Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Two Koreas to hold summit, Pyongyang offers nuke deal: Seoul
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/two-koreas-to-hold-summit-pyongyang-offers-nuke-deal-seoul-10018374

(Photo: AFP/KCNA via KNS) 

Ricky Lim · 

The two Koreas have agreed to hold a summit at their border in April, with Pyongyang saying it would consider abandoning nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees, Seoul said Tuesday (Mar 6).
If confirmed by Pyongyang, the offer would mark the first time under the current leadership the North had declared itself willing to discuss conditions under which it might consider giving up its nuclear arsenal - a move it has previously insisted was firmly off the negotiating table.
Wow fantastic.
The World will be overjoy with N Korea wise decision.

The social media effort is really worthwhile :-

Posted on:- Posted on:- 25 Feb 2018

Ricky Lim ·
Think for the denuclearisation talk to progress and succeed, important to emphasize the following :-
(1) Security assurance that N Korea will not be attack. The same go for S Korea - to be assured that it will not be attacked.
Security and safety are paramount.

(2) Economic development, lifting of sanctions, business, investment etc --- can then be discussed in conjunction to denuclearisation talk.
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Ricky Lim ·
N Korea should take the cue and solace from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos --- that it is possible to follow their footstep to emerge from isolation - and integrate successfully with the World whether economically, socially, politically, militarily --- without causing harm to their Government or People.
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Ricky Lim · 


Ricky Lim · 

Posted on :- 13 Feb 2018

Yeok Fong Yong
Like East Germany where the Dictator needs to be deposed of, North Korea needs to go through the same process.
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Unker Will
Kim has archived what he wanted i.e. to let his country men and women to participate in the Games Let's see what is his next move when the Game is over and I suspect he will be back to his threatening self again. Now that he has seen what the South is like and with the knowledge that the South is so so over willing to accept the North in terms of unification between the both side....he sees that as South's greatest weakness.
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Ricky Lim ·
People should not throw a cold blanket and not give N Korea a chance to reconcile. World should encourage them, coax them to come forward positively and not clobber them.

It is not easy for a State in isolation to come out and integrate with the World.

Khmer Rouge with more tragic past, when given a chance by China and Asean has helped Cambodia to emerge and join ASEAN.

Likewise China, Vietnam and Laos also have difficult history - and given chance are able to emerge and now do much better with glory success.


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Kevin O'Neill · Sydney, Australia
He's playing wedge politics...courting South Korea and threatening the US to drive division between the allies
Like · Reply · 2h

Ricky Lim · Singapore
N Korea is not stupid. They know it will not work - because the sanction is still effective and the alliance are still in place.
Give them a chance to win trust and give them a chance to break out from this isolation.
Only if the World give them chance, will they not hold on to their nuclear as defense.

Ricky Lim · 

Posted on:- 10 Feb 2018 02:57PM (Updated: 10 Feb 2018 03:08PM)

Ricky Lim ·
Let hope there is a breakthrough in eventual permanent peace in Korean Peninsula.
Let hope security assurance and peace deal can be sealed for both Koreas.
Let hope economic integration, business deal, investment deal, travel deal can be secured.

And finally, let hope the final denuclearisation can be secured in Korea Peninsula.
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Ricky Lim · ·
Posted on:- 05 Feb 2018

Frank Lyon ·
We can all hope for a peaceful and engaging Olympics this year with North and South Korea competing side by side. I do worry that north Korea is only sending a non-family diplomat as Kim sees them as expendable. I think it would be prudent to be very alert to any and all actions by the North in and out of South Korea.
Like · Reply · 4h

Ricky Lim ·
I think we should not be too quick to 2nd guess that N Korea is not sending a non-family diplomat and hence is not sincere.

This diplomat is quite a high profile official.

Asia culture is quite different from the West - where what it seems unimportant move could be an important move. Thus reading too much into it may lead to misinterpretation.

So let keep a watchful eyes on the development with mindful breath - and hope that real breakthrough can come - if not now, hopefully in the near future.

It is very clear that N Korea, US, S Korea or Japan, China and Russia - not much less Asia Pacific Countries want to see a war breakout in Korean Peninsula --- because it hurts everyone.

Let's hope something can be work out - and eventually resolve the tension in Korean Peninsula and lead to denuclearisation.
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Ricky Lim ·
See things can change.
Seems like N Korea does respond to social media.

Asia culture is quite different from the West - where what it seems unimportant move could be an important move. Thus reading too much into it may lead to misinterpretation.
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
08 Feb 2018 11:45AM

Ricky Lim · Singapore
There are 2 options for talk :-
(1) Put a stick in front of the table and say let's talk - else whack you with a stick.

(2) Let us talk - this issue has bug us for very long - and it is unpleasant and painful for both of us.
Let us talk to work out something.

Do you think N Korea will respond better to Option 1 or Option 2?

Think N Korea will respond better to Option 2.
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
The below opinion will still be useful.
Ricky Lim ·
Asia culture is one that start slow, build trust, build confidence, start with something that seems small, a small step, do something that seems unimportant - and slowly move into something that is of interest to both parties.

This is unlike Western culture that go straight into the main topic and want immediate result - that is still cold, very sensitive and still unyielding - and if things don't happen as expected - try to use high-hand tactics. This will not work for Asia culture.

Hence, let S Korea Leaders lead the way in this - as they understand N Korea culture better than anyone do.

"Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that may lead to breakthrough.
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Ricky Lim ·
When Mr Lee Kuan Yew visit China and meet the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - "Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that lead to the breakthrough - that change China's heart to integrate with the World economically.

Think this could be possible if the "right key" is used correctly on N Korea.
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Ricky Lim ·
We should take a cue on how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - break out from economic and political isolation to embrace the World and integrate with the World economically.

(1) China by "Exchanging of Heart" with Singapore and then open up economically and integrate with the World. China work with someone they can trust - which is Singapore.
(2) Vietnam work with Asean by joining ASEAN to open up economically.
(3) Cambodia, Laos work with both China and joining ASEAN to open up economically.

N Korea will have to work with "someone" he can trust - and do similar things like what China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos did.

Ricky Lim · 

After 15 years of 普度, NKorea for the 1st time agree to denuke talk!

Ricky Lim · 
If both S Korea and N Korea succeed in denuke talk and lead N Korea to integrate successfully with the World Community economically ---- suggest nominating both President Moon of S Korea and President Kim of N Korea for Nobel Peace prize.

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