(Updated: )

Danny Lum
Posted on :- 28 Jul 2019 09:03PM (Updated: 28 Jul 2019 09:10PM)
Danny Lum
(3) TCB and PSP party must be able to tell Singaporeans - how different will he and his PSP party be - from PAP - that make him stand out the better party to lead Singapore into the future.
(4) What are the policies that will make this happen. And TCB and his PSP party - must not plagarise what PAP has done or in the progress or in the plan but has yet to carried out.
(5) Let see whether TCB and his PSP party - has the LKY quality to "wow" the Singapore voters - or is another fly-by-night opportunist political party.
(6) Nothing was mention in TCB statement - how he will lead Singapore to better economically, improve the standard of living of Singapore, bolster investment, business, create jobs etc that Singaporeans livelihood depends on ----- and TCB just "follow what the WP did in last election" --- to check PAP, ensure accountability, ensure transparency.
(7) A question for TCB and his PSP party - accountability, transparency - can eat or not, can fill the stomach or not, can make money and improve the lives of Singaporeans or not?
Danny Lum
(3) TCB and PSP party must be able to tell Singaporeans - how different will he and his PSP party be - from PAP - that make him stand out the better party to lead Singapore into the future.
(4) What are the policies that will make this happen. And TCB and his PSP party - must not plagarise what PAP has done or in the progress or in the plan but has yet to carried out.
(5) Let see whether TCB and his PSP party - has the LKY quality to "wow" the Singapore voters - or is another fly-by-night opportunist political party.
(6) Nothing was mention in TCB statement - how he will lead Singapore to better economically, improve the standard of living of Singapore, bolster investment, business, create jobs etc that Singaporeans livelihood depends on ----- and TCB just "follow what the WP did in last election" --- to check PAP, ensure accountability, ensure transparency.
(7) A question for TCB and his PSP party - accountability, transparency - can eat or not, can fill the stomach or not, can make money and improve the lives of Singaporeans or not?
Danny Lum
(1) TCB and his PSP party say creating job is his "top priority".
But after reading through the whole article - cannot see any "wow factors" that can do better than PAP - how TCB and his PSP party can create more and good jobs for Singaporeans.
(2) Does TCB and PSP party know about the breadth and depth of how PAP machinery - are creating business and jobs for Singaporeans?
(3) What is describe here is not even close to 1% of what the PAP has done to create jobs for Singaporeans --- except "inspiring words" - but no content, no substance.
But after reading through the whole article - cannot see any "wow factors" that can do better than PAP - how TCB and his PSP party can create more and good jobs for Singaporeans.
(2) Does TCB and PSP party know about the breadth and depth of how PAP machinery - are creating business and jobs for Singaporeans?
(3) What is describe here is not even close to 1% of what the PAP has done to create jobs for Singaporeans --- except "inspiring words" - but no content, no substance.
Like · Reply · 1m
Danny Lum
Danny Lum
Now try this. See whether TCB and his PSP party got solutions and policies to some of these fundamental problems :-
Danny Lum
Eg :-
(1) How TCB help all traditional industries transform to embrace Digital Economy - eg. digital analystics, AI, NLP, robotics, mobile apps, web apps etc and open up a new sector of the Economy for each industries (TCB is a doctor - does he even understand all these terminologies and understand its significance - or whether his PSP parteis have such knowledge to lead Singapore?_
(2) Does TCB and his PSP party know how and understand how to apply and adjust Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy - to tackle the slowdown of our Economy to ensure soft-landing, keep business afloat and grow and keep jobs?
Does TCB and his PSP party understand the economic principles, national finances to formulate good economic and financial policies to sustain Singapore Economy?
(3) Singapore is facing tremendous pressure to maintain our port hub status - with advent of new trade route eg. Arctic route (that will totally bypass our port), land route (silk route) etc.
How does TCB and his PSP party consolidate and ensure Singapore port hub is not threatened?
PAP's strategy is using "virtual port" --- does TCB and his PSP party even understand what is it - to ensure Singapore port hub and our livelihood are safeguarded?
