(Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Posted on :- 16 Aug 2019 05:48PM (Updated: 16 Aug 2019 05:50PM)
Ricky Lim
(1) The question of whether the HK police have the strength to tackle the protest - is missing the point in HK disorder.
(2) It must be an all encompassing approach that involve political decision plus police enforcement.
(3) 1stly, Politicians must declare whether HK unrest - has reached a stage of total lost of control in social order - that warrant declaring of "State of Emergency".
This is a political decision - not a police decision.
(4) If "State of Emergency" is declared - there would be :-
- "lockdown" of people's movement
- banning all protest movement
- arrest of suspected rioters, protest organiers and protestors
(5) To enforce "State of Emergency" - only economic activities and social activities are allowed - and all political activities will be banned.
(6) Police must be able to deploy forces and assets at all MTR station, bus interchanges, main roads etc - to prevent any protest movement from forming up - and any protestors that carry placards, weapons, wearing of shirts with protest slogans, illegal assembly will be arrested.
(7) This is the only way to quell the HK unrest - and bring back law and order.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The current HK situation - has reached a critical juncture - to declare "State of Emergency" and clamp down on all protests - to restore law and order.
(2) Further delay will have an irreparable economic loss, reputational loss and international intervention.
(3) There is a need to make a swift and decisive "double down" to end the unrest and 止血。
(4) The longer the HK unrest situation drag --- the greater the damage not only to HK but also to China - and collateral damages to many business partners.
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Ricky Lim
(1) If HK politicians and HK police - fail to quell the unrest within its means and resources now ----- China forces may be force to come down one day ---- and these will have a far wider implication and far worse consquences that no Hongkongers will want.
(2) And it will also have negative consequences to China mainland.
(3) Thus, HK politicians and HK police - will have to make a "hard decision" now - based on the "hard truth" facing HK currently as more violent protest unveil.
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Ricky Lim
(1) 非常时期,你需要非常手段。
(2) The core motivation of "State of Emergency" order or decree - is to restore law and order, social order and economic order.
(3) All Political activities and political dissent will take a backseat - and will be banned throughout the Emergency Order - until law and order are restored, safety and security order are restored.
(4) The Security Ministry under the Emergency Order (a proxy to Martial Law) - will have sweeping power to deploy security forces at all critical infrastructure such as Legislative chambers, China Liaison Office, Airport, MTR stations, bus interchanges and main road.
(5) The Emergency Order will have the power to order Telcos to block all social media communication such as telegram, facebook, instagram, twitter etc - to remove the means of communications for protestors and rioters to orgainse protest, riots and illegal assembly.
(6) The Emergency Order will also have to power to control mainstream media to toe the official line - to promote unity and stop division or dissent.
(7) The "strongman" image with the primary goal to restore law and order, social order and economic order shall emerge throughout the Emergency Order - a "Disciplinary Master wielding a big cane" - to stop all Economic sabotage, social order vandalism and protect the safetly of citizens and public infrastructure should emerge.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The question of whether the HK police have the strength to tackle the protest - is missing the point in HK disorder.
(2) It must be an all encompassing approach that involve political decision plus police enforcement.
(3) 1stly, Politicians must declare whether HK unrest - has reached a stage of total lost of control in social order - that warrant declaring of "State of Emergency".
This is a political decision - not a police decision.
(4) If "State of Emergency" is declared - there would be :-
- "lockdown" of people's movement
- banning all protest movement
- arrest of suspected rioters, protest organiers and protestors
(5) To enforce "State of Emergency" - only economic activities and social activities are allowed - and all political activities will be banned.
(6) Police must be able to deploy forces and assets at all MTR station, bus interchanges, main roads etc - to prevent any protest movement from forming up - and any protestors that carry placards, weapons, wearing of shirts with protest slogans, illegal assembly will be arrested.
(7) This is the only way to quell the HK unrest - and bring back law and order.
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Ricky Lim
(1) The current HK situation - has reached a critical juncture - to declare "State of Emergency" and clamp down on all protests - to restore law and order.
(2) Further delay will have an irreparable economic loss, reputational loss and international intervention.
(3) There is a need to make a swift and decisive "double down" to end the unrest and 止血。
(4) The longer the HK unrest situation drag --- the greater the damage not only to HK but also to China - and collateral damages to many business partners.
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Ricky Lim
(1) If HK politicians and HK police - fail to quell the unrest within its means and resources now ----- China forces may be force to come down one day ---- and these will have a far wider implication and far worse consquences that no Hongkongers will want.
(2) And it will also have negative consequences to China mainland.
(3) Thus, HK politicians and HK police - will have to make a "hard decision" now - based on the "hard truth" facing HK currently as more violent protest unveil.
