Monday, March 5, 2018

11 Pacific trade pact countries go it alone without US

  • ricky l
    ricky l
    1 second ago
    Last month, Trump told the World Economic Forum in Davos that the US might return if it got a better deal.

    Tell Trump to go fly kite.
    He will not be welcome in the CPTPP.
    Trump's "America First policy" will be "America Last policy" - in the eyes of the World.
  • john
    5 minutes ago
    Actually, I think Trump is smart but I do not believe business is done his way as each country like to be sole rights to each rights to invest in countries supporting its goal. Only then there is business interest and not what see other richness as a price cow left the house. Asia got too many business to trade and itself can last a whole cow who left us. Nothing to worry.

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