Friday, August 17, 2018

Strong pool of engineering talent key for Smart Nation push: Vivian Balakrishnan

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
He pointed out that the Government had outsourced much of its software development services to other countries a decade ago, but that has since changed.
Dr Balakrishnan added that attracting and retaining local talent was necessary as global competition for talent has never been stronger.


Minister Vivian mention that in the past, the Government outsource IT was wrong - and believing IT projects can be commoditised was also wrong.

Finally, the Government has realised :-
(1) why SOE outsource was wrong
(2) by not having hands-on in house was wrong

where all this happen starting from 2005....

When IT is outsource, Singapore will lose the IT engineering capability and capacity - to exploit IT as a strategic enabler for business and governance... but at that time, no one is listening..... as no one believe there is such thing called the Enlightened one.

Everyone instead of building and deepen IT cap - become policy paper writer and outsource managers - losing the IT cap.

IT can be exploited to be more than a productive tools.
IT in fact is an integral part or stategic enabler of every aspect of business, governance, --- thus outsourcing IT is not a wise move.

Now know why a person felt so strongly that outsourcing is wrong..... SOE is wrong ............
Ricky Lim
This is realise after 2018 - 2005 = 13 years....

At that time the whole G (civil service to Min) believe in IBM - and selling their "koyoh" outsourcing is the cheapest saving for business --- but no one listen to a 黄毛小子 saying IBM - will in fact destroy Singapore's competitiveness by giving away this vital engineering cap......

Now vindicated - but late by 13 years ....
Ricky Lim
Analogy:- We cannot outsource our Country's engineering cap right?

If no Aerospace engineering, if no Marine engineeing, if no Kinetic engineering, if no Electronics engineering --- Singapore cannot have a strong Armed Forces.

That is why, we cannot outsource IT engineering in Government..... but no one listen in 2003 to 2005 ..... and even got boot out ....
Ricky Lim
IT must be look at as strategic enabler of governance and business.
Just by looking at the richest companies in the World - majority are in the top Forbes list.
Eg. Microsoft, Googles, Alibaba, Tencent, Apples, Amazon, Facebook etc.

And IT is the digital enabler that has disrupted traditional industries and many come out top.
Eg. transport such as grab, uber.
Eg. Alibaba, Googles, Amazon, Facebook, Tencent in online platform business
Eg. Blockchain in banking, logistic supply chain

We must not make the mistake of treating IT as productivity tools or commoditise products - that can be outsource away.

We will lose our deep IT capabiliites and capacity - that we possess --- and let other Countries overtake us - which happen 13 years ago --- when we start to outsource our IT and software development away.

Without immersing in IT and doing IT - but rely on others to do it - while we become policy writer, outsource managers --- we lose the deep IT engineering cap --- and will fail to exploit IT as our strategic enabler of business and governance.

Remember - IT is versatile and flexible --- and is knowledge based industries ---- that can be developed or innovate according to our intelligence to give us the competitve edge.

By outsourcing it away --- is a BIG STRATEGIC MISTAKE - and Singapore will lose our competitive edge - in which Singapore indeed have a strong pool of engineering talent - for our Smart Nation push.
Ricky Lim
In addition, how can the Government and Business prevent "groupthink"?

When in the midst of realising the whole decision making group has succumb to groupthink --- and a lone voice stick out like a sore thumb amidst the groupthink --- how does the system pick up the lone voice - analyse it to prevent groupthink  --- instead of cruxifying and firing the lone voice?

Does the system need to wait for 13 years to realise that the decision making group has indeed sucuumb to groupthink and realise the mistake - to do a U-turn?

Else which wise man will voice out - when he sense that something has gone wrong?
Everyone will become "yes man" instead of voicing out - for fear of being fired so as to keep his job. 
In the end who is the loser? --- It is the Country.

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