何谓禅 ;禅直指以心。
有人说,禅是洞 - 禅是个无底的洞。
有人说,禅是山 - 禅是个看不到顶的山。
有人说,禅是天 - 禅是个无穷无限无极的天 - 超越了宇宙。
禅发挥到登峰造极,淋漓尽致时 能:-
- 自度圆满
- 家事圆满
- 国家事务圆满
- 世界事务圆满
- 宇宙事务圆满
禅的核心是什么 - 是 “无我”,“大舍”。
俗家说:人活着是为了 “吃喝拉撒”。
佛家说:人活着是为了 “行住坐卧“。
禅就是法 - 来圆满 宇宙,世界,国家,家事,自身 - 所以人才能 圆满 的 “吃喝拉撒”,“行住坐卧“。
禅是空 - ”0“,
What is Zen - Zen "Point straight to the Heart".
(When eyes have not yet see, Heart has already see).
Someone say, Zen is a hole - Zen is a hole that is a bottomless pit.
Someone say, Zen is a mountain - Zen is a mountain that is unable to see the peak.
Someone say, Zen is the heaven - Zen is a heaven that is infinite, boundless, borderless that go beyond the Universe.
Zen when manifest to its maximum will bring about :-
(1) Self Salvation
(2) Home Salvation
(3) Nation Salvation
(4) World Salvation
(5) Universe Salvation
What is the core attribute of Zen - it is "No-Self", "Selfless".
(When eyes have not yet see, Heart has already see).
Someone say, Zen is a hole - Zen is a hole that is a bottomless pit.
Someone say, Zen is a mountain - Zen is a mountain that is unable to see the peak.
Someone say, Zen is the heaven - Zen is a heaven that is infinite, boundless, borderless that go beyond the Universe.
Zen when manifest to its maximum will bring about :-
(1) Self Salvation
(2) Home Salvation
(3) Nation Salvation
(4) World Salvation
(5) Universe Salvation
What is the core attribute of Zen - it is "No-Self", "Selfless".
Layman say: Human live because of "eat, drink, shit, spit".
Buddhist say: Human live because of "travel, live, sit, sleep".
Zen is Dharma (Universal Truth) - to bring Salvation of Universe, World, Nation, Home, Self - so that Human can "eat, drink, shit, spit"; "travel, live, sit, sleep" in peace.
Else if Universe is not in peace, how will the World in peace?
If World is not in peace, how will the Nation in peace?
If Nation is not in peace, how will our Home in peace?
If Home is not in peace, how will Self be in peace?
The symbol representation of Zen is "0" or
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