Friday, August 2, 2019

Hindu nationalist group says India unlikely to accept China-led trade deal

02 Aug 2019 07:38PM
Danny Lum
(1) Since India is unlikely to sign the RCEP led by China - should China be inviting UK to replace India?

(2) UK GDP is about US$3 trillion - the same as India GDP is about US$3 trillion.

(3) Asia Pacific need to conclude the RCEP urgently - given that Trump trade war against the World - is causing a mammoth Global Economic slowdown.

(4) We cannot afford to have more and more trade shock.

Danny Lum
Posted on :- 23 Jun 2019 03:04PM (Updated: 23 Jun 2019 03:10PM)

Danny Lum
(1) Thinking aloud, India is currently "digging in" and is still not willing to open up its consumer markets to the RCEP members -- and thus likely to again cause delay to the conclusion of the RCEP at the end of 2019.

(2) Given this background, will RCEP consider India to join the RCEP in Phase 2 until India is ready to join.

(3) Meanwhile should consider inviting other new member to replace India (with US$3 trillion GDP) - for eg. UK (also US$3 trillion GDP) to join the RCEP --- and try to conclude RCEP in Phase 1 by end 2019.
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Raneir Fohnob
You have Pinkerton syndrome is it. Its supposed to be a REGIONAL trade block. Lol. Asian Ang Moh DANNY
Danny Lum
Raneir Fohnob - Australia and New Zealand are members.

UK can be member. US not invited - go and cry.

Raneir Fohnob
Another chinese trojan horse? Lol

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