(4) Singapore is one of the world financial hub - but now under threat from "virtual banking", "technology companies disruptive tech - cryptocurrency - that will threaten our Monetary Policy".
How does TCB and PSP party counter this threat and maintain Singapore as our financial hub?
(5) Singapore is facing a falling birth rate - and this will compromise our future National Security - as there will be lesser Singaporeans to be enlisted in NS to protect our Country.
How will TCB and his PSP party solve the manpower issue - by ensuring we have a strong army even though with lesser manpower.
PAP has solution. What about TCB and PSP?
(6) How does TCB and his PSP make use of 5G to make Singapore a competitve country, bolster our vision of Smart Nation and transform all our industries with a 2nd wing of Digital Economy?
Does TCB and his PSP party know enough of tech comm and IT - to understand and exploit it to improve Singapore standard of living.
(7) Trump's trade war against China and many Countries have threatened and will derail the Global Supply Chain.
Singapore is a very integral part of this Global Supply Chain and our trade make up of 3 times of our whole GDP.
How does TCB and his PSP party - ensure that Singapore will not be derail from the Global Supply Chain - and can re-configure ourselves to plug into the Global Supply Chain as we re-adjust?
PAP can. Can TCB and PSP party can?
(8) I can go on to write more and more - as there are so many challenges and opportunities that we can tap on ---- but does TCB and his PSP party up to mark and up to standard to tackle them?
Seriously you think TCB and his PSP party can do a LKY?
If he can't do it for his last 26 years as PAP MP --- at 79 years ago --- i don't think he can.
Anyone who has reasonable wisdom think he can?
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Now try this. See whether TCB and his PSP party got solutions and policies to some of these fundamental problems :-
Danny Lum
Eg :-
(1) How TCB help all traditional industries transform to embrace Digital Economy - eg. digital analystics, AI, NLP, robotics, mobile apps, web apps etc and open up a new sector of the Economy for each industries (TCB is a doctor - does he even understand all these terminologies and understand its significance - or whether his PSP parteis have such knowledge to lead Singapore?_
(2) Does TCB and his PSP party know how and understand how to apply and adjust Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy - to tackle the slowdown of our Economy to ensure soft-landing, keep business afloat and grow and keep jobs?
Does TCB and his PSP party understand the economic principles, national finances to formulate good economic and financial policies to sustain Singapore Economy?
(3) Singapore is facing tremendous pressure to maintain our port hub status - with advent of new trade route eg. Arctic route (that will totally bypass our port), land route (silk route) etc.
How does TCB and his PSP party consolidate and ensure Singapore port hub is not threatened?
PAP's strategy is using "virtual port" --- does TCB and his PSP party even understand what is it - to ensure Singapore port hub and our livelihood are safeguarded?
(4) Singapore is one of the world financial hub - but now under threat from "virtual banking", "technology companies disruptive tech - cryptocurrency - that will threaten our Monetary Policy".
How does TCB and PSP party counter this threat and maintain Singapore as our financial hub?
(5) Singapore is facing a falling birth rate - and this will compromise our future National Security - as there will be lesser Singaporeans to be enlisted in NS to protect our Country.
How will TCB and his PSP party solve the manpower issue - by ensuring we have a strong army even though with lesser manpower.
PAP has solution. What about TCB and PSP?
(6) How does TCB and his PSP make use of 5G to make Singapore a competitve country, bolster our vision of Smart Nation and transform all our industries with a 2nd wing of Digital Economy?
Does TCB and his PSP party know enough of tech comm and IT - to understand and exploit it to improve Singapore standard of living.
(7) Trump's trade war against China and many Countries have threatened and will derail the Global Supply Chain.
Singapore is a very integral part of this Global Supply Chain and our trade make up of 3 times of our whole GDP.
How does TCB and his PSP party - ensure that Singapore will not be derail from the Global Supply Chain - and can re-configure ourselves to plug into the Global Supply Chain as we re-adjust?
