(Updated: )
South Korean MPs demand execution of North's Olympic delegate
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on:-
13 Feb 2018 06:41AM (Updated: 13 Feb 2018 07:35AM)
Ricky Lim ·
People should not throw a cold blanket and not give N Korea a chance to reconcile. World should encourage them, coax them to come forward positively and not clobber them.
It is not easy for a State in isolation to come out and integrate with the World.
Khmer Rouge with more tragic past, when given a chance by China and Asean has helped Cambodia to emerge and join ASEAN.
Likewise China, Vietnam and Laos also have difficult history - and given chance are able to emerge and now do much better with glory success.
13 Feb 2018 06:41AM (Updated: 13 Feb 2018 07:35AM)
Ricky Lim ·
People should not throw a cold blanket and not give N Korea a chance to reconcile. World should encourage them, coax them to come forward positively and not clobber them.
It is not easy for a State in isolation to come out and integrate with the World.
Khmer Rouge with more tragic past, when given a chance by China and Asean has helped Cambodia to emerge and join ASEAN.
Likewise China, Vietnam and Laos also have difficult history - and given chance are able to emerge and now do much better with glory success.
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Ricky Lim ·
(1) Khmer Rouge has unfortunate past history - where millions die in Cambodia.
But Cambodia has left behind the unfortunate past and join ASEAN - and now is in peace and prosper.
(2) Vietnam like Korea - have N Vietnam and S Vietnam fighting one another with hundred and thousands of death.
Like Cambodia, Vietnam has left behind the unfortunate past and join ASEAN - and now is in peace and prosper.
(3) China also have civil war, external war, revolution - that saw millions of death.
Now China is peaceful, economically strong and prosperous.
So if N Korea if given a chance to come out from isolation, walk on the path of denuclearisation - in exchange for Peace, Economic Development and World Integration ---- why not the World give them a chance, a path ?
(1) Khmer Rouge has unfortunate past history - where millions die in Cambodia.
But Cambodia has left behind the unfortunate past and join ASEAN - and now is in peace and prosper.
(2) Vietnam like Korea - have N Vietnam and S Vietnam fighting one another with hundred and thousands of death.
Like Cambodia, Vietnam has left behind the unfortunate past and join ASEAN - and now is in peace and prosper.
(3) China also have civil war, external war, revolution - that saw millions of death.
Now China is peaceful, economically strong and prosperous.
So if N Korea if given a chance to come out from isolation, walk on the path of denuclearisation - in exchange for Peace, Economic Development and World Integration ---- why not the World give them a chance, a path ?
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Ricky Lim ·
地藏王菩萨 - 菩提愿:-
If no chance (no yellow ribbon) is given for Beings to emerge from sufferings - how can Hell be empty?
地藏王菩萨 - 菩提愿:-
If no chance (no yellow ribbon) is given for Beings to emerge from sufferings - how can Hell be empty?
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Thadoe Htut ·
That is obviously the fault with geopolitics. In the end, everything is a puppet show on the old school Capitalist vs. Communist. Remember, the cold war isn't exactly over. The way is see it is the current era is merely a pause, fallout of the communist bloc and the dominance of a single world power, before that power also dillutes itself. Sooner or later this global stage is also going to come crashing down like rotten wood pillars. Nothing has changed, but the names and the facades representing the powers. I pray that day wouldn't come.
Ricky Lim ·
Thadoe Htut - Many Countries in the World has blurred the line of old school Capitalist (Market Economy) vs State-Planned Economy.
Russia, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc have already adopted Capitalism (Market Economy) - and integrate with the World. This economic integration alone - has lead to true integration with the World - and everyone's economy is at stake if conflict flare up between the old school of Capitalism vs Planned Economy.
Russia, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc have already adopted Capitalism (Market Economy) - and integrate with the World. This economic integration alone - has lead to true integration with the World - and everyone's economy is at stake if conflict flare up between the old school of Capitalism vs Planned Economy.
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Ricky Lim ·
In fact, Countries like Russia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia --- has some sort of democracy - where Government are elected.
China Government is not directly elected by the people, but they have a system to elect their Government - which is election within their Party.
So the political ideology between the 2 old schools --- will no longer contribute to the cause of big clash between the 2 old schools.
As can be seen, China and Russia both supported US initiative to on denuclearisation in Korean Peninsula.
