Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Government aware of cost pressures from changes to retirement, re-employment age and CPF contribution rate hike: Chan Chun Sing

Mo No
Here's a tip for Tan Cheng Bock.
Make your election campaign be: "If you elect us and we form the government, we will investigate the real reason why the retirement age keeps increasing".
Danny Lum
(1) No one force you to work if you don't want to.

(2) You can retire at 50 years old if you earn enough.

(3) For those who want to work longer as their lifespan increase from 60s to over 80s ---- they can do so.

(4) So what is your tip to Tan Cheng Bock?
It will backfire on you --- because many people are happy that they can continue to work longer --- rather than shake legs at home.
Poh Tan
Push carts to support you .. a library but rubbish Minister ..quit n return us your pay ..go be librarian

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