Thursday, March 29, 2018

Japan must avoid bilateral trade talks with US - Aso

Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Thursday the country must "definitely avoid" bilateral trade negotiations with the United States.
29 Mar 2018 11:25AM
Ricky Lim · 
Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Thursday the country must "definitely avoid" bilateral trade negotiations with the United States.
"When two countries negotiate, the stronger country gets stronger. That's unnecessary (for Japan) so we've been saying all along that we would definitely avoid" bilateral trade talks with the United States, Aso told parliament.
Japanese is very wise to realise this.

There is no point talking to Trump and Trump's camp - who is adopting a bullying top down approach.

It is wise to avoid them rather than engage them in trade talk.

Even if Trump suggest re-joining TPP - the TPP-11 should drag it out until Trump leave the Administration - to engage with a more reasonable President.

Trump is not the right person to talk about trade or business - because he don't understand mutual benefits and win-win outcome.

Trump just want to win everything - and there is no way any Countries want to engage such a person with such attitude.

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