(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) SDP in previous election - say they want to abolish NS.
Wonder what is SDP stand on this issue now?
We would have foreign naval ships run all over us and beach land in our shore now - if SDP got his way.
(2) SDP say want to abolish PSLE.
No exam then how to put students into secondary schools?
Then how to ascertain whether the students attain the level of competency to go to secondary schools?
(3) SDP always publish articles in foreign news media to shoot Singapore and the Government.
Can trust SDP not to sell Singapore's interest away to foreign interest?
(4) And SDP GE launch statement --- is "lagi disappointed" - plagarise Malaysia PKR of abolishing GST (then follow by implementing SST tax) and other populist policies - make health cheap, make everything cheap, no need tax collection ---- win then 才来讲。
Can promise anything under the sun - just to please voters --- no need to honor later.
Wonder what is SDP stand on this issue now?
We would have foreign naval ships run all over us and beach land in our shore now - if SDP got his way.
(2) SDP say want to abolish PSLE.
No exam then how to put students into secondary schools?
Then how to ascertain whether the students attain the level of competency to go to secondary schools?
(3) SDP always publish articles in foreign news media to shoot Singapore and the Government.
Can trust SDP not to sell Singapore's interest away to foreign interest?
(4) And SDP GE launch statement --- is "lagi disappointed" - plagarise Malaysia PKR of abolishing GST (then follow by implementing SST tax) and other populist policies - make health cheap, make everything cheap, no need tax collection ---- win then 才来讲。
Can promise anything under the sun - just to please voters --- no need to honor later.
Eng Hong Ong
I used to like this man, but when it was apparent that he was trying to get support from foreign agencies.. I am not a pap supporter but I don't believe in pulling in foreign agencies into our our nations politics and disagreements..
Eng Hong Ong
Wilfred Leung
Next time do your own research... hope you are not a supporter of him since you don't even know what he did or said.. voting blindly..
"In the nearly 25 years that I have been with the SDP, I have published several op-eds in international newspapers and news sites such as The Guardian, The Australian, CNN, Huffington Post, and WSJ but I have not been able to publish in Singaporean newspapers."
I have also been interviewed on news programmes and radio talk shows on BBC, CNN, NPR, Reuters, Australia’s ABC, just to name a few. But I have never had been invited to talk on a Singaporean TV or radio station."
If you had disagreement with your family, would you post op-ed in totally foreign and non-related media? What did he expect to gain from it?
Hoping foreign media to exert pressure on our government? Hoping foreign media to help sway OUR citizens vote?
There are 100s of ways to get heard, for the last decade, with social media, even an unknown India rapper made herself famous in 1 week... Mr Tan Cheng Bock FB webpage enjoy likes by thousands of authentic Singaporeans... So why does CSJ need to pander to the western media?
Singapore are to be governed by our Singapore citizens and not by pandering to the foreign media judgement and criticisms.. are they perfect themselves? Looking at the UK and US today.. I hardly think so..
Next time do your own research... hope you are not a supporter of him since you don't even know what he did or said.. voting blindly..
"In the nearly 25 years that I have been with the SDP, I have published several op-eds in international newspapers and news sites such as The Guardian, The Australian, CNN, Huffington Post, and WSJ but I have not been able to publish in Singaporean newspapers."
I have also been interviewed on news programmes and radio talk shows on BBC, CNN, NPR, Reuters, Australia’s ABC, just to name a few. But I have never had been invited to talk on a Singaporean TV or radio station."
If you had disagreement with your family, would you post op-ed in totally foreign and non-related media? What did he expect to gain from it?
Hoping foreign media to exert pressure on our government? Hoping foreign media to help sway OUR citizens vote?
There are 100s of ways to get heard, for the last decade, with social media, even an unknown India rapper made herself famous in 1 week... Mr Tan Cheng Bock FB webpage enjoy likes by thousands of authentic Singaporeans... So why does CSJ need to pander to the western media?
Singapore are to be governed by our Singapore citizens and not by pandering to the foreign media judgement and criticisms.. are they perfect themselves? Looking at the UK and US today.. I hardly think so..
Tan Koo Koo
Publishing write ups in foreign press and being interviewed by them doesnt come across as trying to gain foreign help. He isnt the only one in the world doing that.
The local MSM has always censored opposition parties. MSM still has huge influences on readers. When MSM keeps publishing negative matters on Opp, it influenced voters minds.
