(Updated: )

Danny Lum
The so-called "inverted yield curve" is a statistical phenomenon that has previously been an accurate herald of eventual recession.
Add in growing fears of fallout from the US-China trade war and Germany's own recession warning, plus Britain's Brexit chaos, and suddenly the "R" word has become a regular part of the conversation.
Trump already blaming people for the recession he says won't happen.
Target number one is the Federal Reserve, which Trump, in one of his many breaks with convention, has been browbeating for months over its reluctance to cut interest rates.
Posted on:- 15 Aug 2019 02:11AM (Updated: 15 Aug 2019 05:34PM)
Danny Lum
(1) The idiotic moronic Trump got to realise that his tariff trade war - is the main factor that will trigger not only US recession - but also the World recession.
(2) Even if the interest rate is low - business will not borrow to invest - as his tariff trade war will cut consumer demand due to high price.
(3) With low consumer demand, halted trade due to Trump stupid tariff - recession will set in.
(4) In 1930s - US start a tariff trade war and trigger Deep Depression - which subsequently lead to World War 2 - and yet the stupid Trump fail to learn from the historical lesson - despite many warnings.
(5) Come 2020 Presidential Election - it is time for Americans to vote Trump out - to restore sanity to US politics.
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Add in growing fears of fallout from the US-China trade war and Germany's own recession warning, plus Britain's Brexit chaos, and suddenly the "R" word has become a regular part of the conversation.
Trump already blaming people for the recession he says won't happen.
Target number one is the Federal Reserve, which Trump, in one of his many breaks with convention, has been browbeating for months over its reluctance to cut interest rates.
Posted on:- 15 Aug 2019 02:11AM (Updated: 15 Aug 2019 05:34PM)
Danny Lum
(1) The idiotic moronic Trump got to realise that his tariff trade war - is the main factor that will trigger not only US recession - but also the World recession.
(2) Even if the interest rate is low - business will not borrow to invest - as his tariff trade war will cut consumer demand due to high price.
(3) With low consumer demand, halted trade due to Trump stupid tariff - recession will set in.
(4) In 1930s - US start a tariff trade war and trigger Deep Depression - which subsequently lead to World War 2 - and yet the stupid Trump fail to learn from the historical lesson - despite many warnings.
(5) Come 2020 Presidential Election - it is time for Americans to vote Trump out - to restore sanity to US politics.
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Danny Lum
Danny Lum
(1) Trump single-mindedly blame on FED for not reducing interest rate - is seriously flaw.
(2) Business will not borrow from bank to invest - no matter how low the interest is - if there are no consumer demand - due to high trade tariff impose by Trump.
(3) Trump tariff trade war - is the main cause of world recession ---- and Trump is the main culprit for causing the Global Economic Woe - not FED.
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Danny Lum
The trade war has so far offset all benefits of fiscal stimulus and could lead to a global recession if it continues. That recession would be called the “Trump recession” because it would have been mainly caused by the trade policies of President Donald Trump’s administration, CNBC noted.
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(1) Trump single-mindedly blame on FED for not reducing interest rate - is seriously flaw.
(2) Business will not borrow from bank to invest - no matter how low the interest is - if there are no consumer demand - due to high trade tariff impose by Trump.
(3) Trump tariff trade war - is the main cause of world recession ---- and Trump is the main culprit for causing the Global Economic Woe - not FED.
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Danny Lum
The trade war has so far offset all benefits of fiscal stimulus and could lead to a global recession if it continues. That recession would be called the “Trump recession” because it would have been mainly caused by the trade policies of President Donald Trump’s administration, CNBC noted.
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