01 Mar 2018 02:42AM
Posted on :- 8 Jan 2013
Origin of Universe
So why do I say “Origin of Universe” are like circle.
It means there is No Beginning, there is No End.
Why? Everything have a beginning and have an end what? Oh only if this is a linear world. Yes, there will be a beginning and there is an end – even if it is Infinity.
But everything is circle in Universe – all celestial bodies are circle.
Let us use the basic mathematics numeric system to explain the beginningless and endless --- or more appropriate English term – “There is No Beginning, There is No End” – to describe the “Origin of Universe”.
I recall many months back – Scientists, Mathematicians to focus on 0,1,Infinity and the Big Infinity and the Small Infinity and finally back.
Eg. 0,1,2,3 ………………. 99999999999999999999999 …. (Big Infinity) back to 0 (into endless loop) – many formation of Universe have evolved and die, and ready to evolve into another Universe endlessly)
0, 0.1……………………..0.999999999999999999 …. (Small Infinity) to 1. (one universe has evolved and die. Waiting for the next Universe to evolve).
This is the greatest hint I drop – hopefully to get a response from physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, geologists, psychiatrists, psychologists etc --- -to prove the above hypothesis or consciousness experiences.
Many months have passed until Sinbad hit.
So any Enlightened experts to prove the above hypotheis or consciousness experiences?
Once experts have proven the above hypothesis – then we will talk about the Supramundane Eternality of another type – which is very profound, very subtle – which may not be able to be proven by empirical science.
The purpose of the information (not preaching) - is to unravel the mystery of the Origin of the Universe for the benefit of mankind.
As well as to help scientists, astronomers, physicsists, psychologists, neuroscientists, geoglogists, nuclear scientists etc to find, test, trial empirical evidence to unravel the mystery, the secret of the Origin of Universe.
Note:- They are not preaching.
They are true nature :-
True nature of Universe phenomenon.
True nature of Mathematics.
True nature of consciousness - mundane consciousness and supramundane consciousness.
True nature of the Universal Law - explain in layman term.
So when Sakyamuni Buddha was asked point blank by a challenger - what is the Origin of Universe, why Sakyamuni Buddha kept quiet?
Because through His powerful projection of Jhana power - He see "endless loop" of "No Beginning, No End". He thus told the challenger to focus on meditation to look at his inner self rather than looking at exterior - the Origin of Universe.
If the challenger is told of the answer that Origin of Universe is an "endless loop" of "No Beginning, No End" - he may go insane through his drilling into the state of endless loop because of his practise - dwelling in external vastness of space...
Origin of Universe
So why do I say “Origin of Universe” are like circle.
It means there is No Beginning, there is No End.
Why? Everything have a beginning and have an end what? Oh only if this is a linear world. Yes, there will be a beginning and there is an end – even if it is Infinity.
But everything is circle in Universe – all celestial bodies are circle.
Let us use the basic mathematics numeric system to explain the beginningless and endless --- or more appropriate English term – “There is No Beginning, There is No End” – to describe the “Origin of Universe”.
I recall many months back – Scientists, Mathematicians to focus on 0,1,Infinity and the Big Infinity and the Small Infinity and finally back.
Eg. 0,1,2,3 ………………. 99999999999999999999999 …. (Big Infinity) back to 0 (into endless loop) – many formation of Universe have evolved and die, and ready to evolve into another Universe endlessly)
0, 0.1……………………..0.999999999999999999 …. (Small Infinity) to 1. (one universe has evolved and die. Waiting for the next Universe to evolve).
This is the greatest hint I drop – hopefully to get a response from physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, geologists, psychiatrists, psychologists etc --- -to prove the above hypothesis or consciousness experiences.
Many months have passed until Sinbad hit.
So any Enlightened experts to prove the above hypotheis or consciousness experiences?
Once experts have proven the above hypothesis – then we will talk about the Supramundane Eternality of another type – which is very profound, very subtle – which may not be able to be proven by empirical science.