Look at Presudent Donald Trump, he refused to give interviews to a lot of MSM because he realised they will cast him in bad light and not publish objectively.
Social media, not a lot of pro-PAP voters will follow Opp or be objective about it. Similarly, a good handful of those who are pro Opp (or anti PAP) are not objective about PAP gov policies even when it's good.
The local MSM has always censored opposition parties. MSM still has huge influences on readers. When MSM keeps publishing negative matters on Opp, it influenced voters minds.
Look at Presudent Donald Trump, he refused to give interviews to a lot of MSM because he realised they will cast him in bad light and not publish objectively.
Social media, not a lot of pro-PAP voters will follow Opp or be objective about it. Similarly, a good handful of those who are pro Opp (or anti PAP) are not objective about PAP gov policies even when it's good.
John Low
There are massive changes today in SDP vis a vis the ones started out under Chiam See Thong. Decked up with very educational figures. today this is a party to be reckoned with should they be elected to parliament. The PAP will have sleepless night and complain they cannot govern well because SDP come to parliament. They will be exhausted using all their time just to spar with such powerful force in parliament. Hence the fault lies squarely on those people that voted them in thus causing Singapore to slack.
Tan Koo Koo
A lot of ppl lived in the shadows of Dr Chee vs Mr CST saga. Because of that, such ppl sees Dr CSJ in bad light.
In e last decade, Dr CSJ has matured politically, and have been careful not to get sued and 'punished'
In e last decade, Dr CSJ has matured politically, and have been careful not to get sued and 'punished'
Chowdury Joe
I don’t mind the other members of the party. But not Chee. Throughout the years, he came across as slimy.
Sgfifty Singapore
In the 2015 GE, for the first time, all the constituencies were contested by opposition, as well as PAP, candidates; yet the PAP had a resounding victory. I would like to encourage those opposition parties, better still more, to contest again. 2015 was a special year - the year Singapore's founder LKY passed away. This time round, in the next GE, it would be more of the same footing for all candidate parties. Despite some weaknesses, LKY was a leader whose calibre is head and shoulders above anyone of his time, even above anyone now. You can treat LKY as a godsend to Singapore; like Jesus to the world in the eyes of Christians. In the coming GE, there is no more special year. Just like LKY was a once-in-a-blue-moon gift to Singapore, the 2015 election was a once-in-a-blue-moon election in the history of Singapore elections. We can treat the coming GE as though it were the next GE after the 2011 GE - no special event for any party to take advantage of; all candidate parties contest on the same footing.
So please, all intending political parties, TRY AGAIN THIS COMING GE. IT WON"T HAVE THE SAME RESULT like what we saw in 2015, if we extrapolate Singapore's GE history till 2011, bypassing the special 2015 GE, to the "real" GE after 2011 which is "effectively" 2019/2020/2021.
Let me first say the current ruling party is great. IT DELIVERS. But it wants to be immortal - like the emperor Qin Shi Huang. If indeed the current govt can live forever despite some of its weaknesses and overpowering control, I will support it. But the problem is, like what Goh Chok Tong said: WITHOUT THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT, SINGAPORE WILL DEGENERATE TO A 3RD-WORLD COUNTRY. You know the implication of this statement? Die die, we must (or rather really have no effective choice) continue to support the current govt. The question is: do you want our future generations to live like that? We don't have to have a new political party overthrow the current ruling party (because none at present has the demonstratable ability to deliver). BUT WE MUST AT LEAST ENSURE THERE ARE EFFECTIVE CHECKS AND BALANCES ON THE RULING PARTY, a healthy-size opposition being one of them. We Singaporeans always say why Hong Kongers are scared of being extradited to the mainland if their conscience are clear; the thing is HKers are scared not because of the extradition per se but because they do not think the mainland's rule of law or judiciary is transparent. If Edwin Tong said that THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT BOUND BY LEGISLATION unless “it expressly provides for that to be so”, can we simply accept it like that, when all the while we keep saying things like "If we have not done something wrong, why are we scared of letting others check us?" I'm not saying the current government is corupt or inefficient; let's assume they are not, so why are they free from "checks and balances" that we ordinary Singaporeans are subject to day-to-day? If Singapore's Auditor-General reported that some ministries are slack in their work, and the ministries replied that "we will try harder" without really taking responsibility and accountability for their weak work, can we simply accept it like that?
