Saturday, August 11, 2018

Chinese media keep up drumbeat of criticism of US

China's state media continued a barrage of criticism of the United States on Saturday as their tit-for-tat trade war escalated, while seeking to reassure readers the Chinese economy remains in strong shape.
11 Aug 2018 12:30PM
Ricky Lim
Before i comment, i am neutral and will not favor any side.
I will only side with the one that do the right thing in the light of fairness and justice.

Trump's trade war has total no regard to international rule on trade nor trade based on market forces - but instead using bullying tactics to cow its trading partners based on managed trade and not through market forces.

I hope Trump will lose badly in this trade war - and learn a very expensive lesson.

Ricky Lim
Trump trade war is not only levy on China - but also other trading partners like Canada, Mexico, Japan, India, S Korea, even EU and others --- totally disregarding international rules on trade using brute force ---- the hallmark of a big bully.

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