Friday, August 2, 2019

Asia Times article on Shanmugam 'spreading disinformation' about drug policy is 'quite inaccurate': MHA

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Singapore low drug crimes speak for itself - that our system are effective.

(2) Who is Asia Times article to dispute our system?

(3) Singapore has the Sovereign right to determine our law - and it is not up to Asia Times article to interfere in our system.
Pinkpink Pink
How dare they! Throw the book at them!! Mill em to a pulp....
Chua Lee Kheng
It is difficult questioning MHA about their claims of the effectiveness of the death penalty on deterence of drug crimes so the best thing to do is to avoid talking about it, for Singapore citizens.
Niko Nishi
The fact that Singapore has one of the lowest rates of drug use in the world
is proof that our system work.

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