Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hong Kong could lose foreign investment if city’s leader gives herself emergency powers to battle protesters, pro-business lawmaker warns

Kanis Leung
ricky l

2 seconds ago
(1) In Thailand when the Yellow Party and Red Party clash - causing turmoil in Thai politics for many years ---- emergency power is declared through martial law to stop all divisive political turmoil that throw Thailand into chaos ----- like what is happening to HK now.

(2) There could be some lost in investors --- but when the Thai society is in chaos - the economic turmoil is far worst.

(3) Now when the martial law has quell all riots - and maintain law and order - investors, tourism, business, trade all are coming back to Thailand --- as political stability ensure law and order --- and help to facilitate business.

(4) HK have to assess critically - whether the protest and chaos have no end in sight.
If yes, declaring an "Emergency Order" is the only way to quell the unrest - and restore back law and order.

(5) Else China PLA will come down to do the job on behalf of HK --- and the consequences will be far worst than HK doing it itself --- with collateral damages to China mainland --- as well as many foreign business doing business with China and HK.
ricky l
20 seconds ago
The China Daily warned in an editorial that the gap between the government and protesters appeared to be "unbridgeable", with the administration not able to "swallow the pills the demonstrators prescribe".

(1) Look like the declaration of "Emergency Order" - will be the most appropriate measure - to end the HK unrest and restore back the law and order.

ricky l
2 seconds ago
Ricky Lim
 (Updated: )
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has not ruled out the possibility her administration could invoke emergency powers.
Posted on :- 16 Aug 2019 05:48PM (Updated: 16 Aug 2019 05:50PM)

Ricky Lim
(1) The question of whether the HK police have the strength to tackle the protest - is missing the point in HK disorder.

(2) It must be an all encompassing approach that involve political decision plus police enforcement.

(3) 1stly, Politicians must declare whether HK unrest - has reached a stage of total lost of control in social order - that warrant declaring of "State of Emergency".
This is a political decision - not a police decision.

(4) If "State of Emergency" is declared - there would be :-
- "lockdown" of people's movement
- banning all protest movement
- arrest of suspected rioters, protest organiers and protestors

(5) To enforce "State of Emergency" - only economic activities and social activities are allowed - and all political activities will be banned.

(6) Police must be able to deploy forces and assets at all MTR station, bus interchanges, main roads etc - to prevent any protest movement from forming up - and any protestors that carry placards, weapons, wearing of shirts with protest slogans, illegal assembly will be arrested.

(7) This is the only way to quell the HK unrest - and bring back law and order.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The current HK situation - has reached a critical juncture - to declare "State of Emergency" and clamp down on all protests - to restore law and order.

(2) Further delay will have an irreparable economic loss, reputational loss and international intervention.

(3) There is a need to make a swift and decisive "double down" to end the unrest and 止血。

(4) The longer the HK unrest situation drag --- the greater the damage not only to HK but also to China - and collateral damages to many business partners.
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Ricky Lim
(1) If HK politicians and HK police - fail to quell the unrest within its means and resources now ----- China forces may be force to come down one day ---- and these will have a far wider implication and far worse consquences that no Hongkongers will want.

(2) And it will also have negative consequences to China mainland.

(3) Thus, HK politicians and HK police - will have to make a "hard decision" now - based on the "hard truth" facing HK currently as more violent protest unveil.
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Ricky Lim
(1) 非常时期,你需要非常手段。

(2) The core motivation of "State of Emergency" order or decree - is to restore law and order, social order and economic order.

(3) All Political activities and political dissent will take a backseat - and will be banned throughout the Emergency Order - until law and order are restored, safety and security order are restored.

(4) The Security Ministry under the Emergency Order (a proxy to Martial Law) - will have sweeping power to deploy security forces at all critical infrastructure such as Legislative chambers, China Liaison Office, Airport, MTR stations, bus interchanges and main road.

(5) The Emergency Order will have the power to order Telcos to block all social media communication such as telegram, facebook, instagram, twitter etc - to remove the means of communications for protestors and rioters to orgainse protest, riots and illegal assembly.

(6) The Emergency Order will also have to power to control mainstream media to toe the official line - to promote unity and stop division or dissent.

