(Updated: )
Justice Boa
Old roti prata fox trying to avoid breach of contract payment. Digging his grave again.
Frank Kam
K Tan Don - What status ? His chosen successor had brought so much problem to yr country and the snake is where he is now after crawlimg to someone he bypassed in favour of Najib !! So sad that you dont know the situation !! Wait for some time more... the snake will not allow Anwar an easy passage to be PM !
Georgie Lee
K Tan Don Our late LKY is a world renowed and respected figure; He too is a brilliang scholar. He built Singapore out of nothing. Your 93 year old snake cannot even smell our late LKY's foot. Our LKY's fart smells sweeter than Hasmah's perfume. Your 93 year old snake quietly crawled to China to seek help and soft loan but crawled back quietly with his head bowed down in shame. Went to Japan but also achieve nothing. But he was very happy when Japan conferred on him THE HONORARY MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF ROTI PRATA. Your 93 year snake can only convince 75 percent of the Malaysians who are still living in kampungs. We are Singapore. We treat your 93 year old snake with contempt. Ask him when is he replying to Khaw Boon Wan's letter on his stand on the HSR project. Believe his two withered balls have now disappeared.
K Tan Don
Georgie Lee : Is ok you treat our leader with contempt..this only shows how civilised some of you are..doesn't bother us..iet's see what the ministers have to discuss..of course if your government want to close the door, then there is nothing to discuss..I don't think we wll bother to reply eiher then..
Georgie Lee
K Tan Don Who actually want to close the door. Isnt it your 93 year old snake? He is two sides of the same coin. Nothing to discuss? Why then sent his BARUA Azmin to meet Khaw Boon Wan? Water Agreement - he still dares to bring up. What is he up to? To hold Singapore ransom because of the HSR project? Tell him to get stuffed.
Ken Ong
K Tan Don If u are a malaysian chinkie, then you must be a real idiot not to know that bodohland's problems were all caused by mahathir 22 yrs old reign. bodohland were in a much better position at Singapore's independence but lacking now because of misgovernance. his racist policies caused all the brain drain. in fact he is the one that forced najib abandoned the chinese after 2013 election. he formed the racist perkasa to further agitate for racist causes, do you not know that?? suddenly in last 2 years he flipped his roti prata and you start calling him your papa! you malaysian chinkie sure have "stockholm syndrome" google if u do not know what it is.
Augustine Teo
Ken Ong
We in sg dont treat minority like bolehdohs. In fact the minority got lots of help from late lkys administration. We chinkies dont mind as long as there is peace and prosperity. But over the causeway, you chinkies are treated like rubbish until election. Waste time talking to someone from north about great leaders. Ringgit dollar almost on par like 1.00/1.05 each way when i watch x movies in jb. Now you tell me whodid a great job
We in sg dont treat minority like bolehdohs. In fact the minority got lots of help from late lkys administration. We chinkies dont mind as long as there is peace and prosperity. But over the causeway, you chinkies are treated like rubbish until election. Waste time talking to someone from north about great leaders. Ringgit dollar almost on par like 1.00/1.05 each way when i watch x movies in jb. Now you tell me whodid a great job
Frank Kam
Do not give 1 millimetre to them in the follow up discussion. Stick to the original agreement. If the old snake says that it's Najib's fault than it's not hour's !!! We agreed to the Govt. of the day regarding HSR Project ! Now the SNAKE wants to Worm his way out than he has to be humble and acknowledge that what wrong that Najib had done to Malaysia is the sole fault of the Old Snake for choosing Najib as his successor !!! Citizens of Malaysia should never ever this fact !!!!
Frank Kam
K Tan Don - 'We told you' ? Through the media and not through proper diplomatic channels ? Proper Govt. like ours in SG do not respond to third parties or rumours !! And lastly you should use the word 'We told you' cos you do not represent the snake of the Govt. of MY. You should have stayed 'Our Govt. said that we have no money" hahaha LOL !
Georgie Lee
K Tan Don If Najib can undertake this HSR project why cant the 93 year old snake? He can afford to do away with GST and now claim he has no money.
Joseph Tan
Singapore should take the position that Malaysian goverment want to cancel HRS. Further discussion is payment to the penalty clause.
