Sunday, August 4, 2019

Opposition parties won’t win voter confidence if they remain 'disparate': Chee Soon Juan

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
As long as Singapore's opposition “remains disparate" and "as a motley bunch”, it will not win the confidence of voters, said Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) Chee Soon Juan on Sunday (Aug 4).
(1) Even if all the opposition parties come together in 1 voice - they are still a 杂牌军,乌合之众。

(2) Opposition do not have the mettle to run Singapore - except to destroy it.

(3) Majority of the voters will have no confident with the Opposition ----- as they will destroy our lives, our livelihood, our assets, our wealth and the future of our defendants.
Danny Lum
(1) Anyone seriously think that SDP can create jobs and build Singapore Economy?

(2) Anyone seriously think that TCB and PSP party can create jobs and build Singapore Economy?

(3) Anyone seriously think that WP party can create jobs and build Singapore Economy?

(4) Anyone seriously think that the rest of the opposition party can create jobs and build Singapore Economy?

(5) I think the majority of the Singapore voters are wetting their pants, shivering with fear ---- at the thought of Opposition Parties ruling Singapore !

Not only die - but 包死,guarantee, confirm plus chop !
Richard Png
U are still in PAP dreamland.
Danny Lum
Richard Png - You are living in Oppies "delusional world".

(1) What policies have the Oppies suggested?
Complete failure - that will doom Singapore.

(2) If you think Oppies can govern - come list down all the "things they can do" to make Singapore better.

(3) So far, PSP, SDP, WP's policies statement don't work.

(4) Convince Singaporeans the Oppies can run - don't used a few gunho words - it don't inspire confident that the Oppies can do the job.

Lau Lan Chu
Ask CSJ to give up a few of his targeted constituency let psp run see how his reaction. Opposition disunity reason having him being part of it and yet he don't realize and yet still talking nonsense. How he snatched SDP from the hands of his mentor cst and kick him out helmed till today don't want to let go got others to run can see his ambition but no brain. He is a vote poison and having him around SDP will not win a single seat, I am absolutely sure. Stop dream on.
Henry Chua
PAP 根深蒂固,反对党还是庸庸碌碌,没有什么作为? 实力薄弱,政刚模糊,没有长期耕耘,只是在大选时现身,选民没有印象,不敢轻易冒险? 要看到成绩,非下苦功不可?
Richard Png
H. C. you are still in PAP dreamland.
Frank Kam
Just take a good look at tha facial response of the people he is talking !!! It just shows how little and unimportant CSJ is to them !!! Hahaha LOL !!!!
Niko Nishi
CSJ still does not want to believe and admit he is the problem for his party.

Shaun Foo
For me I am neutral, because I am only loyal to my paymasters who promotes me and gives me power and money. So I am neutral because both the PAP and SDP don't give me money or power. So I don't care who wins. Maybe I would wish for the side with more beautiful ladies win bah. I mean just being a realist. So I am neutral.
Danny Lum
You are a Malaysian - so you keep quiet about Singapore politics.

In other words, it is none of your business.
Nick Lai
I am comfortable now
Why must I be bad side itchy
I am not comfortable with all opposition
So what the old man
I don't buy his tears
Don't need

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