The purpose of the information (not preaching) - is to unravel the mystery of the Origin of the Universe for the benefit of mankind.
As well as to help scientists, astronomers, physicsists, psychologists, neuroscientists, geoglogists, nuclear scientists etc to find, test, trial empirical evidence to unravel the mystery, the secret of the Origin of Universe.
Note:- They are not preaching.
They are true nature :-
True nature of Universe phenomenon.
True nature of Mathematics.
True nature of consciousness - mundane consciousness and supramundane consciousness.
True nature of the Universal Law - explain in layman term.
So when Sakyamuni Buddha was asked point blank by a challenger - what is the Origin of Universe, why Sakyamuni Buddha kept quiet?
Because through His powerful projection of Jhana power - He see "endless loop" of "No Beginning, No End". He thus told the challenger to focus on meditation to look at his inner self rather than looking at exterior - the Origin of Universe.
If the challenger is told of the answer that Origin of Universe is an "endless loop" of "No Beginning, No End" - he may go insane through his drilling into the state of endless loop because of his practise - dwelling in external vastness of space...
Ricky Lim ·
Posted in :-
MONDAY, JULY 23, 2012
Origin of Universe, 1st Life & the Complex World
Origin Of Universe
Higg & all the Big Bang scientists have simulated and created the Origin of Universe in a laboratory. The experiment is in line with Buddha and His disciples experience that practice Anapansati meditation & Vipassana meditation and have entered into Rupa Jhana, Arupa Jhana & Fruitions.
1st Life in the Universe
The first life, a living thing can be created from “Nothing” as well in a laboratory.
Eg. Use a glass container, suck all oxygen & all gas out until it becomes a vacuum & seal it with air tight lid. Use microsope to check whether any micro-organism grow in the container or not.
If negative, it means without the presence of 4 Great Elements :-
Without water & air but with only the right room temperature & matter (glass), no living organism can be “created” or born.
Now introduced air (with oxygen) & put some water into the container & seal it with air tight lid. Leave it untouch for a few weeks. Then use a microscope to check whether is there any micro-organism “created” or born.
If yes, it has been proven that it is possible to create “Something” from “Nothing”.
This must be how the first life or living thing in the whole Universe appear, created and grow on Earth when the 4 Great Elements attain equilibrium to support life.
When the 4 Great Elements are ready to support life, 5 mental aggregates of life in its rudimentary primitive form find it suitable to sustain its life then begin to grow in these 4 Great Elements on Earth.
When both 4 Great Elements & 5 mental aggregates of life develop into more complex & sophisticated mental & physical faculties, animal realm (dinosaur) evolve follow by human realm. The mental faculties that for both the animal & human realms develop in various degree of sophistication are mundane consciousness.
Human realm which are more developed in logical & analytical thinking have the mental faculties to develop supramundane consciousness & understand the whole Universal Truth.
Development of the 1st Life into a Complex World
So we have successfully “give birth” or “created” micro-organisms in the glass container in the lab – proving that equilibrium in 4 Great Elements will cause 5 mental aggregates (空) to be “born” or “created” in the lab.
But I think people will wonder how does animal and human evolve from micro-organisms.
Let us look at the behaviour of the most primitive, rudimentary form of a cell. Cell is capable of dividing and multiplying itself as the 4 Great Element environment make it conducive to survive and multiply due to the “desire” or “urge” to “give birth” in this sensual desire realm of Earth (form) – 色界。
This conform to the Law of 12 dependant origination of life十二因缘法。
So how cells can evolve into such a complex world – with so many species of plant, animal and human? It is explain below :-
So cell will behave in many manner:-
(1) Some cells after dividing will want to merge or “fuse together” – and create another variants or form (one is male cell with a bolt eg. Call “Alan”, another is a female cell with a nut eg. Call “Evelyn”). Eg. Flu virus fuse with other virus – to form another variant flu virus. Or a male dog mate with a female cat – become “puppy-meow, meow” species. Cockroach male mate with grasshopper female – become “praying mantis” ho ho ho? This is one way to breed more descendants.