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Ricky Lim
(1) 非常时期,你需要非常手段。
(2) The core motivation of "State of Emergency" order or decree - is to restore law and order, social order and economic order.
(3) All Political activities and political dissent will take a backseat - and will be banned throughout the Emergency Order - until law and order are restored, safety and security order are restored.
(4) The Security Ministry under the Emergency Order (a proxy to Martial Law) - will have sweeping power to deploy security forces at all critical infrastructure such as Legislative chambers, China Liaison Office, Airport, MTR stations, bus interchanges and main road.
(5) The Emergency Order will have the power to order Telcos to block all social media communication such as telegram, facebook, instagram, twitter etc - to remove the means of communications for protestors and rioters to orgainse protest, riots and illegal assembly.
(6) The Emergency Order will also have to power to control mainstream media to toe the official line - to promote unity and stop division or dissent.
(7) The "strongman" image with the primary goal to restore law and order, social order and economic order shall emerge throughout the Emergency Order - a "Disciplinary Master wielding a big cane" - to stop all Economic sabotage, social order vandalism and protect the safetly of citizens and public infrastructure should emerge.
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Ricky Lim
Posted on :- 24 Aug 2019 04:11PM
Ricky Lim
(1) What these HK protestors are doing is - they heck care about their own future - and if they don't get what they want - they want to pull HK's economy down, internal security down, infrastructure down and its future down together with them ---- this is a suicidal intent ---- "protesters die, and pull HK to die with them".
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Ricky Lim
(1) But do HK protestors think that - China will allow HK protestors - to declare democracy, to declare independence and break off from China, or to be a trojan to force China to change their system by following what HK do?
(2) Based on China's leader's thinking - they will not allow any part of China to lose even an inch of their land - thus HK protestors are touching on a very sensitive issue and treading on dangerous ground.
(3) It will come to a point where China think enough is enough - and will come down hard on the HK protestors.
(4) HK protestors should in fact request for the following ground - in which China and HK governors will accomodate :-
a. build more cheaper public housing for the young people
b. create more jobs for HK people
c. create more affordable healthcare
d. create more spaces for recreation
(5) That is, HK people should request China and HK governors to improve economic conditions and better social spaces for the HK people ---- instead of harping on HK politics --- that China and HK governors will not relent.
(6) And if HK people are economically well off and social well-beings are well taken care off --- then why bother who govern HK?
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Ricky Lim
(1) What these HK protestors are doing is - they heck care about their own future - and if they don't get what they want - they want to pull HK's economy down, internal security down, infrastructure down and its future down together with them ---- this is a suicidal intent ---- "protesters die, and pull HK to die with them".
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Ricky Lim
(1) But do HK protestors think that - China will allow HK protestors - to declare democracy, to declare independence and break off from China, or to be a trojan to force China to change their system by following what HK do?
(2) Based on China's leader's thinking - they will not allow any part of China to lose even an inch of their land - thus HK protestors are touching on a very sensitive issue and treading on dangerous ground.
(3) It will come to a point where China think enough is enough - and will come down hard on the HK protestors.
(4) HK protestors should in fact request for the following ground - in which China and HK governors will accomodate :-
a. build more cheaper public housing for the young people
b. create more jobs for HK people
c. create more affordable healthcare
d. create more spaces for recreation
(5) That is, HK people should request China and HK governors to improve economic conditions and better social spaces for the HK people ---- instead of harping on HK politics --- that China and HK governors will not relent.
(6) And if HK people are economically well off and social well-beings are well taken care off --- then why bother who govern HK?
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Ricky Lim
Posted on :- 27 Aug 2019 10:13AM (Updated: 27 Aug 2019 12:09PM)
Ricky Lim
(1) It is the right move to erect platform for communication - to attract HK people to talk with the Governer and attempt to bridge the gap and concern.
(2) By doing so, it is possible to get consensus and resolve the HK people concern - between the Governance and the Governed.
(3) This will help to ensure the silent majority will distance themselves away from those radical protestors who are bent on using violent.
(4) Meanwhile, the Police must strictly enforce law and order to crack down on those violent protestors who are breaking law and sabotaging the Economy, vandalising public infrastructure, disrupting public service and assaulting police and citizens.
Ricky Lim
(1) It is the right move to erect platform for communication - to attract HK people to talk with the Governer and attempt to bridge the gap and concern.
(2) By doing so, it is possible to get consensus and resolve the HK people concern - between the Governance and the Governed.
(3) This will help to ensure the silent majority will distance themselves away from those radical protestors who are bent on using violent.
(4) Meanwhile, the Police must strictly enforce law and order to crack down on those violent protestors who are breaking law and sabotaging the Economy, vandalising public infrastructure, disrupting public service and assaulting police and citizens.
