Saturday, March 24, 2018

Tough talk on global trade escalates as Trump claims results

24 Mar 2018 05:32AM
Jm Chow
Let's keep score.

First short by USA : Trump levy tough tariff on imports of steel and alluminum from China.
China hit back: Tariff on 3 billions worth of products from the USA..including Agricultural and meat products.

Second short from USA: High tariffs on US$60 billion of Chinese imports.
China's response : Asked Trump to stop this job- killing game good for the people in the USA, China and people around the world.
If Trump say no... then China will impose high tariffs on $60 billions worth of imports from the USA.

China is matching Trump ... shot by by play... Ch
ina has what it takes ...and is prepared to play the game ... to the bitter end. (according to the Chinese Ambassador to the USA)

At this juncture, blaming China will not help...will not stop this war game...

Trump started this trade war...Americans are also the victims of this trade war ...will suffer the BAD consequences.(needless to say the Chinese people suffer more)

Trump is a good businessman...good at making small deals.. a billion or two..
Obviously Trump is not up to par...on how to make deals at the highest the level of national economies. The gargantuan trade volumes... is way beyond his intellectual grasp.
He does not know... a trade war is NEVER a good deal. NO one wins.
Jessis Ng
A trade war is not alway about winning. Sometime is about hurting yr opponent. If china is hurt more then US, This is a win.
Ricky Lim · 

Jessis Ng - "The EU must be united and determined ... if we are attacked we will react without weakness," Macron said at the end of a summit of EU leaders in Brussels.
"We talk about everything in principle with a friendly country that respects WTO rules. Nothing should be addressed when it is with a gun to your head", he said referring to the World Trade Organization, the body that handles trade disputes.

Let see eventually will Trump win or lose big.
The World will slam Trump one by one.

Trump has no friends, Trump has turn all his friends, allies into adversaries.
Because a true friend and true allies will not hurt a true friend or a true allies.
Only Trump will do it.
Sheen Zong San
Why does China very much NOT want a trade war? Because China knows it has a lot to lose. Lots and lots to lose. China has grown in strength and become such a big bully through only ONE thing - and that is unfair trade. The free world has shown great friendship to China, but is rewarded with disdain, deception, aggression and bullying. The free world is partly to blame, for it is greedy and tempted by the money it can make out of the 1 billion Chinese people. It forgets greed, as well as foolishness, can become one's downfall. Now China's aim, which includes its 1.4 billion people's aim, is to beat USA and become the strongest, the Number 1 country, in the world. Its greatest fear is not that USA will fight it on free and fair trade, but that the rest of the world will follow the USA and start questioning whether trading with China as it has always been traded is detrimental to their own countries in the long run.
Ricky Lim · 

With Trump breaking the WTO rules.
With Trump declaring tariff and targeting the globe, that show Trump is a big bully ---- will see how Trump is going to get himself burnt when China, EU and the rest take turn to retaliate back.

Daniel Webb
Trade wars is not good for anyone. When WTO said that the US abuse the WTO rules, the US is at fault. International trade should be won by other means, eg. competitive advantages. Surprisingly trump did not understand economic. How did he get his degree in Finance? Pay $130,000 for it?
Sheen Zong San
The USA is going for bilateral trade deals - what a BRILLIANT Trump idea. If the WTO is not such a good idea after all, then dump it. After all, countries like China are breaking even more important international rules, like the South China Sea ruling. Let those who want to remain, remain, let those who want to out, out. But I can assure you that - EU without the USA will be swallowed up by you know who. Better for them to open their eyes now. They are already in deep trouble.
Ricky Lim · 

Sheen Zong San - I think you are beyond corrigible - and you have the nerve to say dismantle WTO in favour of bilateral trade deals?
You are breaking the rice bowls of the whole World.

You are worst than a fool and you have no knowledge of Economics.
I suggest you keep your 2 eyes open and see how Trump will be beaten by the World and taught a good lesson - including you.

You claim you are a Singaporean but yet you sound more like a traitor - who work against Singapore and the World interest. You seems to be a mole planted by Trump.

And you give yourself a "chinese name" - but have searing hatred on China.

And you call yourself Sheen Zong San which sound like 孙中山。You must be from Taiwan.

Ricky Lim · 

Sheen Zong San - you tried to instigate discord against our national interest and the World interest --- for your own private agenda.

You offend China, you compromise Singapore interest, you try to drive a wedge between SE Asia with China and try to destabilise the region here.

And you instigate the WTO that provide prosperity to the World to be dismantled and try to curry favor with Trump for your own hidden private agenda.

You are a true mole and a traitor - that need to be guard against.

Ricky Lim · 

Trump Wants His Cabinet To Serve His Ego, Not The Nation
Neil J. Young,HuffPost 5 hours ago
And Sheen Zong San you are one of them.
You work to curry Trump's ego for your own private agenda -- at the expense of World's interest, not even US interest.

Trump has sacrifices his Countrymen's interest, their business, their jobs, the consumer's interest, US Economy to serve his ego.
You work to serve your own personal agenda 
at the expenses of everyone else.

Sheen Zong San
Ricky Lim,
Are my words so powerful that they can break the rice bowls of the whole world? You are talking nonsense, making wild accusations, and smearing my name. You call me worse than a fool and have no knowledge of economics. In that case you have nothing to worry about. So why are you so enraged? Are you angry that this time the USA will win instead of lose? Who are you working for? I am a nobody - as you said, worse than a fool. Can a nobody offend China and drive a wedge between SE Asia and China? If this nobody can, then I suppose China is not that great after all. Trump wants to make America great again. I hope he succeeds. I am very happy and sure that many people in the world hope he succeeds. I am sharing my view and am certain that many people will agree with me, so what's that to you?
Jessis Ng
I wan US to success. China n many countries have been ripping them off for many years. It is time for some payback. Make American great again.
Ricky Lim · 

Sheen Zong San, Jessis Ng - Donald Trump will not succeed.
The whole World is against him.
Even many in US is against him.

You are in the delusion that the people in the World want him to succeed - which Countries?
EU? China? SE Asia? Africa? Latin America? Australia? New Zealand? Asia Pacific? Canada? Mexico?

Time will tell - and you will open your eyes and ears to see and hear.

Ricky Lim · 

This is only one of the many negative mainstream articles about Donald Trump and his presidency - calling him a "captain of Titanics" waiting to sink.

Ricky Lim · 
The World has multi-lateral trade deals to prosper.

Trump is running away from all his multi-lateral trade deals.
Trump is alienating all his trade partners - where trade need mutual goodwill.
Trump is destroying all the global goodwill.

Trump titanic will sink one day.

Trump Wants His Cabinet To Serve His Ego, Not The Nation

 Neil J. Young,HuffPost 5 hours ago 

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