(Some cells will want to merge with their own species while some will want to fuse with another species.)
(2) Other cells will like to split itself to multiply like paramecium, or tree when cut off its branches can be a shoot to grow into another tree. Some plants have flower and seeds to become another plant. Some animals like birds decide to “lay eggs”.
(3) Some cells will end up fusing with the environmental matters around them (such as soil, plants, seeds, trees etc) – to become another type of variant cells.
(4) Human who have developed into complex mental faculties want to try many style – eg. Clone human, clone sheep, clone cow. Or human used test-tube baby, use all sort of human “birthing” style – and come up with many pattern of plant species, animal species and human people – thus the World become so complex. One type of orchid fuse with another type orchid by human – become a 3rd type orchid. An Alsatian dog fuse with a bull dog by human – become Al-bull dog. This is the complication of (form) – 色界.
(5) On the contrary, human fail to develop their mental faculties – only concentrating on “intellectual development of intelligence” – to create more complex and complicated World - (form) – 色界 – the mundane world.
(6) Only a very rare few know that – “simplicity” is the understanding of the “Universal Truth”. Concentration & Insight – zen – 禪 & 定 - 色 & 空 – mundane & supramundane – Samatha & Vipassana, law of relativity, dualistc – is the key to understanding of Universal Truth.
MONDAY, JULY 23, 2012
Origin of Universe, 1st Life & the Complex World
Origin Of Universe
Higg & all the Big Bang scientists have simulated and created the Origin of Universe in a laboratory. The experiment is in line with Buddha and His disciples experience that practice Anapansati meditation & Vipassana meditation and have entered into Rupa Jhana, Arupa Jhana & Fruitions.
1st Life in the Universe
The first life, a living thing can be created from “Nothing” as well in a laboratory.
Eg. Use a glass container, suck all oxygen & all gas out until it becomes a vacuum & seal it with air tight lid. Use microsope to check whether any micro-organism grow in the container or not.
If negative, it means without the presence of 4 Great Elements :-
Without water & air but with only the right room temperature & matter (glass), no living organism can be “created” or born.
Now introduced air (with oxygen) & put some water into the container & seal it with air tight lid. Leave it untouch for a few weeks. Then use a microscope to check whether is there any micro-organism “created” or born.
If yes, it has been proven that it is possible to create “Something” from “Nothing”.
This must be how the first life or living thing in the whole Universe appear, created and grow on Earth when the 4 Great Elements attain equilibrium to support life.
When the 4 Great Elements are ready to support life, 5 mental aggregates of life in its rudimentary primitive form find it suitable to sustain its life then begin to grow in these 4 Great Elements on Earth.
When both 4 Great Elements & 5 mental aggregates of life develop into more complex & sophisticated mental & physical faculties, animal realm (dinosaur) evolve follow by human realm. The mental faculties that for both the animal & human realms develop in various degree of sophistication are mundane consciousness.
Human realm which are more developed in logical & analytical thinking have the mental faculties to develop supramundane consciousness & understand the whole Universal Truth.
Development of the 1st Life into a Complex World
So we have successfully “give birth” or “created” micro-organisms in the glass container in the lab – proving that equilibrium in 4 Great Elements will cause 5 mental aggregates (空) to be “born” or “created” in the lab.
But I think people will wonder how does animal and human evolve from micro-organisms.
Let us look at the behaviour of the most primitive, rudimentary form of a cell. Cell is capable of dividing and multiplying itself as the 4 Great Element environment make it conducive to survive and multiply due to the “desire” or “urge” to “give birth” in this sensual desire realm of Earth (form) – 色界。
This conform to the Law of 12 dependant origination of life十二因缘法。
So how cells can evolve into such a complex world – with so many species of plant, animal and human? It is explain below :-
So cell will behave in many manner:-
(1) Some cells after dividing will want to merge or “fuse together” – and create another variants or form (one is male cell with a bolt eg. Call “Alan”, another is a female cell with a nut eg. Call “Evelyn”). Eg. Flu virus fuse with other virus – to form another variant flu virus. Or a male dog mate with a female cat – become “puppy-meow, meow” species. Cockroach male mate with grasshopper female – become “praying mantis” ho ho ho? This is one way to breed more descendants.