Jasveer Jurrah
Well said... Kudos to you Cantonese.
Masa Soh Mengming
Here is your opportunity to stand up to China. Instead of stalking people online like an unemployed loser, why not dress in black go to Hong Kong, join in the riots and show China who is boss?
Jasveer Jurrah
Masa Soh Mengming ... 1.7 million people maybe more... And a moron asking one more non Chinese to join... I give moral support, it is enough
Jasveer Jurrah
Augustine... Put up your picture ... Let us see the beauty that is you... Hope not an ah meng look alike
Ean Evo Lution
Just wait for yr police to shoot at yr legs as yr Xmas gift to prepare for yr Christmas celebration which is coming in a few mths' time, hohohoho Santa Claus is coming to HK
Jm Chow
Nothing to lose ? NOT true.
As a result of their riotings...businesses closing shop,..workers losing jobs...tourists stop coming...shoping malls become ghost towns...their parents lost income ....HK economy going to China and other cities... the HK people's future (including the rioters') turned BAD.
In short ...HK people lose their good life.
As a result of their riotings...businesses closing shop,..workers losing jobs...tourists stop coming...shoping malls become ghost towns...their parents lost income ....HK economy going to China and other cities... the HK people's future (including the rioters') turned BAD.
In short ...HK people lose their good life.
Swee Meng Ling
Next protest shall be protesting why didn't HK government stop the previous protests, and now there is no food on the table.
Swee Meng Ling
Reuter is stirring again, for both sides to go for blood.
Why keep amplifying a distorted view, and especially one that stupidly proclaiming of violent with no basis? Is an evil plan to use HK chaos as an excuse to inhibit China growth if Beijng does fall into the trap, and of couse spilling the HKer bloods.
HK was returned to China, if HK was returned to HK then the Brit could joylly well could have kept it. Margaret Thatcher did test Deng on his bottom line, and Deng made it very clear that there would be war if UK tried to be funny. There given rise of the 50 years transition, not for the Brit, but mainly for first mainland China, and then for HKer.
Apparently the transition work was not done well, and letting the 1 country 2 systems run totally free on the 2 systems, but nothing on the 1 country goal is a mistake.
Why keep amplifying a distorted view, and especially one that stupidly proclaiming of violent with no basis? Is an evil plan to use HK chaos as an excuse to inhibit China growth if Beijng does fall into the trap, and of couse spilling the HKer bloods.
HK was returned to China, if HK was returned to HK then the Brit could joylly well could have kept it. Margaret Thatcher did test Deng on his bottom line, and Deng made it very clear that there would be war if UK tried to be funny. There given rise of the 50 years transition, not for the Brit, but mainly for first mainland China, and then for HKer.
Apparently the transition work was not done well, and letting the 1 country 2 systems run totally free on the 2 systems, but nothing on the 1 country goal is a mistake.
Swee Meng Ling
Jasveer Jurrah
If it is so simple.
Hope I could get the old thinking Jurrah back. Your postings were much better.
If it is so simple.
Hope I could get the old thinking Jurrah back. Your postings were much better.
Jasveer Jurrah
Swee Meng Ling .... It take a lot to cross the line.. it too hk many years. China new found wealth is too much to lose too soon... Maybe in two three generations when the frustration builds up maybe.
Simple way is the syndrome... Afraid to lose... Every race has it.. only some draw the line sooner the Chinese tend to draw the line later.. just nature nothing wrong
Simple way is the syndrome... Afraid to lose... Every race has it.. only some draw the line sooner the Chinese tend to draw the line later.. just nature nothing wrong
Chia Leckmeng
@ Jasveer Jurrah. Are you still sleeping. The British used opium to weaken the olden Chinese Governing Officials with opium. Don't you heard/read about the opinion war> Olden China used swords & sheilds, yet the British used guns and The British cunninly used opium to weaken the bygone Chinese army.
Even USA is now afraid of China economic strength and started the TRADE WAR with Chian. USA knows that The Trade War has no effect and now incited Hong Hong to rise up the civil unrest to slow down China. China will not use armforce to kill it own people; but when need be, it will be used as a teaching/instil discipline on the Honkkies; and only as a last choice.
You really misunderstand and like the Honkies, begin patience & torlence is not a sign of weakness. Just like yourself; shouling nonsense and nobody will take side with your nonsesntical comments. It's better for you to zip up and stop your noise polution.
Even USA is now afraid of China economic strength and started the TRADE WAR with Chian. USA knows that The Trade War has no effect and now incited Hong Hong to rise up the civil unrest to slow down China. China will not use armforce to kill it own people; but when need be, it will be used as a teaching/instil discipline on the Honkkies; and only as a last choice.
