Saturday, March 24, 2018

Seoul says North Korea agrees to hold high-level talks on Mar 29

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

S Korea should lead and set up the agenda in such a manner that will cushion any wildcard coming from Trump's camp that could mess up the denuke talk.

This is an initiative that can resolve the few decades of Korean Peninsula confrontaion once and for all - and achieve a Permanent Peace.

Trump and Trump's camp have the potential to mess everything up.

S Korea must take the lead and pre-empt such "wildcard" from throwing the initiatives off course.
Ricky Lim · 
S Korea cannot rely on Trump's leadership.
Just look at the self-inflicted chaos in the White House.
And just look at the controversial policies that come out every other days or weeks that trouble the World and create a mess unto the World.

Trump is only capable of creating trouble.
Trump is not known or does not display anything so far that is able to resolve complex issues.

Ricky Lim · 

So far what has Trump done that is good?
Cannot think of anything.
Trump is only good at tearing down what the previous Administration has done eg. :-
(1) Rescind TPP in his 1st day in office - and now has the cheek to beg to rejoin.
(2) Rescind Paris Climate Agreement
(3) Start global trade war
(4) Self-inflicted crisis in White House

Anything good that can be accredited to Trump?

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