(Some cells will want to merge with their own species while some will want to fuse with another species.)
(2) Other cells will like to split itself to multiply like paramecium, or tree when cut off its branches can be a shoot to grow into another tree. Some plants have flower and seeds to become another plant. Some animals like birds decide to “lay eggs”.
(3) Some cells will end up fusing with the environmental matters around them (such as soil, plants, seeds, trees etc) – to become another type of variant cells.
(4) Human who have developed into complex mental faculties want to try many style – eg. Clone human, clone sheep, clone cow. Or human used test-tube baby, use all sort of human “birthing” style – and come up with many pattern of plant species, animal species and human people – thus the World become so complex. One type of orchid fuse with another type orchid by human – become a 3rd type orchid. An Alsatian dog fuse with a bull dog by human – become Al-bull dog. This is the complication of (form) – 色界.
(5) On the contrary, human fail to develop their mental faculties – only concentrating on “intellectual development of intelligence” – to create more complex and complicated World - (form) – 色界 – the mundane world.
(6) Only a very rare few know that – “simplicity” is the understanding of the “Universal Truth”. Concentration & Insight – zen – 禪 & 定 - 色 & 空 – mundane & supramundane – Samatha & Vipassana, law of relativity, dualistc – is the key to understanding of Universal Truth.
Ricky Lim ·
(1) So Big Bang Theory explain (1) the Origin of Universe.
(II) The lab experiment explain (1) 5 mental aggregates growing in a Equilibrium 4 Great Elements – explain the “creation” or “give birth” of a primitive, rudimentary life form of a cell.
(III) The 12 dependant origination explain the evolution of a primitive, rudimentary life form of a cell – into the complex world of plant species, animal species and the human species of (Adam & Eve ????) or Adam, Eve, Eve? – ha ha ha… ???
0, 0.00001, ... 1 represent 1st Universe.
1, 1.00001, ... 2 represent 2nd Universe.
99999 ... Back to 0 represent the final Universe.
The math tell us that in every Universe that look infinity is also finite. Eg. of finite is 0 to 1. Eg of infinity is 0.00001, ...0.999999
So in the 1st Universe that start with nothing, we can create something.
How to do it?
It start with 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空) (science call it the black hole). This is the Bliss of Rupa Jhana consciousness that all mental consciousness & mental aggregates are suppressed but not yet enter into fruitions.
When the suppression no longer can sustain, it expand in all 10 directions
(science call it the black hole explode into supernova when energy become too dense & powerful that cause the explosion and form the 1st Universe).
This is the Big Bang Theory that Higgs had proven in his lab with other scientists. The 5 mental aggregate emptiness (五蕴皆空) is confirm by Science of Big Bang Theory.
Then the infinity of 0.00001, ...0.999999 is how the various galaxies, solar systems, planets evolved. This is how cell organisms, dinosaurs, humans realms evolve & are still evolving.
From nothing (black hole), something is created (cell micro organism).
From something (cell micro organism), too many things are created now (the complex world today of many human, animal & plant species).
However, as Universe is finite example from 0 to 1 in the 1st Universe even though it appear to be in infinity of 0.00001, ...0.999999 As all form – are subject to birth, living, decay & passing away. What matter or living things not subject to decay in the Law of Impermanency (无常) and the Law of Karma (因果) that keep mundane life going?
So one day our Universe will end one day before another Universe evolve in the same way.
So how to ensure Eternality in Life and transcend from mundane to supramundane beating the Law of Impermanency and the Law of Karma that keep life going to attain No birth, No death?
As mention, 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空). evolve into life (science call it the black hole), then how to re-enter into Emptiness from 0 back to 0? It is called 4 Great Element Emptiness. (Math unfortunately know only discrete value of 0, 1, 2 .... Including decimal values like 0.00001, ...0.999999 all the way to infinity. But do not know how to come back to 0.
