Monday, August 27, 2018

Johor Forest City project off limits to foreign buyers: Mahathir

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
This is another great "trust deficit" scored against Malaysia.

Foreign investor will stop trusting Malaysia - and will refrain from investing in Malaysia.

Reports reveal that Malaysia capital outflow has reached an alarming level - since the new Government has take office.
Ricky Lim
Report: Investors not impressed with PH’s economic policies
FMT Reporters | July 10, 2018
The Nikkei Asian Review reports that capital outflow has increased and the ringgit and stock market are not doing well as the government has not come up with new economic policies that inspire confidence.
Ricky Lim
A person who refuse to follow the rule of law --- will see it boomerang back.
One is not above the law.
Keep flip flopping - roti prata --- will see he lose more than he gain --- because no one will deal with a person that is unreliable, untrustworthy.
Ricky Lim
Portfolio investment saw a net outflow of RM38.3 billion, compared with an outflow of RM2.6 billion ringgit in the first quarter of 2018.
Source: Reuters

----- The capital outflow was 14.73 times higher.

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