PAP can. Can TCB and PSP party can?
(8) I can go on to write more and more - as there are so many challenges and opportunities that we can tap on ---- but does TCB and his PSP party up to mark and up to standard to tackle them?
Seriously you think TCB and his PSP party can do a LKY?
If he can't do it for his last 26 years as PAP MP --- at 79 years ago --- i don't think he can.
Anyone who has reasonable wisdom think he can?
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
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Danny Lum
(1) In summary, TCB and PSP party 1st party launch and what he want to do for Singaporeans ---- is a "Big Disappointment".
(a) It did not "Wow" the Singaporean voters --- like another LKY coming into the political scene.
(b) And its statement about creating job ---- "pale in comparison" with what the whole PAP machinery is doing in job creation, business creation through many FTAs etc.
(c) As if plagarising WP's line of "checking accountability and transparency" is not good enough.
Now plagarise PAP's agenda of "job creation".
Now plagarise Malaysia PKR of "getting 18 years old to vote".
What else TCB and his PSP party got originality --- and not copying and plagarising other parties?
(2) And SDP GE launch statement --- is "lagi disappointed" - plagarise Malaysia PKR of abolishing GST (then follow by implementing SST tax) and other populist policies - make health cheap, make everything cheap, no need tax collection ---- win then 才来讲。
Can promise anything under the sun - just to please voters --- no need to honor later.
(a) It did not "Wow" the Singaporean voters --- like another LKY coming into the political scene.
(b) And its statement about creating job ---- "pale in comparison" with what the whole PAP machinery is doing in job creation, business creation through many FTAs etc.
(c) As if plagarising WP's line of "checking accountability and transparency" is not good enough.
Now plagarise PAP's agenda of "job creation".
Now plagarise Malaysia PKR of "getting 18 years old to vote".
What else TCB and his PSP party got originality --- and not copying and plagarising other parties?
(2) And SDP GE launch statement --- is "lagi disappointed" - plagarise Malaysia PKR of abolishing GST (then follow by implementing SST tax) and other populist policies - make health cheap, make everything cheap, no need tax collection ---- win then 才来讲。
Can promise anything under the sun - just to please voters --- no need to honor later.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Chua Lee Kheng
Danny Lum They are attention seekers!! Can't you see??
Like · Reply · 1h
Danny Lum
Roth Pay - Why you so screw up while others see improvement in their lives?
Then you better wake up.
Blame the white? Blame yourself.
Blame the white? Blame yourself.
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Masa Soh Mengming
Thought 6) is already addressed with his proposals on training the workforce to cope with the ever changing economy.
Abdul Hameed
Danny Lum
Ask PAP Who Was The First Elected President Of Singapore.
The Answer Speak For Itselfs
Party Agendas Never For The Country And The People Who Voted For Him.
Ask PAP Who Was The First Elected President Of Singapore.
The Answer Speak For Itselfs
Party Agendas Never For The Country And The People Who Voted For Him.
Christopher Bong
“Must not plagiarized what PAP has done”. My question is what has PAP done in recent years that benefited Singapore other than themselves. PSP need not spell out and repeating the obvious given the limited time. The most important points is to aim for accountability and transparency, as this two vital issues has become very murky under PAP. On the contrary, it is PAP that plagiarized other people’s ideas as theirs. TCB is right to hold his cards close.
Danny Lum
Masa Soh Mengming - if you look at what TCB and his PSP party propose here about job - they are simply picking bit and pieces of what PAP is currently doing and more programme on the pipeline to create jobs.
Just look at what PAP are doing now - and compare what TCB and his PSP party say --- and assess it yourself.
You bet on PAP or PSP? :-
Danny Lum
(1) Actually TCB and his PSP party proposal on job creation is a pale comparison to PAP job machinery in job creation.
(2) PAP has created the WSG who has attracted companies to join the Skillfuture programme to create jobs. Among them are :-
- Train and placement programme.
- Job trial and Internship programme - and if successful a permanent job.
