Saturday, February 24, 2018

Florida students take on NRA, set eyes on midterm elections

24 Feb 2018 08:30PM
Ricky Lim · 
In the week since 17 of David Hogg's classmates and teachers were gunned down in Florida, he and his fellow high schoolers have launched a movement that reshaped the gun control debate almost overnight and may influence the US midterm elections.
Staring boldly into TV cameras, Hogg and other students who survived the Feb 14 Parkland school massacre, have demanded lawmakers restrict gun sales and are targeting politicians funded by the pro-gun National Rifle Association (NRA) lobby.
They have taken to social media to urge peers to hold a National School Walkout on Mar 14 and converge on Washington ten days later for the "March For Our Lives.
"These teenagers have done the impossible," said Wolf, a member of the Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence. "And all it took was a group of angry children with the right message to slap some sense into somebody."
See when politicians are not doing its responsibility of protecting the lives and interests of the people, angry people can use social media to influence and change the situation.

The natural law - the Universal Law of Karma will take over - when human law is carrying out injustice.

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