It will not be about ...please understand, postpone,no money,1MDB and all the craps coming from the snake mouth.
Why should Singapore insist in moving ahead with the HRS and especially with such an idiosyncrasy attitute.Why be prepared that Malaysia if unable to service the debt and wishes for more nonsence and understanding?
Why should Singapore empathise with a jealous PM who is a failure and is frustrated with himself , unable and incapable of transforming Malaysia to achieve similar sucess story like Singapore?
It will not be about ...please understand, postpone,no money,1MDB and all the craps coming from the snake mouth.
Why should Singapore insist in moving ahead with the HRS and especially with such an idiosyncrasy attitute.Why be prepared that Malaysia if unable to service the debt and wishes for more nonsence and understanding?
Why should Singapore empathise with a jealous PM who is a failure and is frustrated with himself , unable and incapable of transforming Malaysia to achieve similar sucess story like Singapore?
Georgie Tan
SG must play by the Rule of Law with M Govt since he has no Law to Rule. He wants to play hard ball, we need to act by sending all doc to International Court.
Unker Will
if Dr.M would to continue playing this game and thinking that what else can Singapore do besides going forward to the lnternational Court of Justice. At this point in time, it might seem that he has gained some advantage by suspending the project. But the world is looking and big investors from all over the world are watching ..what sort of signal or confidence do Malaysia want them to see especially now that Malaysia are desperately wanting to woo them over. Allowing the domestic affairs to overshadow that of a great potential of being a vibrant developed country of the future is down right inward looking.
The meeting between the Malaysian Economic Affair Minister and our Transport Minister to discuss on the HSR issue - is the appropriate protocol.
We should not preempt and make unnecessary negative comments in the absence of the outcome of the talk.
Both sides should aim to come out with fair outcome at the end of the talk.
We should not preempt and make unnecessary negative comments in the absence of the outcome of the talk.
Both sides should aim to come out with fair outcome at the end of the talk.
Hello 2 TDM is going charge SG 10 fold of Tiga Sen for H2o supply ooi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't have to worry.
This old man only know how to talk. He can't do it.
And the rest of cabinet will out last him.
Then we can talk to a more sensible cabinet.
This old man only know how to talk. He can't do it.
And the rest of cabinet will out last him.
Then we can talk to a more sensible cabinet.
Why this old man can't do it - just talk only :-
(1) the moment he announce he want to increase the water price 10 times - we stop provide them treated water.
Some Malaysia states that depend on our treated water will die.
Even they say Malaysian state can build their own plant :-
--- they will take months if not years to build.
--- the water treatment plant will be very costly - it will cost alot more than we treat for them - and they will have to charge a much higher prices to Malaysian people.
--- a few time, some Malaysian states face drought and they don't have enough water --- they need to import water from us. If they want to increase water price 10 times - we can stop supplying them water.
(2) when this old man say increase water price 10 times - we will not only stop supplying treated water to them --- we will also sue them in International Court and demand this old man to pay the full compensation up to 2061 for failing to fulfil their signed agreement enshrine in the UN.
(3) we are stronger than this old man in practically all aspects.
We have no fear for this old man --- who still rely on his old playbook to try to antagonize us.
This old man still have his old mindset when he was a PM many years ago - thinking that without his water -- we will die from thirst.
This old man is definitely wrong. Many years down the road, Malaysia will need to import alot of water from us.
But this old man can only do so much to tickle us --- but we will give him immense pain - if he try to play funny.
Finally, let wait out for a year or 2 to outlast him.
Meanwhile, we have to treat the rest of his cabinet members professionally - as long as they carry out their duty professionally.
His cabinet members will definitely outlast him - and they seems to be more sensible.
(1) the moment he announce he want to increase the water price 10 times - we stop provide them treated water.
Some Malaysia states that depend on our treated water will die.
Even they say Malaysian state can build their own plant :-
--- they will take months if not years to build.
--- the water treatment plant will be very costly - it will cost alot more than we treat for them - and they will have to charge a much higher prices to Malaysian people.
--- a few time, some Malaysian states face drought and they don't have enough water --- they need to import water from us. If they want to increase water price 10 times - we can stop supplying them water.
(2) when this old man say increase water price 10 times - we will not only stop supplying treated water to them --- we will also sue them in International Court and demand this old man to pay the full compensation up to 2061 for failing to fulfil their signed agreement enshrine in the UN.
