Friday, March 2, 2018

Defiant Trump welcomes 'easy to win' trade war

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

灭世尊 has again manifested and rear its head after few near "World humanity ending feat" :-

(1) Near nuclear war in Korean Peninsula - that will bring the real risk of nuclear contamination and atmospheric explosion that will knock out electrical plant, water plant and food source - killing humanity on Earth.

(2) Accumulate mammoth debt of US$23-24 trillon - that will trigger "Boom and Bust" economic vicious cycle down the road - and trigger world recession.

(3) Withdrawing from Paris Climate Agreement - and threaten humanity with extreme weather.

(4) And now the Global trade war - threatening tariff that will destabilise the World Economy - without understanding how the global trade operates. And in past lesson - has trigger the World 1st Deep Depression that lead to World War 2.

Someone say "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity".

Indeed Trump encompass all of it - thanks to the "intelligent" American voters and Russian hackers - that put Trump as the most dangerous President of United States..
Ricky Lim · 

Posted on :- 02 Mar 2018

Ricky Lim ·
Trump is starting and will trigger a Global Trade War by levying tariff.
(1) US importing Countries will retaliate by reciprocal tariff on US goods - and US importers suffer as it will have to pay higher prices.
(2) US producers such as shipbuilders, plane builders, fridge builders, bridge builders, housebuilders, car builders etc that require alumininum or steel will have to buy them at higher cost from domestic or overseas market.
(3) US consumers and taxpayers will suffer as they have to buy goods at much higher prices.
(4) Overseas consumers will no longer buy US goods because it will be price much higher due to the higher alumininum and steel cost. Overall it will has an impact on US economy - as domestic and overseas demand for US goods fall.
(5) In 1930s Deep Depression - it is trigger by US starting a trade war by introducing tariff on imports and subsequently lead to World War 2.

Trump is not learning from all the past lessons.
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Ricky Lim · 

Ricky Lim ·
With Trump declaring Trade War with the whole World, the whole World should attempt to create a "buffer zone" against US - by forging multi-lateral trade deals MINUS US.

This is to ensure the whole World trade among themselves - minus US and cushion any fallout from US trade protectionism.

That is - the whole World build a "Trade Firewall" against Trump led US.
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Ricky Lim ·
Trump has suddenly gone "insane".
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Tony Tan
he will destroy US
Eddie Cheang
The current president of the USA is the most arrogant, hostile and dangerous president ever. The following quote of Martin Luther King Jr. is the most appropriate description of Trump:
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"
Eddie Cheang
"Trade wars are good, and easy to win" said Trump. So, next is nuclear attack on North Korea - that's good and easy to win. Full scale and carpet bombing of Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and others is good and easy to win. The whole world will then "kowtow" to the USA as the supreme commander in chief, the dictator, the emperor. Congratulation "Hail Trump"!!!
Alf Alf Alf
I called him Dumb Trump not Donald Trump
Jm Chow
To start the trade war, Trump fired the first shot ...aiming at imposing a 25% tariff on steel imports.

Trump missed the target completely.. the tariff hurt US Canada, S Korea, Japan, EU. ...NOT China.

How come ?
These US allies are major exporters of steel to the USA, NOT China...example Canada, ( 16 %) and S Korea (10%)
Of the total steel exported from China, only ONE % go to the USA. ...99% go the other countries around the world.

Meanwhile...US major manufacturers have to put their business expansionm plans in deep freeze...because of the huge increases in the price of steel and steel products. Higher production cost ...made their products NOT competitive. Their survival is now in question.

As steel is the raw material used in thousands of US-made products...the sale prices of these US made products will increase also...making them NOT competitive also. It will badly hurt their business !!

Hardly hurt by the US steel tariff, China is sanguine, reacted with style . Its foreign ministry said: ..."Trump's steel tariff will badly hurt world trade....NOT a good thing. ".

Trump is a whiz kid in the construction business ....but he know little... about international trade.
Now he has created a big mess with his shot fired at China....hurting instead US friends and American businesses at home.

Hurting US allies and US businesses at certainly NOT the way to win a trade war.
Grace Jacinta Lo · 

Mr Chow, you can bump your frustrated head on the wall, eat your heart out....
Jm Chow
Grace Jacinta Lo

Frustrated ? Me ?
Ha h ha ha ...I always have wonderful feelings... One of the things that make my people like you. It is a beautiful world ...with beautiful people like you.

Yes..there are many frustrated people around the world tonight....caused by Trump's tariff (to start a trade war with China.) Do you know who they are...who are really frustrated ??
Yes. All the US allies SCREWED by Trump good and proper...including the PM of Canada, the leaders of Mexico, South Koreas, Japan, and some EU leaders....

These people could bump their heads against the wall....they could eat their hearts out...longing for Trump to do the right reverse the tariff on steel imports.

However, they will be greatly disappointed...for Trump would NEVER admit ....he boo-booed.

Ha ha ha is a beautiful is wonderful world....with people like Trump and you. Ha ha ha ha ,....simply wonderful...divinely beautiful.

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