- Job conversion programme. (eg. PCP - Professional Conversion Programme).
- Job matching between skillsets and Job - through WDP job portal.
- Career Coach - to help job seekers and Organisations to match jobs
- Skillfuture to train in new jobs and placement
etc etc.
(3) There are so many programmes under WSG, e2i, NTUC etc - to help workers to get jobs.
(4) TCB and PSP party a few statement - only "talk" but can do or not? No body knows.
Reply · 18h
Just look at what PAP are doing now - and compare what TCB and his PSP party say --- and assess it yourself.
You bet on PAP or PSP? :-
Danny Lum
(1) Actually TCB and his PSP party proposal on job creation is a pale comparison to PAP job machinery in job creation.
(2) PAP has created the WSG who has attracted companies to join the Skillfuture programme to create jobs. Among them are :-
- Train and placement programme.
- Job trial and Internship programme - and if successful a permanent job.
- Job conversion programme. (eg. PCP - Professional Conversion Programme).
- Job matching between skillsets and Job - through WDP job portal.
- Career Coach - to help job seekers and Organisations to match jobs
- Skillfuture to train in new jobs and placement
etc etc.
(3) There are so many programmes under WSG, e2i, NTUC etc - to help workers to get jobs.
(4) TCB and PSP party a few statement - only "talk" but can do or not? No body knows.
Reply · 18h
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Danny Lum
Christopher Bong -
(1) Accountability and transparency? Isn't TCB and PSP party copy what WP say about co-driver and checking PAP --- but end up mismanaging the GRC with $33 million loss.
(2) If TCB has 料 - there is no need to keep his card close to his heart - because he can defend his policies and upend the ruling Government policies.
Mr LKY never keep his card close to his heart - and he share his vision under PAP - the 1st day he step into politicis.
(3) TCB does not have the quality - 没料 means 没料 .
(4) a. He copy WP's previous election campaign - on Co-driver "accountability and transparency".
b. He copy PAP's job creation agenda for Singaporeans - and did not come up with good ideas versus what PAP are doing and future pipeline.
c. He copy Malaysian PKR 18 years old minor voting right - where minor with 18 years old are not fully developed in mental state to decide on the fate of the Country.
(5) This show that TCB and PSP party do not have the policy making skills - and Singapore will be doom if he run the Country.
(6) What did PAP do that does not benefit the people?
Majority of Singaporeans income and standard of living has improved - and Singapore per capita income is the 3rd highest in the World.
Why blame PAP when you and a few of them did not exploit the opportunities and do well?
(1) Accountability and transparency? Isn't TCB and PSP party copy what WP say about co-driver and checking PAP --- but end up mismanaging the GRC with $33 million loss.
(2) If TCB has 料 - there is no need to keep his card close to his heart - because he can defend his policies and upend the ruling Government policies.
Mr LKY never keep his card close to his heart - and he share his vision under PAP - the 1st day he step into politicis.
(3) TCB does not have the quality - 没料 means 没料 .
(4) a. He copy WP's previous election campaign - on Co-driver "accountability and transparency".
b. He copy PAP's job creation agenda for Singaporeans - and did not come up with good ideas versus what PAP are doing and future pipeline.
c. He copy Malaysian PKR 18 years old minor voting right - where minor with 18 years old are not fully developed in mental state to decide on the fate of the Country.
(5) This show that TCB and PSP party do not have the policy making skills - and Singapore will be doom if he run the Country.
(6) What did PAP do that does not benefit the people?
Majority of Singaporeans income and standard of living has improved - and Singapore per capita income is the 3rd highest in the World.
Why blame PAP when you and a few of them did not exploit the opportunities and do well?
Chua Lee Kheng
CNA and ST show their biasness towards establishment figure
like TCB and give him and his party plenty of coverage for a new opposition party. Sgp is like a shity place dominated by attention seeker from PAP and PSP. There is no room for ordinary people. Full of shits!!
like TCB and give him and his party plenty of coverage for a new opposition party. Sgp is like a shity place dominated by attention seeker from PAP and PSP. There is no room for ordinary people. Full of shits!!
