Sunday, August 26, 2018

On-demand public buses to ply some Singapore roads from December in 6-month trial

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Good idea, but there are 2 queries for the on-demand public buses :-
(1) if a commuter want a bus to travel from 1 destination bus stop to another destination bus stop - that is not ply by any normal bus route - will the on-demand public buses ply these route - assume the ridership is low?

(2) what is the fare for such on-demand public buses - is the formula the same as how it charge the normal bus?
Ricky Lim
Trump has this vision for the Americans :-
(1) Live like a cowboy town
(2) Everyone strap 2 guns beside their hips - and if angry or go into dispute - whip out the guns to shoot everyone down
(3) Turn innocent citizens to become home terrorists
(4) Turn innocents citizens to become the victims of gunmen

Do Americans want such a President?

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