So only supramundane fruition consciousness will feel this gap still unexplainable by math.
4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) (Final Universe) is possible when one attain 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空). From the foundation of 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空) permeates uninhibited into the space of 10 directions enwrapping the whole of Universe.
When Universe expand, the 4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) will expand with the Universe.
When Universe contract, the 4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) will contract with the Universe.
At this state, Omnipresent, Omniscience is say to have attained as 4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) enwrap the Universe with the foundation of 5 mental aggregates Emptiness (五蕴皆空).
Math can use this model to find the answer how 0 to infinity back to 0. If can find the answer using math, then the Final Nirvana is attained and Eternality of no birth, no death is attained.
Now for which math & science give us clarity in computation and help us to define and put in figures & experiment our mundane & supramundane consciousness in crystal clear hypothesis and scientific outcome.
(II) The lab experiment explain (1) 5 mental aggregates growing in a Equilibrium 4 Great Elements – explain the “creation” or “give birth” of a primitive, rudimentary life form of a cell.
(III) The 12 dependant origination explain the evolution of a primitive, rudimentary life form of a cell – into the complex world of plant species, animal species and the human species of (Adam & Eve ????) or Adam, Eve, Eve? – ha ha ha… ???
0, 0.00001, ... 1 represent 1st Universe.
1, 1.00001, ... 2 represent 2nd Universe.
99999 ... Back to 0 represent the final Universe.
The math tell us that in every Universe that look infinity is also finite. Eg. of finite is 0 to 1. Eg of infinity is 0.00001, ...0.999999
So in the 1st Universe that start with nothing, we can create something.
How to do it?
It start with 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空) (science call it the black hole). This is the Bliss of Rupa Jhana consciousness that all mental consciousness & mental aggregates are suppressed but not yet enter into fruitions.
When the suppression no longer can sustain, it expand in all 10 directions
(science call it the black hole explode into supernova when energy become too dense & powerful that cause the explosion and form the 1st Universe).
This is the Big Bang Theory that Higgs had proven in his lab with other scientists. The 5 mental aggregate emptiness (五蕴皆空) is confirm by Science of Big Bang Theory.
Then the infinity of 0.00001, ...0.999999 is how the various galaxies, solar systems, planets evolved. This is how cell organisms, dinosaurs, humans realms evolve & are still evolving.
From nothing (black hole), something is created (cell micro organism).
From something (cell micro organism), too many things are created now (the complex world today of many human, animal & plant species).
However, as Universe is finite example from 0 to 1 in the 1st Universe even though it appear to be in infinity of 0.00001, ...0.999999 As all form – are subject to birth, living, decay & passing away. What matter or living things not subject to decay in the Law of Impermanency (无常) and the Law of Karma (因果) that keep mundane life going?
So one day our Universe will end one day before another Universe evolve in the same way.
So how to ensure Eternality in Life and transcend from mundane to supramundane beating the Law of Impermanency and the Law of Karma that keep life going to attain No birth, No death?
As mention, 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空). evolve into life (science call it the black hole), then how to re-enter into Emptiness from 0 back to 0? It is called 4 Great Element Emptiness. (Math unfortunately know only discrete value of 0, 1, 2 .... Including decimal values like 0.00001, ...0.999999 all the way to infinity. But do not know how to come back to 0.
So only supramundane fruition consciousness will feel this gap still unexplainable by math.
4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) (Final Universe) is possible when one attain 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空). From the foundation of 5 mental aggregates of Emptiness (五蕴皆空) permeates uninhibited into the space of 10 directions enwrapping the whole of Universe.
When Universe expand, the 4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) will expand with the Universe.
When Universe contract, the 4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) will contract with the Universe.
At this state, Omnipresent, Omniscience is say to have attained as 4 Great Element Emptiness (四大皆空) enwrap the Universe with the foundation of 5 mental aggregates Emptiness (五蕴皆空).