Like · Reply · 12m
Niko Nishi
The proposal that "There’s no point collecting certificates when there’s no job" and the solution is "for workers to be recruited first, then go for retraining and be retooled for the new job" just goes to show the ideal world these people are living in. They think businesses are run as charity.
I hope that Dr Tan's dream of "unifying alternative" for Singapore won't turn into disuniting the people.
I hope that Dr Tan's dream of "unifying alternative" for Singapore won't turn into disuniting the people.
Danny Lum
(1) Actually TCB and his PSP party proposal on job creation is a pale comparison to PAP job machinery in job creation.
(2) PAP has created the WSG who has attracted companies to join the Skillfuture programme to create jobs. Among them are :-
- Train and placement programme.
- Job trial and Internship programme - and if successful a permanent job.
- Job conversion programme. (eg. PCP - Professional Conversion Programme).
- Job matching between skillsets and Job - through WDP job portal.
- Career Coach - to help job seekers and Organisations to match jobs
- Skillfuture to train in new jobs and placement
etc etc.
(3) There are so many programmes under WSG, e2i, NTUC etc - to help workers to get jobs.
(4) TCB and PSP party a few statement - only "talk" but can do or not? No body knows.
(2) PAP has created the WSG who has attracted companies to join the Skillfuture programme to create jobs. Among them are :-
- Train and placement programme.
- Job trial and Internship programme - and if successful a permanent job.
- Job conversion programme. (eg. PCP - Professional Conversion Programme).
- Job matching between skillsets and Job - through WDP job portal.
- Career Coach - to help job seekers and Organisations to match jobs
- Skillfuture to train in new jobs and placement
etc etc.
(3) There are so many programmes under WSG, e2i, NTUC etc - to help workers to get jobs.
(4) TCB and PSP party a few statement - only "talk" but can do or not? No body knows.
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Danny Lum
(1) Also TCB and PSP party - have evidently forgotten that - the Government must be able to attract business investment, trade, business etc - in order to create jobs.
(2) Nothing was mention in TCB and PSP party statement --- under the extremely challenging geopolitical stress from trade war, global supply chain disruption, geopolitical tension etc --- how does TCB and his PSP party help to bring more business investment, ride out the challenges and create jobs.
(3) So it is all just talk but no substance.
(4) Does Singaporean voters really believe TCB and his PSP party can create jobs for Singaporeans and keep the Economy afloat as well as PAP does?
I seriously doubt so.
TCB and PSP party - did not even talk about the Global challenges - that hit our business environment, trade and job ---- just talk about job matching blah blah --- that is not solving the root cause.
(2) Nothing was mention in TCB and PSP party statement --- under the extremely challenging geopolitical stress from trade war, global supply chain disruption, geopolitical tension etc --- how does TCB and his PSP party help to bring more business investment, ride out the challenges and create jobs.
(3) So it is all just talk but no substance.
(4) Does Singaporean voters really believe TCB and his PSP party can create jobs for Singaporeans and keep the Economy afloat as well as PAP does?
I seriously doubt so.
TCB and PSP party - did not even talk about the Global challenges - that hit our business environment, trade and job ---- just talk about job matching blah blah --- that is not solving the root cause.
Like · Reply · 1m
Danny Lum
Augustine Teo - Got plenty of R&D, IT, AI, Data Analytics, Digital Economy, Virtual Banking, Healthcare professional etc - many job vacancies.
All very good salary and career path.
Many students already secure jobs before they graduate.
You got qualification and skillsets to take?
All very good salary and career path.
Many students already secure jobs before they graduate.
You got qualification and skillsets to take?
Like · Reply · 1m
Lau Lan Chu
Our people not skilled enough to take the jobs and got to re-skilled. We are in the high tech industry and if people not equipped don't blame the jobs will go to FT. I attended talks by our 6 local university lately and they posed 90% graduates find job within 6 months, some even get employ when as interns. This job is their course related and not those grab insurance or sales line.
