Monday, August 6, 2018

The Big Read: Opposition parties banding together — a grand plan or a last throw of the dice?

Seven opposition parties announced plans last weekend to form a coalition. But uniting behind a single vision and identity will be key to achieving any success, say experts, as the nitty-gritty of the proposed coalition is ironed out
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Just a sweep on the article and the comments on the Board - give such impression :-
"PAP has generally done well though not perfect.
Unlike Malaysia that has enormous grievances where there is a groundswell of discontentment.
This oppositions are disorganised, and did not give any confidence to Singaporeans that it has the slightest ability to run the Country.

And the PAP is reaching a point of Leadership change from the Old Guard to the 4GL.
All the more, for the sake of future Singapore, Singaporeans will need to support the Leadership change to ensure the continuity of Singapore's Peace, Harmony, and Prosperity into the near and far future.

And most important to prove the Dr M wrong."

Dr M want to see Singapore going into disarray - like what Malaysia is going through now.

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