(3) we are stronger than this old man in practically all aspects.
We have no fear for this old man --- who still rely on his old playbook to try to antagonize us.
This old man still have his old mindset when he was a PM many years ago - thinking that without his water -- we will die from thirst.
This old man is definitely wrong. Many years down the road, Malaysia will need to import alot of water from us.
But this old man can only do so much to tickle us --- but we will give him immense pain - if he try to play funny.
Finally, let wait out for a year or 2 to outlast him.
Meanwhile, we have to treat the rest of his cabinet members professionally - as long as they carry out their duty professionally.
His cabinet members will definitely outlast him - and they seems to be more sensible.
In case this old man don't know :-
17 Reservoirs = 1 reservoir (10% - 43 million gallons a day)
4 Newater = 30% (250 million gallons of water a day) = 58.14%
3 Desalination = 30% (130 million gallons of water a day) = 30.23%
Total = 88.37% (Actual Newater & Desalination produce 83.34% of Singapore current water needs) = (380 million gallons of water a day)
(Coming – 2 new Desalination Plants)
Total Water needs of Singapore = 400 – 430 million gallons a day.
Does the old man really think that without his water ---- Singapore will die from thirst?
Still want to increase 10 times the price of water?
See we die first or you die first.
17 Reservoirs = 1 reservoir (10% - 43 million gallons a day)
4 Newater = 30% (250 million gallons of water a day) = 58.14%
3 Desalination = 30% (130 million gallons of water a day) = 30.23%
Total = 88.37% (Actual Newater & Desalination produce 83.34% of Singapore current water needs) = (380 million gallons of water a day)
(Coming – 2 new Desalination Plants)
Total Water needs of Singapore = 400 – 430 million gallons a day.
Does the old man really think that without his water ---- Singapore will die from thirst?
Still want to increase 10 times the price of water?
See we die first or you die first.
khaw Boon Wan -please tell all of us what transpired during your meeting with that clown Azmin who was callef BARUA OF THAT 93 YEAR OLD SNAKE.
Georgie Lee
K Tan Don We have friends in Johore like - The Sultan and his family.
So we need to help them should the need arise. We have done that and they are grateful upto this minute. As for your 93 year snake he can lay by the wayside to rot we will not lift an eyelid.
So we need to help them should the need arise. We have done that and they are grateful upto this minute. As for your 93 year snake he can lay by the wayside to rot we will not lift an eyelid.
K Tan Don
Georgie Lee : one more thing..since u guys adore his royal highness sultan Johor n the crown prince, you guys should be ok to pay more money for the water..since water is coming from Johor n u are paying them..u say u want to help paying more for the water, u are actually helping the johor people. No? Or u just drage their royal highness into your discussion for your benefit?
K Tan Don - you must be mad, because you are scared - scared of the truth.
(1) We will continue to do the right thing, to stick by the contract - and will not do anything wrong or not compliance with the contract.
And we will observe with hawk eyes - every move this old man made.
(2) K Tan Don - do you realise that this old man has created a culture - that cause Malaysia plight today?
Failure to follow the rule of law. Pull down all his successors - leaving the Malaysia in a lurch. Can jail someone for sodomy, then say sorry make a mistake, then achieve full pardon.
And you as blind followers - will support this old man wrongdoings - without voicing his mistake.
Malaysia is landed in this state - is because most of the wrong things done by this old man - and the blind followers that support him.
Just the same as Trump, he did many wrong things - but there are blind followers that support him --- bringing the Country into disrepute.
When this old man is desperate for money -- he can't broke the rule of law by using your so call "jungle law", to coerce, to steal, to rob ---- by declaring increasing price 10 times - because he will get punish - or karma will catch up with him.
And you as blind followers - not only try to overlook his wrongdoings - but try all sort of justifications to support him, cheer him on for his wrongdoings.
And Malaysia state will continue to plummet - if such culture of refusing to follow rule of law or wilful wrongdoings is further propagated.
(1) We will continue to do the right thing, to stick by the contract - and will not do anything wrong or not compliance with the contract.
And we will observe with hawk eyes - every move this old man made.
(2) K Tan Don - do you realise that this old man has created a culture - that cause Malaysia plight today?
