Thursday, March 1, 2018

Defence spending will be kept steady despite new threats, neighbours spending more: Ng Eng Hen

The Singapore Armed Forces saved S$200 million last year through innovation and better work processes, the Defence Minister said.
 (Updated: )

Kerry Lymo
LOL, SAF "saved" $200m last year? Every NSF and NSmen will know this kind of savings are largely imagined, plucked from thin air because there is an annual savings target mandated by HQ.

Also so much money is wasted on overseas training when many of these training can be done locally. There is a weird and perversive compulsion to train overseas just because the foreign countries offer the opportunities, to the extend that many overseas countries see our soldiers as military tourists.

Time to really rein in our out-of-control defence budget!
Ricky Lim · 

Also so much money is wasted on overseas training when many of these training can be done locally.

I think you have not fully understood what military training entail.

(1) How do you expect airforce to maneouvre and train in a small restricted airspace - where a few seconds or minutes, the fighter plane will have vroom out of our airspaces?

(2) How do you expect division or brigade size infantry or armor forces to maneouvre and train in a small city?

(3) How do you train in terrain that is not available in Singapore?

(4) How do you train soldiers in live firing like bomb drop from plane, howizter firing, Himars firing, missiles firing from air, land, sea?

As mentioned in the new articles, it says in 2005, defence spending is 1/3 or 30% of the whole Government expenditure, now it is 19%.
How is this spending out of control?
Ricky Lim · 

An untrained or poorly trained armed forces or poorly equipped armed forces --- is as good as not having an armed forces.
Mac Lee · 

waste money. better to spend more on healthcare
Singh Prem · 

Wholesome spending, in all important sectors and more - that's what the Government constantly aims for, but it may not always be seen as the perfect balancing act. I believe the government can do more in respect of care for the elderly and the chonically ill, on the creation of jobs and career paths, for all our graduates [this jointly working with the private sector], and for those who are struggling at subsistence levels. This is why we must continue to give our views direct to the relevant Ministers, for, afterall, we voted them in, and not just complain and do nothing constructive.

Defence spending canot be removed, for obvious reasons, and it is pertinent to note that, even in the sector of defence, there is substantial employment created for our citizens. We must be grateful we have a viable defence machinery/force.
Ricky Lim · 

Mac Lee - If terrorists manage to breakthrough and shoot the ass out of you --- let see you will say the same thing agains.

Ricky Lim · 
“These attacks are conducted by freelancers, as well as organised state and non-state actors,” he added.
Increasingly, threat is no longer confined to traditional hostility type of threat.

Singapore must be prepared for "hybrid warfare - that come in all forms, shapes and sizes - some are physical threat, some are soft threat (such as economic, social, cyber disruption), and some are psychological threats that can tear the society apart.
Ricky Lim · 
Eg, a news report :-

"Country X used social media to stir divisions on US energy policy: lawmakers
Country X operatives attempting to discourage U.S. energy production posted thousands of messages on social media supporting environmental activists in their campaign to limit oil and gas projects, a report by Republican lawmakers said on Thursday.
The lawmakers' report linked some 9,100 posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram between 2015 and 2017 to operatives including the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, a CountryX propaganda arm known for its trolling on social media.

An example of "hybrid warfare" - through the use of social media waging "psychological warfare" - and tearing the Society apart.

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