Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A 'powerful statement' for multilateralism, says PM Lee as 46 countries ink Singapore Convention on Mediation
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-convention-on-mediation-un-trade-disputes-pm-lee-11787744

 (Updated: )

Niko Nishi

This is a testimony from 46 countries of what TCB claimed to be eroding in Singapore governance, transparency, independence and accountability
Danny Lum
(1) Singapore Government namely the PAP - has generally done a very good job for Singapore.

(2) Though not perfect (unless we are in an utopian state) - the Singapore Government has its heart at the right place - and constantly try to make lives better and better for us - given many constraints.

(3) Thus majority of the Singaporean voters must be very careful to ensure that the right party - namely PAP must be elected to continue govern us - and not let our governance fall into mediocrity under the hands of the Oppie.

(4) Many of the Oppie have their own personal agenda, personal vendetta, axe to grind - and they are either not up to mark to run Singapore or their policies will run Singapore down.

(5) Singaporean voters must be careful to safeguard - our high standard of Governance - and not let fly-by-night oppositions ruin Singapore - which in turn ruin Singapore's future, our livelihood, our descendant's future, our wealth and our assets.

Evernal Sue
What has this got to do with governance, transparency, independence and accountability? It's not like TCB said rule of law is being eroded here.

This is the same as saying the recent spate of PMD fires proves TCB's point that governance, transparency, independence and accountability are being eroded here.

Gerrard Villa
How about mediation for Lee saga? Any chance to take place ? Settle internal problems first

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