Augustine Teo
Danny Lum you tell this to chen bock
Like · Reply · 3h
Danny Lum
Augustine Teo - Why should i tell him - when I simply think that he and his PSP party is not good enough.
Like · Reply · 1m
Lau Lan Chu
People can see. See what GCT said about him in FB.
Like · Reply · 1h
Niko Nishi
Augustine Teo If you have the skill sets, high paying jobs will come and find you, else you will be stucked with your farttub job and may even lose it if you have that farttub attitude.
Fate Moon
But they are not old enough and still need a guardian. So in your words by 18 they can do everything an adult can do. Then for education parents also no need to pay for them since adult already and no law can punish the parents for that. Also if they commit crime, they can be sentenced to equal terms like an adult just because they are responsible enough and no appeal can be made that they are still not mature. Alot of other loop holes. But as usual people just put alot of suggestions without considering the consequences.
Danny Lum
(1) You are absolutely right.
(2) In Singapore and under the common law - 18 years old is a minor - and need Parents and Guardians as guarantor.
(3) TCB and his PSP party - by copying and plagarising PKR - is breaking the law --- if I am not wrong from legal standpoint - and I stand to be corrected.
(4) Minor of 18 years old - cannot sign anything that is legally binding - need their parents or guidance to sign.
(5) Since 18 years minor cannot sign contractual document, they also cannot vote - from legal standpoint.
(2) In Singapore and under the common law - 18 years old is a minor - and need Parents and Guardians as guarantor.
(3) TCB and his PSP party - by copying and plagarising PKR - is breaking the law --- if I am not wrong from legal standpoint - and I stand to be corrected.
(4) Minor of 18 years old - cannot sign anything that is legally binding - need their parents or guidance to sign.
(5) Since 18 years minor cannot sign contractual document, they also cannot vote - from legal standpoint.
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Danny Lum
(1) This show that TCB and his PSP party only know how to copy other parties without knowing the consequences.
(2) Now copy Malaysia PKR lowering to 18 years to vote - but break common law.
(3) TCB and his PSP party ---- cannot make it lah !
The Women’s Charter 1997 defines “a child” as a “child of the marriage who is below 21 years”, and a
“minor” as “a person who is below the age of 21 years
(2) Now copy Malaysia PKR lowering to 18 years to vote - but break common law.
(3) TCB and his PSP party ---- cannot make it lah !
The Women’s Charter 1997 defines “a child” as a “child of the marriage who is below 21 years”, and a
“minor” as “a person who is below the age of 21 years
Like · Reply · 1m
Lau Lan Chu
I also scratching my head when I read this and thought is fake news. How can TCB psp come out such idea, a disgrace to his PAP. A lot of 18 years boys still playing computer game not maturity yet and want them to vote and decide of politics fate? More of devoid of ideas and just copy blind other countries or simply hope for fluke results by having minors to vote. I think this is not idea of TCB himself but his low calibre members but at least do some vetting on what they want to say mah, TCB.
Reply · 39m
Danny Lum
Lau Lan Chu -
(1) TCB has been an MPs for 26 years.
(2) Ignorance of the common law is fatal as politician.
(3) This show that TCB is not of Minister quality - and can make such a mistake.
(4) And a few public statement by him and his PSP party show that he is only copying - but no original idea.
Eg. He copy WP "accountability and transparency" - co-driver to check PAP.
He copy PAP "job creation idea".
Now he copy Malaysia PKR "18 years minor voting idea".
(5) It clearly show that he display no flair in policy making - only know how to plagarise.
(1) TCB has been an MPs for 26 years.
(2) Ignorance of the common law is fatal as politician.
(3) This show that TCB is not of Minister quality - and can make such a mistake.
(4) And a few public statement by him and his PSP party show that he is only copying - but no original idea.
Eg. He copy WP "accountability and transparency" - co-driver to check PAP.
