Sunday, February 25, 2018

North Korea open to talks with the US: South Korea's presidential office

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

Think for the denuclearisation talk to progress and succeed, important to emphasize the following :-
(1) Security assurance that N Korea will not be attack. The same go for S Korea - to be assured that it will not be attacked.
Security and safety are paramount.

(2) Economic development, lifting of sanctions, business, investment etc --- can then be discussed in conjunction to denuclearisation talk.
Ricky Lim · 

N Korea should take the cue and solace from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos --- that it is possible to follow their footstep to emerge from isolation - and integrate successfully with the World whether economically, socially, politically, militarily --- without causing harm to their Government or People.

Ricky Lim · 

The Americans top delegate should just turn around and shake the hand of the N Korean top delegate to break the ice.

One shake of the hand - could have prevented a nuclear war that kill millions of people.

Whether people have the "big heart and big mind" 
to have this Wisdom to do just this "simple gesture".

Ricky Lim · 
26 Feb 2018 10pm Channel 8 news quoted S Korea source that "朝鲜有无核化意愿“。
(ie. N Korea is willing to denuclearise).

If this happen, my posting succeed.

Ya hoo!
Zen 禅 is great!

Ivanka Trump stands, claps for both North and South Korean Olympians at Closing Ceremony

 Ryan Young,Yahoo Sports 6 hours ago 

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