Thursday, February 1, 2018

Trump administration drops Victor Cha as pick for Seoul envoy

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

The administration has said all options are on the table in dealing with North Korea and officials say Trump and his advisers have discussed the possibility of a limited "bloody nose" strike, alarming experts who warn that this could trigger catastrophic retaliation, especially on South Korea.
"This is a huge story. And extremely worrying," said Tom Wright, a senior foreign policy fellow at the Brookings Institution.
"For months I thought Trump admin was bluffing on a preventive strike ... but the news about Victor Cha no longer being nominated is the type of costly signaling that convinces me I may have been wrong. They are seriously considering it."

N Korea should thanks the social media for providing the "warning" of imminent strike.

Through "Big Data, MetaData" trawl --- the "multiple red alerts" signal the situation has reached dangerous level - that anytime - a strike will come.

The World should thanks the lucky star --- has managed to avert "a potential nuclear war - which may culminate into a World War 3".

Donald Trump - 灭世尊。
Social media - 救世佛。

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