Thursday, August 29, 2019

ricky l

China rotates troops in Hong Kong as police ban new rally

Elaine YU, Emma CLARK

2 seconds ago
Posted on :- 25 Jul 2019 07:01PM (Updated: 25 Jul 2019 07:15PM)

Ricky Lim
(1) The total HK police strength is 35,000 vs 100,000 or more who protest.

(2) Not all the Police are riot police.

(3) Sometimes the protest are decentralised - thus the police strength are depleted - and the protestors overwhelm the police though police are better equipped.

(4) Police are restrained from using more effective equipment like riot vehicles dispensing tear gas, rubber bullet, riot tractors to clear obstacles, tear gas etc --- as the media side the protestors more than the Police.

(5) HK police family are under threat - and thus they will be less effective when carrying out the duties.

(6) China PLA garrison deploy in HK is only 6,000 and their structure is more to protect against external threat - rather than internal riot.
Eg. they are armor unit, navy, army troops etc - and not for controlling riot.

If the China PLA garrions in HK are deployed - they are more accustomed to use their weapons and battle maneouver - than carrying riot gear to combat the protestors.

(7) Also 6,000 strength may not be sufficient to beef up the HK police of 35,000 ---- if they are facing more than 100,000 protestors.

(8) To be effective, PLA from mainland (trained in riot conttol) will be more effective --- and they most likely will come in through Yuen Long.

(9) All these HK black protestors - are playing with fire and testing the patience --- without knowing the consequences.
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Ricky Lim
(1) In retrospect, these HK black protestors fail to size up the context they are in.

(2) HK is part of China. China will not let HK declare independent - and this HK protestors fool themselves by demanding so.
China will commit troop if these HK protestors force this agenda through --- this is the 1st moment of truth that they must realise and accept.

(3) HK protestors demand that their governor must be elected by universal suffrage.
But HK governor during British time are never voted in - they are appointed by UK.
Similarly, the currect governor are "elected" by a group of committee (improvement from appointment).
So to China - the protestors demand is excessive and unreasonable. ---- this is the 2nd moment of truth.

(4) HK protestors must realise that China will gradually exert influence in HK from now and all the way until 2047 where they will then takeover.
HK protestors must not be naive to think the China will not do anything - and come 2047 - take over in a "cold turkey" manner --- then start to infuse China mainlanders in, China system and law come in - and brawl will broke up ---- as the 2 systems are vastly different from 2 opposing ends. -- this is the 3rd moment of truth.

(5) China will emphasize economy and social well-being like in the mainland --- while enforcing a less open system in politics, where China will put high priority in stability - political stability, social order and economic order - this is the 4th moment of truth that HK people must realise and accept.

(6) If HK protestors fail to accept the above 4 moment of truth ---- the deadlock will continue and the protest will not stop --- until a stronger force come down to restore order.
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(2)香港是中國的一部分。中國不會讓香港宣布獨立 - 而這位香港抗議者要求自己這麼做。
如果這些香港抗議者強行推行這個議程,中國將會採取行動 - 這是他們必須認識和接受的第一個真理時刻。

但英國時期的香港總督從未投票 - 他們是由英國任命的。
所以對中國來說 - 抗議者的要求是過分和不合理的。 ----這是真理的第二個時刻。

香港抗議者不應該天真地認為中國不會採取任何行動 - 並且到2047年 - 以“冷火雞”的方式接管 - 然後開始向中國大陸人注入,中國製度和法律進入 - 並且鬥毆會破產up ----因為2個系統與2個相反的目標截然不同。 - 這是真理的第三個時刻。

(5)中國將像大陸一樣強調經濟和社會福祉 - 同時在政治上實行較不開放的製度,中國將把穩定放在首位 - 政治穩定,社會秩序和經濟秩序 - 這是第四香港人必須認識和接受的真相。

(6)如果香港抗議者不接受上述4個真實時刻 - 僵局將繼續,抗議不會停止 - 直到有更強大的力量降下來恢復秩序。


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