(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Trump's gun policy must have make him very proud.
(2) There are so much blood in Trump's hands.
(3) Trump is even suggesting more people should arm with more guns - to outshoot one another.
(4) Trump's mad policy - from a mad President.
(2) There are so much blood in Trump's hands.
(3) Trump is even suggesting more people should arm with more guns - to outshoot one another.
(4) Trump's mad policy - from a mad President.
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Danny Lum
(1) And this white man shooter picking on Hispanic to shoot - with hate speeches show that Trump has embolden white supremacy to pick on vulnerable minorities for hatred.
(2) Too many blood spilling from Trump's hands and mouth.
(3) Trump is fully responsible for such shooting mishaps - because he consciously foster such hatred campaign in USA.
The latest examples - his incessant verbal attacks on the 4 minorites lawmaker.
(2) Too many blood spilling from Trump's hands and mouth.
(3) Trump is fully responsible for such shooting mishaps - because he consciously foster such hatred campaign in USA.
The latest examples - his incessant verbal attacks on the 4 minorites lawmaker.
Jim Ihope
Another very sad day for America. Another example of leadership failure in protecting its own people within.
When you have an unstable & morally unsound President leading the country, this will be a common racist stress outbursts.
Is "America great again" yes but in the wrong way!
When you have an unstable & morally unsound President leading the country, this will be a common racist stress outbursts.
Is "America great again" yes but in the wrong way!
Oja Jr M Z
Jim yep...a president who tells his own fellow Americans to "go back to where you belong" just bcoz they have migrant parents will continue to give wrong messages to haters... I feel sorry for Americans... Sometimes your president forgets that his wife/wives too were migrants....
Mikey Mikey
Back to Wild Wild West. Everyone carry weapon and shoot each other. A declining country indeed.
Shrio Tang
Its all happening due to games like PUGG Fortnite, etc and of coz, stupid gun law
Arlington Beech
Don't blame video games. Blame the people who owns the guns and the government that permits them to buy guns. Unless you were born yesterday, you shd know that games like PUBG have been around for decades. Think back to Counter Strike from many years back. Video games are not to be blamed. They are just games. To be enjoyed within the gaming world. Only an unstable person would take it too far by taking it out on real people in the real world.
Reply · 4h
Saver Aber
No point blaming games. Grand Theft Auto is in Singapore but you don't see Singaporeans breaking into cars and randomly mowing into pedestrians because of the game.
Reply · 46m
Eddy Khong
They can't handle their guns control and still wants to put their hands in Hong Kong internal affair🤔🤔
Mo No
Funny how the CIA couldn't work with Trump to do false flag operations. I guess they are afraid that Trump couldn't keep secrets and would spill the beans.
Even the puppeteer who wants to invade Iran fails to trick Trump into doing his bidding.
If it were any other Presidents, you would have seen "terrorist" attacks every other day.
Even the puppeteer who wants to invade Iran fails to trick Trump into doing his bidding.
If it were any other Presidents, you would have seen "terrorist" attacks every other day.
Patrick Soh
Nothing to do with Trump. He is playing golf with his buddies... America is great again
Reply · 5h
Saver Aber
Maybe now their agenda switched.
Cause mayhem globally.
Taiwan, China, Middle East, etc.
This could also be yet another false flag, another attempt to disarm the people.
Cause mayhem globally.
Taiwan, China, Middle East, etc.
This could also be yet another false flag, another attempt to disarm the people.
Reply · 44m
Eric Cheong
Frequent outbursts of racist rhetorics from a Leader can push people on-the-edge to commit those hate crimes! Bless the souls of those innocent victims!
Kmanly Kmanly
As long as weapons are licence and avail, there will always be killing in America. It's a sad day for America yesterday, today and tomorrow if any. America is never a safe country for citizens. You can be at the wrong place and at the wrong time to be shot.....simple as that. Let's us all pray for all the victims and hope they have a speedy recovery. God bless
Li Ren Zeng
THe guy is carrying an AK47. He can easily take on any pistol armed police officer and even heavily armed army personnel. Why is there no control on such weapons.
Chang Allen
Innocent People just die like that for nothing at the mercy of retard gunman.
What a damn irrelevant waste of of precious resources !
Is this what America want to be Great ? People just conveniently get killed ?
World is laughing at your negative gun Law and some should be very happy
with it too!
What a damn irrelevant waste of of precious resources !
Is this what America want to be Great ? People just conveniently get killed ?
World is laughing at your negative gun Law and some should be very happy
with it too!
Raymond Chan
America is calling for the ban on the sale of riot gears to HK because of perceived police brutality but in USA people are killing innocent citizens with assault rifles and they cannot even prevent the sale, let alone ban the guns. Joke, Joke.
Saver Aber
In USA.... about 1000 people are shot dead by the police every year. And most of them are not even criminals. That's more than 3 dead innocent people at the hands of the American police every single day.
The American police enter private properties and shoot pet dogs as well. 25 dogs per day shot dead by police. Postmen get chased ajd clawed by dogs... 0 pet deaths.
But the police are all scared for their lives and shoot the pets of citizens when they are trespassing on private property??? If they are so scared and so easily fearful of their lives.... maybe they should change jobs! Be a ball…See More
The American police enter private properties and shoot pet dogs as well. 25 dogs per day shot dead by police. Postmen get chased ajd clawed by dogs... 0 pet deaths.
But the police are all scared for their lives and shoot the pets of citizens when they are trespassing on private property??? If they are so scared and so easily fearful of their lives.... maybe they should change jobs! Be a ball…See More
Reply · 37m
Soen Seng Thio
Legalised Guns is a wrong. As the world looks up to Democratic run system that does not get thing right when it is wrong.
No Democratic elected president is willing to correct the wrong.
Since 1968 - 2010 1.4 million had been killed by guns in USA .
What happens to the Human right group... loses their teeth’s and Voice.
Settle your own in-house violent human right violation before busybody on other countries business.
No Democratic elected president is willing to correct the wrong.
Since 1968 - 2010 1.4 million had been killed by guns in USA .
What happens to the Human right group... loses their teeth’s and Voice.
Settle your own in-house violent human right violation before busybody on other countries business.
Frankie Yeo
So long as any Tom, Dick or Harry can buy a gun so easily in US where capital punishment is banned, these insensible killings that stem mainly from gun rage will continue. Is Trump’s “Make America Great Again” moving in the right direction? I doubt. Trump is making America Dead Again. Trump, please do something about your own backyard before you start criticising others.
Chippy Chip
Send him to Singapore and let him have 21 strokes of the cane! Ask Michael Fay. Problem solved.
KS Lim
Weapon is not just a big time business for US, it is also a big time business in their domestic market (ask Bush and his Carlyle group), I won't be surprise many of their policticians are also involved in it. That's why gun law will never be abolished in US.
So for those who still love to go to US, watch your back and don't get shoot.
So for those who still love to go to US, watch your back and don't get shoot.
Saver Aber
White man with a gun killing 20 innocent people in an unpovoked mass murder: 'Gunman'.
Coloured person with a beard sending a parcel to his friends at the post office: 'Terrorist'.
Coloured person with a beard sending a parcel to his friends at the post office: 'Terrorist'.
Richard Kee
America should have the courage to legislate, that all Americans shall carry a gun wherever they go. This mad Texan gunman would have been taken out before he could fire off his second round, thus saving the other 19 lives! Make America Great again!
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