Thursday, March 22, 2018

Trump set for China tariff announcement on Thursday, trade war fears grow

President Donald Trump will announce tariffs on Chinese imports on Thursday, a White House official said, in a move aimed at curbing theft of U.S. technology that is likely to trigger retaliation from Beijing and stoke fears of a global trade war.
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

China has already identified agriculture as a U.S. weak point and has said it would target soybeans, a US$14 billion-a- year business. America's farm states heavily backed Trump in his presidential election win.
The European Union's response to the threat of steel and aluminum tariffs also targeted areas where Republicans are vulnerable, threatening Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which are made in House Speaker Paul Ryan's home state of Wisconsin.
Let the World teach Trump, his aides and his supporters a good, proper and expensive lesson.

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