Monday, August 19, 2019

Engineering solutions to tackle rising sea levels important but more research vital: Experts

Danny Lum
(1) Coming back to the plastic bag problem, there could be more innovative and creative ways to recycle the plastic waste, food waste and solid waste.

(2) We could look at recycling and resused in the following light :-

a. Home waste are transported into a large sorter machines.

b. The sorter machines with sensors, IoTs, robotic arms and AI (multi-disciplinary R&D) - can cut plastic bags holding the food waste and other solid waste and pour them out into the sorter machines.

c. Plastic bags (dual used - for shopping and wrapping food waste at home) - can be lifted into a cleaning machine to wash and clean them - before using chemicals to treat and dissolve the plastic bags into fossil fuel and not incinerated.
This treated fossil fuel - can then be use as fuel to generate energy and electricity.

d. Food waste sorted out - can be channel into machine that can turn them into compost materials.
This compost materials can be used as fertiliser, animal feeds or input to generate energy.

e. Paper waste waste sorted out - can be produced into "recycled paper" for reused.

f. Aluminium can or metal parts sorted out - can be recycled back into aluminium and metals etc

g. This should be a happy news for environmentalists - as we can achieve the objective of "zero waste" due to "hi-tech recycling technology" --- if we tap our R&D Labs such as NUS, NTU, A*Star etc with multi-disciplinary skills - such as chemist, Computer Science, AI, robotics, IoTs, sensors, mechanical, electrical and electronics engineering, environmental engineering etc.
Poi Pat
Netherlands and Singapore geograhical location is so much different. Netherlands is facing tge North Sea and Singapore face Riau Islands of Batam and Tanjong Pinang. If rising sea level Riau islands will be tge buffer.
To spend $100 billion to build a wall is unthinkable. This is like to scare the shit out of Singaporeans to justify the high cost.

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