Of course, emperor Qin finally died, just like many of the long-lived dynasties of China finally collapsed. SINGAPORE'S CURRENT RULING PARTY WILL TOO, SOME DAY, and when it does, we WILL degenerate to a 3rd world country. Why? Because all this while we Singaporeans have been fully dependent on the current ruling party; without it, we are effectively rendered helpless.
A father will raise his family so that when he finally passes away, his children will continue to live on. Not only that, a father will raise the family so that his children will outshine him WHEN HE IS NO LONGER AROUND. Like I said in the beginning, if the current party is immortal and can live forever, despite some weakness, I will support it. But all fathers die. The way it is now, and because we Singaporeans are made to be so dependent on Singapore's current ruling party, when the current ruling party finally "dies" (IT WILL SOME DAY), Singapore and Singaporeans will "effectively" die with the party. Do we want our political system to be like this? Or can we change it?
So please, all intending political parties, TRY AGAIN THIS COMING GE. IT WON"T HAVE THE SAME RESULT like what we saw in 2015, if we extrapolate Singapore's GE history till 2011, bypassing the special 2015 GE, to the "real" GE after 2011 which is "effectively" 2019/2020/2021.
Let me first say the current ruling party is great. IT DELIVERS. But it wants to be immortal - like the emperor Qin Shi Huang. If indeed the current govt can live forever despite some of its weaknesses and overpowering control, I will support it. But the problem is, like what Goh Chok Tong said: WITHOUT THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT, SINGAPORE WILL DEGENERATE TO A 3RD-WORLD COUNTRY. You know the implication of this statement? Die die, we must (or rather really have no effective choice) continue to support the current govt. The question is: do you want our future generations to live like that? We don't have to have a new political party overthrow the current ruling party (because none at present has the demonstratable ability to deliver). BUT WE MUST AT LEAST ENSURE THERE ARE EFFECTIVE CHECKS AND BALANCES ON THE RULING PARTY, a healthy-size opposition being one of them. We Singaporeans always say why Hong Kongers are scared of being extradited to the mainland if their conscience are clear; the thing is HKers are scared not because of the extradition per se but because they do not think the mainland's rule of law or judiciary is transparent. If Edwin Tong said that THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT BOUND BY LEGISLATION unless “it expressly provides for that to be so”, can we simply accept it like that, when all the while we keep saying things like "If we have not done something wrong, why are we scared of letting others check us?" I'm not saying the current government is corupt or inefficient; let's assume they are not, so why are they free from "checks and balances" that we ordinary Singaporeans are subject to day-to-day? If Singapore's Auditor-General reported that some ministries are slack in their work, and the ministries replied that "we will try harder" without really taking responsibility and accountability for their weak work, can we simply accept it like that?
Of course, emperor Qin finally died, just like many of the long-lived dynasties of China finally collapsed. SINGAPORE'S CURRENT RULING PARTY WILL TOO, SOME DAY, and when it does, we WILL degenerate to a 3rd world country. Why? Because all this while we Singaporeans have been fully dependent on the current ruling party; without it, we are effectively rendered helpless.
A father will raise his family so that when he finally passes away, his children will continue to live on. Not only that, a father will raise the family so that his children will outshine him WHEN HE IS NO LONGER AROUND. Like I said in the beginning, if the current party is immortal and can live forever, despite some weakness, I will support it. But all fathers die. The way it is now, and because we Singaporeans are made to be so dependent on Singapore's current ruling party, when the current ruling party finally "dies" (IT WILL SOME DAY), Singapore and Singaporeans will "effectively" die with the party. Do we want our political system to be like this? Or can we change it?
Jennie Hu
What kind of manifesto can oppo come up with alternative governing, touching on the heartstring of common folks?
1. Ministers high salary
2. Private tuition
3. PMDs on pedestrian path
4. Transparency in awarding public tenders
- ensure no loopholes... E.g. that the main con is selected on truly meritorious basis but the subcon were dictated by the awarder?
5. How to prevent potential lapses instead of reacting to findings by AG (Thumb up for the AG!) - with so many scholars in the civil service yet cannot drum up a robust check and balance system? No wonder heartlanders have this saying " jiak liao bee"
6. Admit to the fallability of HDB Asset enhancement theory
- for 10 years COEs and financial assets, it is relatively easy to see the depreciating value; HDB though may be 99yrs lease on new, BUT the balance lease years for the resale market just beat me how the price can escalate!?
- provide affordable housing, do not inflat land prices for HDB.
