Trump slams former White House aide Omarosa as 'dog'
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/trump-slams-former-white-house-aide-omarosa-as-dog-10617004

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Trump moral ethics is close to zero.

Wonder why American voters can tolerate and elect a person with no moral values and low character to be their President ..............
Whatever good he had done for USA, he is n incorrigible or habitual liar. He dared to tell it straight face to the world that he got no idea of the hire n fire of his senior key staffs . Lucky she had recorded his lies. If not he would sue her for defamation n cripple her financially or cook up a criminal Defamation of POTUS charge n jail her for a long time for telling the truth.
Daniel Webb
Many of my church friends in Singapore support trump just because he up- holds christian values such as anti-abortion and say "merry christmas" instead of "happy holiday". With this arcticle, I hope my church friends in Singapore realized the evil personality of Trump.

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