Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Man to be charged for assaulting SMRT employee at Raffles Place station
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/man-to-be-charged-for-assaulting-smrt-employee-at-raffles-place-10659828

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
I think rule exist for a reason.
(1) Drinking liquid - may cause spilling
(2) Eating food - may cause food debris from dropping on the floor

- which either dirty the MRT or cause slippery floor - and can cause someone to fall or may incur cost as there are needs to engage cleaner to clean up the mess, or worst drop into the mechanics of the MRT and cause the MRT to malfunction.

I think we should try to keep the MRT clean by eating and drinking outside the MRT.

In case someone are too thirsty - and must drink to quench the thirst - be prepared to be caught and be warned by the SMRT staff - apologise and obey the rules.

Hitting the SMRT staff that are performing their duty is definitely an offense.
Ricky Lim
Also if food debris and liquid are allowed in MRT - it may also bring about rodent, rats, cockroaches and other pests.

Ricky Lim
Then it means more cost will be increased to :-
(1) clean liquid
(2) clean food
(3) pest control
(4) repair MRT when down cause by water and food that sip into the MRT mechanics
-- and may translate to higher transport fees for commuters.

-- remember, chewing gum can cause the MRT to stop when stuck into the mechanisms.
- water and food can also cause similar damage.

And what happen if some elderly step onto the slippery floor of liquid or waste food - and cause serious injuries?

Will someone here put up hue and cry --- calling for blood - and ask someone to resign - for not banning water and food?

Ricky Lim
And when food or drinks are spilled on the MRT chairs - someone sit on it - will Singaporeans KPKB or not?

Ricky Lim
Singaporeans cannot tahan even for 1 hour - not to drink and eat food in MRT?

Ricky Lim
With food and water disallowed - we can see that there are less litters of food wrappers, empty water bottle etc strewn or thrown around in the MRT.

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