Sunday, August 5, 2018

Lombok quake: Shanmugam and Singapore delegation waiting for flight out of island

 (Updated: )

Foong Mun Loh
aiyah.......why not 83 dead leh.......1 more only what........was hoping he'll come back HORIZONTALLY............
Ricky Lim
I think you have an evil heart.

You seems to take pleasure of the unfortunate death of the 83 people and you wish our Minister death as well.

Be careful of karma - what goes around comes around.

See no evil.
Speak no evil.
Do no evil.

Because karma will stick to you like your shadow.
Johann Teh
Ricky Lim wonder if your curse is effective? Others reading it may oso have just as effective, if not more, curses as yours... be careful...
Not cursing you, but just advising, if I humbly may...
Ricky Lim
Johann Teh - which aspect of my writing are cursing?
It sounds like you don't understand the principles of metaphysics - when i am stating the fact.

If you think that karma is a curse - then you don't understand metaphysics and physics.

In physics, "every action has an equal force of reaction". This is physics, this is fact.

In metaphysics, "every thought, every speech and every action - will elicit a similar outcome call karma" or "Cause and Effect" --- which is a mental state equivalent to physics --- except human cannot measure. This is not a curse, this is a fact.

So far, the person who is able to accurately pinpoint "Cause and Effect" or "karma" is the Buddha - who has attained Concentration and Nirvana - that can penetrate, calculate and vision all the complex, compounded "Cause and Effect" that cannot be done by many or science.

So what "curse" did i make in my statement --- when i am trying to state the "fact" that many is unable to comprehend without understanding of Metaphysics?
Ricky Lim
In case you don't really understand what I mean, I will try to explain in layman terms - when i say "karma will follow you like a shadow".
(1) Human, living things and all Universal properties exist - because of karma - which can be good or bad ---- this is the 1st fundamental principle of Metaphysics that define the existence of Life.
eg. people exist because of man and woman reproduce.
Man and woman reproduce (Cause) and human is born (effect).
This is the karma of reproduction - and life.

(2) Every thoughts (cause) - will bring about a corresponding (effect) feeling -- this is karma.
Eg. a person have a good thought - to help another (good cause) ----- a pleasant feeling appear (good effect). --- This is a good karma that follow you like shadow.
Eg. a person have a bad thought - hope someone is harm (bad cause) - unpleasant feeling arise (bad effect) --- This is a bad karma that follow you like shadow.

(3) With bad thought to harm others (bad cause) - this person write bad things hoping harm will befall on another person (bad effect) - and others hit back at him for giving the notion to harm others (bad effect) --- This is a bad karma that follow you like shadow.

So the above is the Metaphysics that explain karma, cause and effects.
To explain in detail in consciousness, subconsciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation, mental aggregates --- in order to explain karma in detail --- will overwhelm everyone if there is no foundation of mental training to explain karma.

So to summarise, which part of my posting is a curse?
If you understand Metaphysics, what i have say is a "fact" not a curse.

Ricky Lim
If you want a detail understanding of Karma or "Cause and Effects" -
(1) You have to minimally attain a "one pointedness concentration" call Samadhi.
(2) Develop insight to the level of Nirvana Fruition

- then you will be able to develop understanding of the subtle form of consciousness, subconciousness, the mental state --- to begin to understand "Karma".

If you are interested and want a deeper understanding of this topic --- you can read Abidharma --- the most profound text that is ever documented about MetaPhysics.

Then you will understand what I say here is "not a curse" --- but a profound discourse of "Abidharma".

Ricky Lim
To conclude :-
(1) If karma cease or there is no karma on Earth and Universe (good or bad karma) --- lives on Earth and Universe cease.
Remember this statement.
(2) Good karma due to Good cause --- is in effect building Pureland or Heaven on Earth.
(3) Bad karma due to Bad cause - is in effect building War torn zone or Hell on Earth.

So karma is a shadow that follow every living things.

This is a Universal Truth, not a curse --- if you truly understand this Wisdom.
Ricky Lim
In fact, if people tell me - "karma will stick to you like shadow" --- I will rejoice when i hear that.


(1) Because my thoughts, speeches and actions - is meant for the good of others - thus I know my good karma will follow me like shadow - and i rejoice due to the experience of good karma.

(2) However if a person's thoughts, speeches and actions - always try to harm others - then the statement "karma will stick to you like shadow" - sounds like a curse --- because he knows "what he did is bad, and is afraid bad karma or bad things will come to him".

So the statement "karma will stick to you like shadow" - is a "Blessings for me".

But strangely, why did you interpret is as a curse?

So a good person - will rejoice on this statement.
While a person with bad intent - will treat it as a curse.

So have you understood the "Wisdom" of the above statement - is it a curse or is it a Blessing?

To me, the statement is a Blessing.

Ricky Lim
This is the Discourse of Karma - a Blessing or a "curse"?

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