You really misunderstand and like the Honkies, begin patience & torlence is not a sign of weakness. Just like yourself; shouling nonsense and nobody will take side with your nonsesntical comments. It's better for you to zip up and stop your noise polution.
Jasveer Jurrah
Chia Leckmeng ... Why state the obvious... Every leader or country will influence , control , manipulate
China no different... Unless you Chinese have achieve Nirvana together then nothing matters.
But apparently it matters so control is nothing new.. who cares what happened years ago... Lost a war or two... So Chinese lost to Mongols, manchus .. so big deal.
opium or money they are the same... You chinese swallowed the opium long ago now you have swallowed the western money... Both ways you lose.
China no different... Unless you Chinese have achieve Nirvana together then nothing matters.
But apparently it matters so control is nothing new.. who cares what happened years ago... Lost a war or two... So Chinese lost to Mongols, manchus .. so big deal.
opium or money they are the same... You chinese swallowed the opium long ago now you have swallowed the western money... Both ways you lose.
Masa Soh Mengming
Yeah. Nothing to lose. Just wait till you attend that job interview with a mainland firm with that black mark on your record.
Or maybe when you have to foot that hefty lawyer fee. The last I checked, these aren't nothing.
Or maybe when you have to foot that hefty lawyer fee. The last I checked, these aren't nothing.
Henry Tan
In deed Reuter is stirling up. Clearly extremely one sided and calling for more protesters to be more violence and more chaos. It may result in blood shed. The timing of the report was arranged in such away seem to counter Carrie Lam speech in the public yesterday (27/8/19).
Cy Wong
Those western medias shit stirring activities were subtle at the start like reporting only the protestors stories and largely ignoring anythings to the contrary. Example - Misrepresenting extend of support for the blacks using terms like "the people of HK..." or "the population of HK.." without the support of any polling and despite there being substantial turnout at pro government rally (largely ignored because it was peaceful and hence not newsworthy. After Google and Facebook moves to delete pro China and pro government accounts the western medias had turned outright bias and skewed and emboldening the blacks to undertake more violence. There will be blood on their hands if and when blood flow.
Chee Vincent
This Jason Tse is a real stupid ,brainless .Can u fight with 13 billion people .How long can u fight ,1year 2 years or 10 years .The government had manpower to fight with protester .
Loo Ee Yong
Why they say until like the people in China are like prisoners. If tat is the case, y most ppl in China are so united against the US influence? China is on it's prime now and can probably grow better, ppl there are happy with their govt. They can either be part of the growth or self damage and suffer later for the so called freedom which they will not get. They might have a chance if the ppl in China is not united and have similar resentment as the Hk ppl. But from the look of it, there are noises from from G7, but dun think anyone will really challenge China for this. On this issue, dun think China will give in even if US declare war on them... The protesters are probably dreaming the US army will land on the shore of Hk to free them...
Nothing to lose is for the jobless. They have free food in prison they have a prison cell each that is bigger than their rental rooms which would cost averaging HK$5000 per month. When bullets get into their eyes, then these jobless protesters will have something to lose. For other protesters with jobs, unemployment is real n with no savings, they will have to commit a crime to b eligible for a prison cell. The homeless zzz in Mc Donald will b doubled soon.
Long See Hooi
If u read this article it's lopsided only one aspect from western media. It's all for championing rights even violent one. If u have no food in the table what rights do u have? Let the hong hong people go through this process...we wait and see. Maybe western media can bring food for them. China just ignore them...they have more to lose...petiod
Agnes Sim
True these rioters have nothing to lose. They are already very poor in all ways. Like the Chinese saying 'they only have their rotten lives to lose'. Those with MONEY already leave the country. Hello. Demonstrators turned protestors, turned rioters, turned terrorists, please wake up.
Unker Will
The young protesters' claim that Hong Kong is not a way they are right and Hong Kong can never be China. But..(the big BUT) Hong Kong belongs to China thats the unchangable truth. What the protesters are fighting is their right to live not as what the Chinese Govt would want them to be in the way mainland Chinese do. Can they succeed fighting for that course? I think they may have a chance and if they failed, at least they can tell their next generation of youngsters..children that they tried and is up to them to continue trying.....
Victor Land
You got nothing to loose??? Please think again! Your grandparents and parents have work so hard to build Hong Kong to what she is today. You are going to destroy it??? What freedom do you want? Freedom to destroy Hong Kong? Can freedom fill your stomach? Feed your family? Give you a safe and secure environment? Provide you a better quality of life? Please grow up and don't be blinded by the West so called "Freedom". If you are unhappy with the chinese government and the place you grow up, just F_ _ _ Off! Migrate to your Freedom land since they can provide you better quality of life. Just don'…See More
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