He copy PAP "job creation idea".
Now he copy Malaysia PKR "18 years minor voting idea".
(5) It clearly show that he display no flair in policy making - only know how to plagarise.
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Esther Tan
Danny Lum r u like dumb? lowering the age mean changing the consitution, the supreme law of the land. what common law u talking about. UK which our law is based on changed it in the 60s
Danny Lum
Esther Tan - Change law, change constitution - must as well say 1 year old also can vote.
You are dumb and TCB and PSP party are dumb - because you are letting a minor who are not fully developed mentally (in their formative year) - to vote on the fate of the Country.
Majority of the Countries in the World defined a "Minor" as 18 years old and below.
Some Countries defined "Minor" as 20 years old and below.
You, TCB and PSP party - want to change the Constitution to make 18 years old "not a minor" and hand the fate of the Country to a Minor?
You, TCB and PSP party are "out of mind" !
You are dumb and TCB and PSP party are dumb - because you are letting a minor who are not fully developed mentally (in their formative year) - to vote on the fate of the Country.
Majority of the Countries in the World defined a "Minor" as 18 years old and below.
Some Countries defined "Minor" as 20 years old and below.
You, TCB and PSP party - want to change the Constitution to make 18 years old "not a minor" and hand the fate of the Country to a Minor?
You, TCB and PSP party are "out of mind" !
Tan Kwong Moh
Hope Mr LHY will join PSP so that to make PSP stronger. All the best to Dr Tan Cheng Bock and PSP.
Like · Reply · 1 · 16m
Loh Thian Yong Delph
we definitely do not need a goverment that follow other goverment foot step. go fly kite please if you have no plans of your own.... next thing you know... they will be getting rid of death penalty and alot of other legislation just because other country goverment do so
Patricia Tong
Who will yr party be asking to create jobs?! What types of jobs? What are the salaries?
Like · Reply · 12m
Loh Thian Yong Delph
we definitely do not need a goverment that follow other goverment foot step. go fly kite please if you have no plans of your own.... next thing you know... they will be getting rid of death penalty and alot of other legislation just because other country goverment do so
Patricia Tong
Who will yr party be asking to create jobs?! What types of jobs? What are the salaries?
Augustine Teo
Enough foreigners means plenty of jobs , they still dont know what we want, we want minister jobs la
Reply · 16h
Foong Mun Loh
but 70% of Sinkies no want job security what..........lower voting age lagi worse - brainwashed youths will vote for ruling party mah..........
Masa Soh Mengming
In agreement with employment issues, looking into the CECA with India but personally I would like to raise the voting age.
The youth can't drive or defend their country at 18. They only can starting *learning* how to drive and defend the country when they are 18. They are not mature yet at that stage! HK has really spooked me out.
Let people who can pay income tax and have families vote.
The youth can't drive or defend their country at 18. They only can starting *learning* how to drive and defend the country when they are 18. They are not mature yet at that stage! HK has really spooked me out.
Let people who can pay income tax and have families vote.
Chua Lee Kheng
What's the point of having so many political parties?? Sgp is getting from bad to worse!!
Kimchye Lee
I wonder what is LHY thinking now, apparently wisdom also does not pass three generations..
Tan Tan
( 1 ) Lower cpf withdrawal age to 50 years old ( 2 ) Lower singaporepool TOTO total numbers to 38 ( 3 ) Increase 4d third prize back to original $500 ( 4 ) Increase lottery operators to be competitive instead of only singaporepools. ( 5 ) Lower ministers salary by one third. ( 6 ) Immediate large scale to improve singapore infrastructure for pmds and cyclists ( 7 ) Lower Gst to 3% ( 8 ) Lower population Influx ( 9 ) Minimum 5 years imprisonment for motorists causing death on the roads. ( 10 ) Lower somemore housing price for all singaporeans to be affordable and less pressurized.
Lau Lan Chu
You never say bridge the income gaps of poor and rich and government will pay for the gaps. Most powerful.
Reply · 4h
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