Xi Jinping's latest tag - living Buddhist deity, Chinese official says
President of China, head of its Communist Party, commander-in-chief of the military and now living Buddhist deity - Xi Jinping has added another title to his growing collection, at least in the eyes of some ethnic Tibetans.
08 Mar 2018 04:05PM
"The ordinary people in the herder areas say, only General Secretary Xi is a living Bodhisattva. This is a really vivid thing to say," Wang said.
"The ordinary people in the herder areas say, only General Secretary Xi is a living Bodhisattva. This is a really vivid thing to say," Wang said.
Bodhisattvas (菩萨)are individuals who carry out compassionate acts to achieve enlightenment.
Beg to differ on the definition or explanation of Bodhisattvas (菩萨).
Bodhisattvas (菩萨)are 2x (times) Perfection on Attainment of Nirvana (Enlightenment).
Arahats are 1x (times) Perfection on Attainment of Nirvana (Enlightenment).
As "Aspirant" Bodhisattvas" are Beings who "aspired to be Bodhisattvas" by walking the "Bodhisattvas Path" (菩萨行)。
"Aspirant" Bodhisattvas" (初发菩萨) can be any normal Beings (who has not attained Nirvana or Enlightenment) who walk the "Bodhisattvas Path" (菩萨行)by carrying out compassionate acts.
"Aspirant" Bodhisattvas" can also be an Arahat (阿罗汉)who has attained Nirvana or Enlightenment in Theravada (小乘) but walk the "Bodhisattvas Path" (菩萨行)by carrying out compassionate acts in Mahayana Salvation (大乘).
Buddha (佛)are 3x (times) Perfection on Attainment of Nirvana (Enlightenment).
Beg to differ on the definition or explanation of Bodhisattvas (菩萨).
Bodhisattvas (菩萨)are 2x (times) Perfection on Attainment of Nirvana (Enlightenment).
Arahats are 1x (times) Perfection on Attainment of Nirvana (Enlightenment).
As "Aspirant" Bodhisattvas" are Beings who "aspired to be Bodhisattvas" by walking the "Bodhisattvas Path" (菩萨行)。
"Aspirant" Bodhisattvas" (初发菩萨) can be any normal Beings (who has not attained Nirvana or Enlightenment) who walk the "Bodhisattvas Path" (菩萨行)by carrying out compassionate acts.
"Aspirant" Bodhisattvas" can also be an Arahat (阿罗汉)who has attained Nirvana or Enlightenment in Theravada (小乘) but walk the "Bodhisattvas Path" (菩萨行)by carrying out compassionate acts in Mahayana Salvation (大乘).
Buddha (佛)are 3x (times) Perfection on Attainment of Nirvana (Enlightenment).
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