But old fissures still do exist between the 2 old schools - even though there are communication, contacts, business between the 2 old schools.
But the fissures in terms of ideologies and economic principles are not wide - and unlikely to cause 2 schools to fight over it.
But geopolitical influence and power play - is the actual underlying issue that are causing some strains -- like US vs China, US vs Russia --- where traditionally US is the dorminant player.
The uprising of China is causing discomfort to US.
So diplomacy and business is vital to cushion - any conflict and confrontation.
China Government is not directly elected by the people, but they have a system to elect their Government - which is election within their Party.
So the political ideology between the 2 old schools --- will no longer contribute to the cause of big clash between the 2 old schools.
As can be seen, China and Russia both supported US initiative to on denuclearisation in Korean Peninsula.
But old fissures still do exist between the 2 old schools - even though there are communication, contacts, business between the 2 old schools.
But the fissures in terms of ideologies and economic principles are not wide - and unlikely to cause 2 schools to fight over it.
But geopolitical influence and power play - is the actual underlying issue that are causing some strains -- like US vs China, US vs Russia --- where traditionally US is the dorminant player.
The uprising of China is causing discomfort to US.
So diplomacy and business is vital to cushion - any conflict and confrontation.
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Ricky Lim ·
In the past, we have Elder Statesman like Mr Lee KY to talk about World issues - and his insightful views are valued by World Leaders.
Now Mr Lee KY has left us ---- we will have to rely on collective views through media, social media - to provide insightful views that hopefully are helpful to prevent conflicts from flaring up.
Now Mr Lee KY has left us ---- we will have to rely on collective views through media, social media - to provide insightful views that hopefully are helpful to prevent conflicts from flaring up.
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Ricky Lim ·
And denuclearisation of Korean Peninsula --- is the single most critical issue that must be handle carefully between S Korea, US, Japan, China, Russia vs N Korea ---- because potentially it can flare up - and result in a nuclear war - where its destructive consequences will be beyond any humanity can handle.
(1) Nuclear contamination can spread 3,000 km to beyond radius wide.
(2) Nuclear atmospheric explosion can knock out all electrical plants, water plants, kill food source --- and all humans can perish within 7 days - without food, water and electricity.
The consequences are unimagineable --- if they are not managed carefully.
Now, there is some "silver lining" arising (a vital "window period") --- and it is important the politicians can take advantage of it and handle the denuclearisation carefully.
People with good insights can help to contribute "solutiuons" that can be accepted by both parties - which hopefully can help to break the impasse.
(1) Nuclear contamination can spread 3,000 km to beyond radius wide.
(2) Nuclear atmospheric explosion can knock out all electrical plants, water plants, kill food source --- and all humans can perish within 7 days - without food, water and electricity.
The consequences are unimagineable --- if they are not managed carefully.
Now, there is some "silver lining" arising (a vital "window period") --- and it is important the politicians can take advantage of it and handle the denuclearisation carefully.
People with good insights can help to contribute "solutiuons" that can be accepted by both parties - which hopefully can help to break the impasse.
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Ricky Lim ·
If US, S Korea vs N Korea (plus others like China, Japan and Russia) ---- are unable to handle this "silver lining", this "window period" well) ----- what comes later in this few months ---- can be "unimagineable" ---- where "all hell can break loose" ---- and all humanity can perish ---- if it turn out to be a "nuclear winter".
(1) Asia Pacific and US may perish first.
(2) Subsequently "nuclear winter" may cover the whole Earth --- and all humanity may perish with it.
However, if the Korean denuclearisation issue is handle well ------ denuclearisation may become possible --- and N Korea for the 1st time may follow the footstep of China, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos ---- to integrate with the World "seamlessly" --- and benefit from the Peace, Economic Development and the subsequent prosperity ---- like anyone else.
So this "window period" ---- is very vital to "Humanity" and should be handle "very carefully".
(1) Asia Pacific and US may perish first.
(2) Subsequently "nuclear winter" may cover the whole Earth --- and all humanity may perish with it.
However, if the Korean denuclearisation issue is handle well ------ denuclearisation may become possible --- and N Korea for the 1st time may follow the footstep of China, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos ---- to integrate with the World "seamlessly" --- and benefit from the Peace, Economic Development and the subsequent prosperity ---- like anyone else.
So this "window period" ---- is very vital to "Humanity" and should be handle "very carefully".
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