Math can use this model to find the answer how 0 to infinity back to 0. If can find the answer using math, then the Final Nirvana is attained and Eternality of no birth, no death is attained.
Now for which math & science give us clarity in computation and help us to define and put in figures & experiment our mundane & supramundane consciousness in crystal clear hypothesis and scientific outcome.
Astronomers detect signal of Universe's first stars
Crucially, it is hoped the discovery will shed light on dark matter - an invisible, mysterious substance thought to make up a large share of the Universe.
01 Mar 2018 02:42AM
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PARIS: A signal from the Universe's first stars, born a cosmic heartbeat after the Big Bang, has been detected for the first time, astronomers said Wednesday, setting the science world aflutter.
The observation came after a decade-long quest, years earlier than expected, and was described by one excited observer as the biggest astronomical breakthrough since the Nobel-capped detection of gravitational waves in 2015.
The findings have to be confirmed by other experiments.
Crucially, it is hoped the discovery will shed light on dark matter - an invisible, mysterious substance thought to make up a large share of the Universe.
"Finding this miniscule signal has opened a new window on the early Universe," said Arizona State University astronomer Judd Bowman, the project's lead investigator.
"Telescopes cannot see far enough to directly image such ancient stars, but we've seen when they turned on" - that is, sparked to life - "in radio waves arriving from space."
Fingerprints of the stars, already active 13.6 billion years ago - a mere 180 million years after the Big Bang gave rise to the Universe - were picked up by a dining table-sized radio spectrometer in the Australian desert.
Such evidence had been expected, but not for years to come.
To everyone's surprise, and delight, the signal contained something curious.
The early Universe, the data showed, appears to have been twice as cold as previously estimated, at minus 270 degrees Celsius (-454 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the study in Nature.
Some suggested a role for dark matter - the theme of an accompanying science paper published by the same journal.
The author of that study, Rennan Barkana of Tel Aviv University, said the freeze might be explained by ordinary matter interacting with, and losing energy to, dark matter.
"If Barkana's idea is confirmed then we've learnt something new and fundamental about the mysterious dark matter that makes up 85 per cent of the matter in the Universe, providing the first glimpse of physics beyond the Standard Model," said Bowman.
Data from the Planck satellite showed in 2013 that ordinary matter - which makes up everything we can touch and see - comprises a mere 4.9 per cent of the Universe, and dark matter 26.8 per cent. The other 68.3 per cent is dark energy.
Invisible to telescopes, dark matter is perceived through its gravitational pull on other objects in the cosmos.
But its existence is not explained by the Standard Model of physics - the mainstream theory of the fundamental particles that make up matter and the forces that govern them.
Finding dark matter particles could require updating the Standard Model with futuristic theories such as "supersymmetry", which postulates the existence of a heavier sibling for every particle in the Universe, or extra dimensions.
Expert observers' reactions ranged from "a truly amazing result", and "wow!", to advising caution.
"The apparent detection of the signature of the first stars in the Universe will be a revolutionary discovery if it stands the tests of time," said Nobel Prize-awarded astrophysicist Brian Schmidt of The Australian National University.
"Astronomers worldwide will be holding their breath until the result is confirmed by an independent experiment," added Karl Glazebrook of the Swinburne University of Technology in comments via the Science Media Centre in Australia.
If it is, it would open "a new window on the early Universe and potentially a new understanding of the nature of dark matter."
Described as technically robust by expert commentators, the findings must nevertheless be confirmed by independent experiments.
Scientists believe that for about 400,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe was dark - filled primarily with hydrogen.
Gravity slowly pulled the densest regions of gas together to form stars, according to the Arizona State University's School of Earth and Space Exploration.
The signals detected in the study came from primordial hydrogen, at a time that light from the first stars made the gas detectible for the first time.
Our own Sun and Solar System was formed about nine billion years later.
The earliest stars were the source of all heavy elements in the Universe, including those necessary for life to exist.
Source: AFP/de
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