Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Texas Walmart shooting: El Paso residents tell Trump to stay away

 (Updated: )

Georgie Tan
Should not welcome him, he is the worst racist person that cost lost of life in USA.
Jay Saad
White ppl when they invaded America didn't they kiiled,raped the natives?
It is alarming how ignorant and desperate people can be to try so hard to create a political narrative by taking advantage of a tragedy.
Mike Wotawa
Never heard of CNA. Unfortunately, just another biased, one sided opinion group masquerading as a news source. Real news sources present both sides equally, but you already knew that
Danny Lum
Hello, source is AFP.

Read the source carefully - before you accused.
Danny Lum
Danny Lum
(1) Trump's gun policy must have make him very proud.

(2) There are so much blood in Trump's hands.

(3) Trump is even suggesting more people should arm with more guns - to outshoot one another.

(4) Trump's mad policy - from a mad President.
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Danny Lum
Danny Lum
(1) And this white man shooter picking on Hispanic to shoot - with hate speeches show that Trump has embolden white supremacy to pick on vulnerable minorities for hatred.

(2) Too many blood spilling from Trump's hands and mouth.

(3) Trump is fully responsible for such shooting mishaps - because he consciously foster such hatred campaign in USA.
The latest examples - his incessant verbal attacks on the 4 minorites lawmaker.
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