Friday, August 23, 2019

As economic warning signs flash, Trump, Democratic rivals recalibrate messages

22 Aug 2019 06:18PM
Ricky Lim
(1) "Donald Trump inherited a growing economy from the Obama-Biden administration, just like he inherited everything in his life," Biden, a former vice president, said.
"And now he's squandering it, just like he squandered everything he inherited in his life."

(2) Beto O'Rourke said Trump "has made a complete mess of the American economy," by entering a trade war with China.
"It is devastating farmers and ranchers and producers around this country," O'Rourke, a former US congressman, told reporters on Tuesday. "Do not allow him to escape the accountability that he deserves for what he is doing to this economy - to working Americans - the peril in which he has placed us. He’ll try to blame every other person. The blame rests with Donald Trump."

All these aptly describe Trump's performance thus far as the President of USA --- and all his ignorant supporters still cheer him on.

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