Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Singapore, Malaysia to announce joint decisions on HSR and RTS soon: Khaw
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
At the backdrop of the seemingly good news, there are 2 things that we have to bear in mind :-
(1) the details of the deal
(2) whether that old man agree with the deal - and will not cause problem later. We are talking about an old man that have the tendency to roti-prata and flip flop.

Ricky Lim
There are 2 old men in the World - that has make the World less trusting to them.
(1) One is the old man in US - who is the flip flop king - who break all signed deals and do policy U-turn.
(2) The second is the oldest man next door - who is the roti prata king - who flip-flop on all signed deals.
Justice Boa
Well said. Mr Khaw beware of the senile roti prata snake. He is trying to bring back the crooked bridge, despite claiming malaysia have a $3 Billion debt & no $ for HSR.

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