- the pioneer generations can buy a 15k 3 room flat on a 500 salary meaning 30 mths salary & NOW? pay until retirement still cannot finish
FRANKLY, the government is hell bent on increasing population growth at the expense of overloaded infrastructure leading to squueze on public transport and housing.
Can the highly paid civil servants come up with innovative ideas to rein in the escalating cost of living? Come across a survey report that point to improving income against lowe expenditures! Joke huh, the survey target the private estates or what? Can we looked after the aged who are seen pushing carton cart? Who in the right mind dont want to retire comfortably. In this sense, i think China aged populace had a better deal?
1. Ministers high salary
2. Private tuition
3. PMDs on pedestrian path
4. Transparency in awarding public tenders
- ensure no loopholes... E.g. that the main con is selected on truly meritorious basis but the subcon were dictated by the awarder?
5. How to prevent potential lapses instead of reacting to findings by AG (Thumb up for the AG!) - with so many scholars in the civil service yet cannot drum up a robust check and balance system? No wonder heartlanders have this saying " jiak liao bee"
6. Admit to the fallability of HDB Asset enhancement theory
- for 10 years COEs and financial assets, it is relatively easy to see the depreciating value; HDB though may be 99yrs lease on new, BUT the balance lease years for the resale market just beat me how the price can escalate!?
- provide affordable housing, do not inflat land prices for HDB.
- the pioneer generations can buy a 15k 3 room flat on a 500 salary meaning 30 mths salary & NOW? pay until retirement still cannot finish
FRANKLY, the government is hell bent on increasing population growth at the expense of overloaded infrastructure leading to squueze on public transport and housing.
Can the highly paid civil servants come up with innovative ideas to rein in the escalating cost of living? Come across a survey report that point to improving income against lowe expenditures! Joke huh, the survey target the private estates or what? Can we looked after the aged who are seen pushing carton cart? Who in the right mind dont want to retire comfortably. In this sense, i think China aged populace had a better deal?
Tan Koo Koo
Do u think Opp would need to publish all their ideology?
Ih wait n have you heard Hilliary Clinton mocking Donald Trump, that he has no strategy on ISIS? Also, did you hear his reply to her?
Check it out and understand why Opp dont express their full ideology.
Besides, there are a good handful of people who are always anti (PAP or Opp) blindly than objectively.
Ih wait n have you heard Hilliary Clinton mocking Donald Trump, that he has no strategy on ISIS? Also, did you hear his reply to her?
Check it out and understand why Opp dont express their full ideology.
Besides, there are a good handful of people who are always anti (PAP or Opp) blindly than objectively.
Niko Nishi
This is the opposition party that all voters must avoid like the plague and at all costs. The party chief, Chee Soon Juan, points out the state of homelessness and calls out PM Lee who said no one must be left behind. He can't see the state of "homefulness" in Singapore and he is playing with language that PM Lee has left these homelessness people behind without knowing their reasons for being homeless and ignoring the govt efforts to locate these people and to help them. Hopeless party supporting a chief like that.
Tan Koo Koo
Tell us more pleaseeeeee.......
Or typically one sided biasness and largely influenced by MSM?
Or typically one sided biasness and largely influenced by MSM?
Foong Mun Loh
all Opposition parties should dissolve and let Sinkies be screwed deep point putting their careers and freedom on the line for Gutless DumbFarks................
Like · Reply · 44m
Peter Hung
Can consider SDP's men/ women for voting. But it has to work hard to offer more than chicken wings / drumsticks to win over the votes and minds of the people.
Like · Reply · 1h
Ho Chee Keong
by election cant win already still wanna try general election ?
eat full no shit ?
eat full no shit ?
Georgie Lee
They are going to lose all the deposits. That CSJ has been trying and trying his luck so far but without sucess because we know we cannot trust a cheat and a liar.
Tan Tan
( 1 ) Lower cpf withdrawal age to 50 years old ( 2 ) Lower singaporepool TOTO total numbers to 38 ( 3 ) Increase 4d third prize back to original $500 ( 4 ) Increase lottery operators to be competitive instead of only singaporepools. ( 5 ) Lower ministers salary by one third. ( 6 ) Immediate large scale to improve singapore infrastructure for pmds and cyclists ( 7 ) Lower Gst to 3% ( 8 ) Lower population Influx ( 9 ) Minimum 5 years imprisonment for motorists causing death on the roads. ( 10 ) Lower somemore housing price for all singaporeans to be affordable and less pressurized.
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