Failure to follow the rule of law. Pull down all his successors - leaving the Malaysia in a lurch. Can jail someone for sodomy, then say sorry make a mistake, then achieve full pardon.
And you as blind followers - will support this old man wrongdoings - without voicing his mistake.
Malaysia is landed in this state - is because most of the wrong things done by this old man - and the blind followers that support him.
Just the same as Trump, he did many wrong things - but there are blind followers that support him --- bringing the Country into disrepute.
When this old man is desperate for money -- he can't broke the rule of law by using your so call "jungle law", to coerce, to steal, to rob ---- by declaring increasing price 10 times - because he will get punish - or karma will catch up with him.
And you as blind followers - not only try to overlook his wrongdoings - but try all sort of justifications to support him, cheer him on for his wrongdoings.
And Malaysia state will continue to plummet - if such culture of refusing to follow rule of law or wilful wrongdoings is further propagated.
K Tan Don - This old man need money --- and assume he talk to you now that the house he sell you ---- is too cheap even though you have the title deed (contract) of your house - and this old man want to break this contract --- to ask you to pay 10% more to help Johore.
Will you do it - by allowing this old man to break the rule of law --- to help him get more money to help Johore?
Yes or no?
Base on all your comments here --- you shouldn't say no you know - otherwise you are slapping yourself on the face you know.
Because you say jungle law is ok what.
As long as the old man got no money, he can try jungle law - to coerce you to break the contract with you - to force you to pay 10% more of your house price to him ---- This is what you say and you are supporting him.
If no, why not?
Will you do it - by allowing this old man to break the rule of law --- to help him get more money to help Johore?
Yes or no?
Base on all your comments here --- you shouldn't say no you know - otherwise you are slapping yourself on the face you know.
Because you say jungle law is ok what.
As long as the old man got no money, he can try jungle law - to coerce you to break the contract with you - to force you to pay 10% more of your house price to him ---- This is what you say and you are supporting him.
If no, why not?
K Tan Don - You are the same as this old man.
Shameful 无耻 !
And you still have not answer my question --- will you allow this old man break the contract with you and force you to pay 10% more for your house - as he needs money?
Quick this old man and his cabinet - is reading all this online.
This old man will be very excited and please if you say yes.
Everyone here will be very disappointed if you say no.
You all voted this old man what - and you say you support his ways of doing things - why no answer from you?
Shameful 无耻 !
And you still have not answer my question --- will you allow this old man break the contract with you and force you to pay 10% more for your house - as he needs money?
Quick this old man and his cabinet - is reading all this online.
This old man will be very excited and please if you say yes.
Everyone here will be very disappointed if you say no.
You all voted this old man what - and you say you support his ways of doing things - why no answer from you?
\K Tan Don
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - you are just shameful like the old man.
When you are cornered - you twist and turn like the old man.
You are just trying to wriggle your way out -- when your wrong moral values are challenged.
You and the old man are not using the right ways to resolve your problems - but are using the wrong ways to solve your problem --- and will make it worst.
That is why it will be very difficult for your Country to do well -- if you and the old man continue the errorneous ways of doing things and continue to break the rule of law.
When you are cornered - you twist and turn like the old man.
You are just trying to wriggle your way out -- when your wrong moral values are challenged.
You and the old man are not using the right ways to resolve your problems - but are using the wrong ways to solve your problem --- and will make it worst.
That is why it will be very difficult for your Country to do well -- if you and the old man continue the errorneous ways of doing things and continue to break the rule of law.
Like · Reply · 1m
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : We already admitted we r in very poor position now- no money for expensive projects n it will be helpful if u guys can help by renegotiating the water price..Bo lui mah..already communicated so many times to u guy..where got twist n fact some of u boasted how rich u are, how successful u are but yet still
Wan to squeeze us...not helping but step on us further..
Wan to squeeze us...not helping but step on us further..
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : we are not shameful to let people know we are poor because a lot of our money had been robbec by our pirate king..Najib
Like · Reply · 40m
Few banks are fine.
One bank has the license revoked.
And we are the 1st Country that pull a legal team and financial team to Malaysia - a few days after your new Government is elected.
