Saturday, August 11, 2018

'Salaries is not our starting point in looking for ministers': Goh Chok Tong responds to criticism of comments on pay

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Why do we need to spend so much time and energy to debate the pay of the Ministers - because a good Leadership will ensure :-
(1) The Country continue to survive.
(2) The Country continue to progress.
(3) The Country continue to have peace, harmony, prosperity.

We need to ensure we have the best talents to helm the Country Leadership.
(1) To do so, we need to put in place a System that ensure best talents helm the Leadership of the Country.
(2) And putting competitive pay to attract the competent talents to helm the Country Leadership cannot be compromised.

This is not only hitting at the core of our success story --- it is hitting at Singapore survival - if we mess this up.
Ricky Lim
Where of course, competitive pay is not the only factor but attributes such as :-
(1) Selfless - Character, motivation, commitment, selflessness
(2) Wisdom - practical abilities, competence and proven performance
(3) Compassion

will be the overriding factors that determine the quality of the Ministers.

Competitive pay - is to ensure the right talents are willing to give up their comfort zone to serve in a turbulent and treacherous political life without sacrificing too much, hurdle too high to clear.

We are in a Capitalist World - even many Communist Countries such as Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos have jettison idealistic altruism remuneration ----- vs pragmatic market forces remuneration.

普渡众生 must have the ingredients of 自度,度人。
(Serving the Nation, must have the ingredients of Win-Win outcome - I am ok, you are ok) -- not I lose, You win.

If you expect a Leader to I lose, You Win ---- and serve the Nation well ---- is a fallacy - a big Bull Shit.

Even Communism has "throw away" this idealistic, altruistic concept --- for a market focus concept of remuneration that is realistic and pragmatic.

Otherwise, Singapore will be in a deep shit --- if the system to lure talents to helm Singapore Top Leadership is mess up ---- by populist - unrealistic idealistic, altruistic concept of paying our Ministers.

Ricky Lim
If Singaporeans fail to understand this - and do "Penny wise, Pound foolish" --- we will indeed be "Lifting a Big Stone - to smash onto our own thick coconut head".

And we will face a situation whereby :-
(1) our fighter planes cannot fly - just put in the hangar for show.
(2) our submarines cannot sail and cannot submerged - else all the crew will drown.
(3) our ships cannot sail
(4) our public debt will soar
(5) everyday spend time monkeying around
(6) our engineers do not know how maintain all our ships, planes, submarines, cars, machinery, assets.
(7) our doctors and nurses don't know how to operate or conduct complicated surgeries.

(8) and instead of surviving, and thriving - we sink into despair - because we don't have durians to sell, palm oil to sell, petrol to dig, river water to drink, rubber to harvest, vegetables to grow, national cars to make
, no coconut to hold for blessings.

Ricky Lim
Mumble, mumble...
"Monkey see, moget do."
"People tell you to jump, you want to jump."
"People dig a well to trick you to jump, you got trick and want to jump."
"Old snake and wolf come out with all sort to trickeries, fallacy, lies lace with poisonous sweet, tell you to eat ==== and you want to eat."

mumble, mumble .......

"wonder is everyone bodoh or tak bodoh.
or become bodoh but tah tau....."

mumble, mumble .......

"Don't even know what is National Security.
No psychological resilience - how to have National Security?
People use some trickeries only --- everyone got trick......"


mumble, mumble......

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