(7) The "strongman" image with the primary goal to restore law and order, social order and economic order shall emerge throughout the Emergency Order - a "Disciplinary Master wielding a big cane" - to stop all Economic sabotage, social order vandalism and protect the safetly of citizens and public infrastructure should emerge.
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ricky l2秒前
(1)在泰國,黃黨和紅黨發生衝突 - 多年來引發泰國政治動盪----通過戒嚴令宣布緊急權力,以阻止所有導致泰國陷入混亂的分裂政治動盪-----現在香港發生了什麼。

(2)投資者可能會有一些損失 - 但是當泰國社會陷入混亂時 - 經濟動盪是最糟糕的。

(3)現在,當戒嚴令平息所有騷亂 - 並維持法律和秩序 - 投資者,旅遊業,商業,貿易都回到泰國 - 因為政治穩定確保法律和秩序 - 並有助於促進商業。

(4)香港必須進行批判性評估 - 抗議和混亂是否已無止境。
如果是的話,宣布“緊急命令”是平息騷亂的唯一方法 - 並恢復法律和秩序。

(5)其他中國人民解放軍將代表香港下来工作 - 其後果將遠遠超過香港本身 - 對中國大陸的附帶損害賠償 - 以及許多外國企業與中國和香港做生意。

ricky l20秒前

(1)看起來像“緊急命令”的宣言 - 將是最合適的措施 - 結束香港的騷亂,恢復法律和秩序。


ricky l2秒前
2018年8月28日05:56 PM(更新:2018年8月28日06:06 PM)
發佈於: -  2018年8月16日05:48 PM(更新:2018年8月16日05:50 PM)

(1)香港警方是否有力量解決抗議活動的問題 - 錯過了香港無序的觀點。


(3)首先,政治家必須宣布香港的騷亂 - 是否已經達到社會秩序失控的階段 - 需要宣布“緊急狀態”。
這是一項政治決定 - 而不是警方的決定。

(4)如果宣布“緊急狀態” - 將會:
 - “鎖定”人們的運動
 - 禁止所有抗議運動
 - 逮捕涉嫌暴徒,抗議活動組織者和抗議者

(5)執行“緊急狀態” - 只允許經濟活動和社會活動 - 所有政治活動都將被禁止。

(6)警方必須能夠在所有地鐵站,巴士轉乘站,主要道路等處部署部隊和資產,以防止任何抗議活動的形成 - 以及任何攜帶標語牌,武器,穿著帶有抗議標語的襯衫,非法的抗議者集會將被捕。

(7)這是平息香港騷亂的唯一方法 - 並恢復法律和秩序。

(1)目前的香港情況 - 已經到了一個關鍵時刻 - 宣布“緊急狀態”並打擊所有抗議活動 - 恢復法律和秩序。



(4)香港騷亂局勢拖累的時間越長 - 不僅對香港而且對中國的損害也越大 - 以及對許多商業夥伴的附帶損害。

(1)如果香港政客和香港警方 - 現在未能在其資金和資源範圍內平息騷亂-----中國軍隊可能會在某一天下来 - 這些將有更廣泛的影響和遠更糟糕的是,沒有香港人想要的。


(3)因此,香港政界人士和香港警方將不得不做出一個“艱難的決定” - 基於香港目前面臨的更為暴力的抗議活動所面臨的“硬道理”。



(3)所有政治活動和政治異議都將落後 - 並將在整個緊急命令中被禁止 - 直到恢復法律和秩序,恢復安全和安全秩序。


(5)緊急命令將有權命令電信公司阻止所有社交媒體通信,如電報,臉書,Instagram,推特等 - 刪除抗議者和暴亂者的通訊手段,以抗議,騷亂和非法集會。

(6)緊急命令還必須有權控制主流媒體以遵守官方路線 - 促進團結並停止分裂或異議。

(7)“強人”形象的主要目標是恢復法律和秩序,社會秩序和經濟秩序,應在整個緊急秩序中出現 - 一個“揮舞著大手杖的紀律大師” - 停止一切經濟破壞,社會秩序破壞和 應該出現保護公民和公共基礎設施的安全。

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