In addition, when Johore face drought a couple of times, we have go beyond the water contract - and supply additional water to Johore to help Johore alleviate the drought crisis.
If you ask the Johore Sultan and the Prince --- they will vouch for what is said here.
When you say Singapore did not help - do you know what is the amount of investment we have invested in Johore alone?
Do you know how much money did Singaporean contribute in toursim in Johore alone?
Do you know, how much trade did Singapore do with Malaysia?
This old man is trying to exploit us like 大水鱼 in this water contract - and we will not let this old man succeed. Let me assure you.
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - when you say we are not helping when you need help - we did not say no.
When the contracts are signed - they must be honoured.
No one force you to sign the contract - they are signed by your Government and our Government - supported by the respective Attorney Generals.
There are no duress and no coercion for your side or our side to sign the contracts.
On what basis did "we step on you"?
In particular the water contract, you are given opportunity to revise the water contract when the contract is due for renegotiation and your this old man after studying the contract - pass it without asking for renegotiation - after he found that Malaysia benefit alot from it.
Renegotiation is not possible now.
Now this old man - got no money - regret that he did not renegotiate - want to pull trick again.
Sorry a contract is a contract - both sides need to honour the contract.
When the contracts are signed - they must be honoured.
No one force you to sign the contract - they are signed by your Government and our Government - supported by the respective Attorney Generals.
There are no duress and no coercion for your side or our side to sign the contracts.
On what basis did "we step on you"?
In particular the water contract, you are given opportunity to revise the water contract when the contract is due for renegotiation and your this old man after studying the contract - pass it without asking for renegotiation - after he found that Malaysia benefit alot from it.
Renegotiation is not possible now.
Now this old man - got no money - regret that he did not renegotiate - want to pull trick again.
Sorry a contract is a contract - both sides need to honour the contract.
Ricky Lim
As for your 1MDB scandals, pse take note that Singapore is the first Country that have charge all the individuals involved in our Singapore Courts and punishment have been meted out.
As for your 1MDB scandals, pse take note that Singapore is the first Country that have charge all the individuals involved in our Singapore Courts and punishment have been meted out.
Few banks are fine.
One bank has the license revoked.
And we are the 1st Country that pull a legal team and financial team to Malaysia - a few days after your new Government is elected.
In addition, when Johore face drought a couple of times, we have go beyond the water contract - and supply additional water to Johore to help Johore alleviate the drought crisis.
If you ask the Johore Sultan and the Prince --- they will vouch for what is said here.
When you say Singapore did not help - do you know what is the amount of investment we have invested in Johore alone?
Do you know how much money did Singaporean contribute in toursim in Johore alone?
Do you know, how much trade did Singapore do with Malaysia?
This old man is trying to exploit us like 大水鱼 in this water contract - and we will not let this old man succeed. Let me assure you.
Our investment with Johore is RM20.17 billion (S$6.55 billion).
You dare to say this is not helping Malaysia?
If the old man try to play trick on all the signed contracts --- he will not get anything --- as he need to comply with all the clause in the contract --- no more, no less.
If this old man repent himself - and want to conduct proper business with us in a professional manner for win-win outcome - we can entertain him or his cabinet.
You dare to say this is not helping Malaysia?
If the old man try to play trick on all the signed contracts --- he will not get anything --- as he need to comply with all the clause in the contract --- no more, no less.
If this old man repent himself - and want to conduct proper business with us in a professional manner for win-win outcome - we can entertain him or his cabinet.
Like · Reply · 9m · Edited
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - And if you still harp on revising the water price like the old man --- pse answer me whether you agreed for the old man to revoke your house title deed (contract) and pay him an extra of 10% more from the purchase price.
If no, why not?
I believe when you buy your house, it must be very cheap.
Now the price of your house must have gone up 20%, 30% or even 50% if you sell your house now.
Why are you not offering additional 10% more to this old man?
Why do you further "step on this old man pain further"?
If no, why not?
I believe when you buy your house, it must be very cheap.
Now the price of your house must have gone up 20%, 30% or even 50% if you sell your house now.
Why are you not offering additional 10% more to this old man?
Why do you further "step on this old man pain further"?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - One thing that i am quite disappointed about you is that - you still have not learn the message.
A poor man is not shameful. A poor man who work honestly and diligently - will earn deep respect from us.
