Saturday, March 24, 2018

From floating solar farms, to HDB rooftops: Where Singapore's sun-powered future lies

Different ways of harnessing it are being explored, as the programme Powering the Future finds out. But how realistic is the goal of having solar energy meet a far larger share of electricity demand, given the constraints?
24 Mar 2018 06:15AM
Ricky Lim · 
Making Singapore as test-bed for cutting edge technologies (such as this renewable energy) is a wise move - as its applications can be learned, perfected and a new industry may emerge that can contribute to the GDP of our Economy and if can be exported will also add a new dimension for growth if proven successful.
Ricky Lim · 

Other than fossil fuel, we have LNGs and now solar panel.
By diversifying our energy sources, we will be more resilient against price fluctuations and supply fluctuations.

Ricky Lim · 
Ah not forgeting waste generated energy.

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