When I say the old man is shameful ---- is not because Malaysia got into trouble or is poor --- but because of the way this old man conduct himself - and the way he project himself as a wrong role model - as so many of blind followers like you --- follow his wrong way in the conduct of State Affairs.
To be honest, Johor Sultan and the Crown Prince will be your right role model - not because they are friendly to Singapore - but because of the way they conduct themselves as a good ruler.
A poor man is not shameful. A poor man who work honestly and diligently - will earn deep respect from us.
When I say the old man is shameful ---- is not because Malaysia got into trouble or is poor --- but because of the way this old man conduct himself - and the way he project himself as a wrong role model - as so many of blind followers like you --- follow his wrong way in the conduct of State Affairs.
To be honest, Johor Sultan and the Crown Prince will be your right role model - not because they are friendly to Singapore - but because of the way they conduct themselves as a good ruler.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Very rich man like Trump - will not earn my respect - because his character is flaw in all ways.
When you claim your old man as poor - will also not win my respect - because of his character flaw.
There are many rich man and poor man that i have more respect whether they are high up in powerful position or in lower status such as cleaner or lower income earner -- because of their good character and the way they conduct themselves.
When you claim your old man as poor - will also not win my respect - because of his character flaw.
There are many rich man and poor man that i have more respect whether they are high up in powerful position or in lower status such as cleaner or lower income earner -- because of their good character and the way they conduct themselves.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : wrong example..don’t give people born with silver spoon as example..LKY can be good example for a fighter..a lot of us actually support Mahathir..we agree some of his ideas, disgree with some..but we will support if he is fighting for our rights.. i personally think the water deal should be renegotiated at least once
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - we will assure you we will not renegotiate on the water deal.
If old man and you not happy - go to International Court to settle it.
I personally think that you should offer 10% of your housing price to the old man to help him. If everyone of you as blind supporters help him --- you can repay all the Country debt - why do you keep ignoring this proposal?
And another thing, don't try keep poking on your neighbor - you sometimes may find losing many big things without knowing.
If old man and you not happy - go to International Court to settle it.
I personally think that you should offer 10% of your housing price to the old man to help him. If everyone of you as blind supporters help him --- you can repay all the Country debt - why do you keep ignoring this proposal?
And another thing, don't try keep poking on your neighbor - you sometimes may find losing many big things without knowing.
Like · Reply · 1m
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : You guy can curse Tun for being annoying on the water issue..for me i want to see the issue close also as it is trivial matter..I m more fiercely against HSR n ERCL because they are super expensive and super high cost to maintain. I support RTS which is more urgent n more critical to so many if my country men going to SG to work..seriously dont give me rulers as example, i dont want to comment about taboo and sensitive to talk about them..I m not claiming Mahathir as poor..i am suggesting our country dont have the money to spent more than rm 50 billion or more for each project..Granted i agree Mahathir only announced in the media n there had been no official announcement till these few days, we understood your anger..but i have explained we had too much damage incurred because of that evil crook Najib..whenever we see a Singaporean praising him, we will sue to shoot back..anyway not sure what our ministers will be discussing, maybe our minister will be requesting for postpone, yes it is possible, but that is simply because we cant afford it now and for another five years maybe..i rather see our government say ok stop, we pay u rm 500 million..end of story..amyway if your government accept our postpone request, maybe this will give us time to relook the whole how to cut down the cost by halve..well u guya are free to continue to call our leade a snake to show how civilised you problem..
HSR is not initiated by us. As long as a fair outcome is arrived, we will close the chapter.
This also give rise to a question --- how can we trust to have a joint project with your side - if contract can flip and flop?
How can we be assured that if we have any join project with your side - next time, your side dishonour it again?
Now you see a big problem - when someone don't honour contract?
It create a "big trust deficit" on your side.
In future, no other Government will want to enter into any agreement or joint project with your side --- and your side will be the bigger loser.
This also give rise to a question --- how can we trust to have a joint project with your side - if contract can flip and flop?
How can we be assured that if we have any join project with your side - next time, your side dishonour it again?
Now you see a big problem - when someone don't honour contract?
It create a "big trust deficit" on your side.
In future, no other Government will want to enter into any agreement or joint project with your side --- and your side will be the bigger loser.
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